听一下关于高考的信件英文 高考英文写信

卡尔顿高习 2024-07-06 09:52 1


听一下关于高考的信件英文 高考英文写信听一下关于高考的信件英文 高考英文写信

听一下关于高考的信件英文 高考英文写信

听一下关于高考的信件英文 高考英文写信

1、高考英语作文邀请信未来的自己是怎样的呢?现在的你有啥话想对未来的自己说呢?快用英语给自己的未来写一封信,下面我整理了写一封给未来自己的信英文版,供您参阅!给未来自己的一封信英文版 范文 篇一Future me:Hello,I am so glad to write a letter to you.Can you l me what I am like in the future.I am so want to know it.Do you know?I he a dream from childhood,that is I want to do a oucast and trvel around the world,do I come true it?I am so so shy,so I can't talk with stranger and I am bad at social intercourse .If you because of this and he a bad life,I am so sorry.please l me,I will try my best to change it.I he so much want to l you ,but I don't know where to start.Above all,I will live seriously to make you he a good life.Also,you must live seriously also,don't be lazy,Ok?If your life embarrassed,life is very hard,don't give up,Insist on our dreams,live well.If we do that,I beli in my future my dream will be realized.past youAugust 29th 20xxoutcast:流浪人 social intercourse :交际embarrassed 窘迫的 Insist on 坚持给未来的我一封信未来的我:可以告诉我你现在过得怎么样吗?我很想知道.你知道吗?我从小就有个梦想,那就是做一个流浪人,可以游遍全世界.我实现他了吗?我很害羞,我不敢和陌生人说话,所以,我不擅长社交.如果你因此有一个坏生活,我很抱歉,你可以告诉我,我会尽全力改变它.我有很多话想告诉你,但却不知从何开口,总之,我会很认真的生活,让你有一个好生活,但是,如果你有好日子,也要好好生活,不可以偷懒,可以吗?如果你的生活很窘迫,生活很艰难,不要放弃,要坚持我们的梦想,好好的生活下去.如果我们都这样做,我相信在我的未来我的梦想一定能够实现.过去的你20xx年8月29日给未来自己的一封信英文版范文篇二A Letter to MyselfDear Shellva:How are yoecently? I heard that you are in depression for some time. What’s wrong? You are ill or you are confronted with troubles? More or less, you can l me whatr you are worried about now. I’m always your loyal listener! On daily life, you are universally accepted that you are humorous and facetious, and to your relief, you are dutiful, which means that you perform the role perfectly. When friends play jokes with you, you ile, although you are uncomfortable with the words; When friends laugh at your foolishness, you ile, although you he already been ashamed of your silly act and what you need at that time is comfort. When ry time you get the jest from others, what you do and what you usually do is just iling, iling, and iling again! You are on sea. You don’t know how to balance others’ feel and your own feel. You care others’ views too much. You don’t want to be thought as mean girl, so you hide your true feel deeply! You also want to change the situation but in vain. Often you think you are too flabby, you are easy to give in to others. Surely you dislike yourself like this. But what can you do. Maybe except becoming stronger you can do nothing.In fact, ryone around us lives the life wearing masks. Smiling looks wonderful compared with indifference. So, why not? I will continue to be iling fool and lead this friendly lifestyle!给未来自己的一封信英文版范文篇三A Letter To MyselfI‘ll be in the second semester of Senior Two in the high school soon, which means I will sit for the College Entrance Examination in about a year time. If I want to obtain a good academic performance in the final exam, I’ll he to behe well. Therefore, I need to set a plan for this pure. First, I he to study hard and carefully to get higher marks in each test. Next, I he to learn to take care of myself. Then I he to ma my own time. Last but not the least, I he to know how to make more new friends. I'll work hard to do so.译文:我马上就要步入高二的下学期了,这就意味着来年我将要参加高考。





6、xxx1.年月日给未来自己的一封信英文版范文篇四When you look back on yourself in the past – 10, 20, 30 or more years ago – it’s surprising to see how much you he changed over time. Your experiences, your friends, your family and your work he all shaped who you are right now. But where will you be in another few years? How will you he changed? Reflective writing in your journal is an excellent way to think about what you want out of the future.当你10年、20年或更多年后回顾过去时,你会吃惊地发现,随着时光的流逝,你也发生了很大的变化。


8、但是再过几年你会在哪里呢?你会如何变化呢?这样 反思 性的写作,会是思考未来你想要什么的一种好的方式。

9、You may he already written a letter to your younger self before, conveying all the wisdom and perspective you wish you had had at the time. Now consider the opite end of the spectrum; what would you say if you wrote your future self a letter?你也许以前试过给过去的自己写信,向年轻时的自己传授一些人生的智慧和观点,你希望那时候的自己就能知道这些。

10、现在我们换个角度看问题,如果让你给未来的自己写封信,你会写点什么?Just imagine writing a letter to your future self 5 years from now, then opening it at that exact moment 5 years down the road to see how much of it resonated with you. It is a useful supplementary tool to be used in goal achiment, because when you write the letter to your future self, it s crystallize exactly how you anticipate yourself to become at that specific moment down the road.想象一下,给5年后的自己写一封信,当5年后你打开那封信时,你会产生多少共鸣。


12、As yoead the letter in the future, you can assess how many things match up (or not) vs. your expectations in the past an7. As a popular saying goes, “….”俗话说得好….例如:As a popular saying goes, “Actions speak louder than words.” 俗话说,事实胜于雄辩。

13、d think about why that’s the case. Often times, the goals we set and our goal achiment process are subjected to a lot of changes along the way, due to varying obstacles, unanticipated circumstances and changing priorities. The letter gives you a macro-view of your initial vision and lets yoecognize how your current vision differs from the past.当你在未来读这封信时,你可以看看有多少事情是像你过去期望的那样,你也会思考为什么会这样。



16、When you open the letter in the future, you as your future self gets to compare how you used to be in the past and compare with how you are currently. This lets you see in totality how much things he changed since then – and this can be a really intriguing experience. It’s interesting to just see how much you he grown/changed since you wrote the letter.当你以后看信时,你会把过去的自己和现在的自己进行比较。



19、xxx年月日1. 写给某人的一封信英文范文2. 给未来的我一封信英语版3. 给未来的自己写信英文4. 给某人写一封信英文范文5. 给某人写一封信英语范文。


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