名著读后感范文 名著读后感范文600字初二

卡尔顿高习 2024-07-03 09:50 1


To Mulan, the greatest sorrow is the losing of her lovely daughter and beloved father. Daughter is the continuation of her life and hope. Just as parents can sacrif their all for children, few of them could bear the pain of losing children. Also, the suffering of parents' passing away is bearable. Mr Yao, Mulan's father, is not only her senior,but also her friend. Mr Yao teaches Mulan knowledge and many other aspects of being a good person. His eldest daughter Mulan is his fourite. He is quite proud of her, so is Mulan. As a result, father's death causes Mulan to think about many things and let her realize the meaning of life anew.

After Reading Moment in Peking

名著读后感范文 名著读后感范文600字初二名著读后感范文 名著读后感范文600字初二

Moment in Peking, a piece by Lin Yutang, is famous all around the world. Lin Yutang was born in the town of Banzi in Zhangzhou Fujian province in southeastern Chian on Oct.10, 1895. He was a Chinese writer and inventor. His rmal but polished style in both Chinese and English made him one of the most influential writers of his generation, and his compilations and translations of classic Chinese texts into English were best-sellers in the west. He was very active in the popularization of classical Chinese literature in the west, as well as the general Chinese attitude towards life. After 1928, Lin lived mainly in the United States, where his translations of Chinese texts remained popular for many years. He also wrote My Country and My People and The Importance of Living, written in English in a charming and witty style, which became best-sellers. Others include Between Tears and Laughter, The Importance of Understanding ,The Chinese Theory of Art, and the novels Moment in Peking and The Vermillion Gate,Chinese-English Dictionary of Modern Usage.

In Moment in Peking, by describing the rise and fall of the three large families in Pecking,Lin shows us the history of the period between 1900 and 1936, and Chinese peoples' brely fighting for our country. Related to many real person and things, Moment in Peking presents us the social life of that time, which s foreigners who look down upon China because of their lack of knowledge to know the real Chinese society and culture.

There are more than eighty people in the book, among them I like Yao Mulan most. She is onThe book I read was published in 2005 by Foreign Language Teaching And Research Press, which has 678 pages.e of the most famous girls in Peking at that time because of her uncommon brilliance. Born clr and educated well are both her aantages over others, which also make her bre, independent and wise.

To some extent, Mulan has some special feelings toward Lifu. On the other hand, Mulan is more luckily married than many or most of other people. She has nr really made love to Lifu, and she goes into her marriage with a clear conscience. Sunya loves her, she knows, and there is no question that she would love her huand after she marries him. Such love would he no insomnia in it; it is the natural condition of two normal young people of opite paying each other the unique compliment of giving their lives to each other as companions for the future. Although Sunya loves a young beautiful lady at the later time, he lives with Mulan at last and forr.

After reading this book, I am deeply attracted by Mulan. Meanwhile, I'm quite confused that wher there really exists a perfect woman like her, especially in the modern society. Now, we are living in an economic world, and money is becoming more and more important. Many people think that girls in recent time are more realistic. Instead of Mulan's wish of living a family life, nowadays girls hope that they'd better be born rich and beautiful, and could get rything without taking any effort. It is a prejud to great degree, but we must admit that it is true to some extent. Everyone in the world has his or her own belief, so as Mulan.

In the end of the book, as the scene changes for Mulan, soming inside her also changes. She loses all sense of space and direction, loses n the sense of her personal identity, and feels that she has become one of the common people as she has so often wished to belong to. She belis the conquest of the ego through human contact with great company of men, women and children, which her father has achid by sheering contemplation.

I'm glad to see the ending which seems to be the best one, and think about it again and again. Maybe soming in it are not suitable for our society now, but it is really worth reading and thinking. It makes me he a good knowledge of the society at that time and also a deep thinking about my own life. Although I hen't found my own way now,but as I become more mature, my style is around the corner.


,浙江文艺社的《外国文学名著赏析词典》很好,从看梗概和 书评 入手,了解名著的伟大之处,找到兴趣点,也不失为读书的一种方法。

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