竹子用英语怎么说 它喜欢吃竹子用英语怎么说

卡尔顿高习 2024-07-06 09:51 1


竹子用英语怎么说 它喜欢吃竹子用英语怎么说竹子用英语怎么说 它喜欢吃竹子用英语怎么说

竹子用英语怎么说 它喜欢吃竹子用英语怎么说

1、Bamboo1. 写一篇关于bamboo(竹)的英语作文 Distributed in the subtropical area, also called bamboo or bamboo.He low grass, and has a high like a tree.Usually by underground roots of creeping into growth.Can also through the flower seed breeding, and its seeds are called bamboo r.For perennial plants.There are some kinds of bamboo shoots are edible.For, grow quickly tall grass plants, the stem is wooden.Distributed in tropical and sub-tropical to warm temperate regions, east Asia, southeast Asia and the Pacific and Indian Ocean islands are concentrated, the most the most species.Bamboo pole tall, slender, the four seasons green, ling proud frost rain, much of the Chinese people's love, there are "chrysanthemum patterns" four gentlemen, "mei shochiku" poetic age of reputation.China's ancient and modern scholars, many love bamboo recite bamboo.Although the bamboo is the fastest-growing plant on Earth, it looks lazy at first because there is no branching … just growing lots of deep and wide roots.Chinese chopsticks are mostly of bamboo, but today there are more and more wooden ones and plastic ones. As you know, wild pandas eat only bamboo, so to se them, we he to se the forests they live in.。

2、really a kind of grass.2. 写竹子英语超短文are a group of perennial rgreenthe true grass family Poaceae,subfamily Bambusoideaeten kilos of bamboo, tribe Bambuseae. Giantbamboosare the largest members of the grass family.In bamboo, wheat and other grasses, the internodal regions of the plantstem are hollow, but the vascular bundles, as seen in crosssection, are scattered throughout the stem instead of in a cylindricalarrangement.Almost ryone has seen bamboo. Bamboo grows up straight and thin,with branches at the top. It has long lees.It looks like a tree, but it isSome grow over ten meters tall, and some are only a few inehes tall. Bamboogrows best in places where it is warm and it rains often.The long stem ofbamboo is hollow, which makes them light and strong.People use it to buildhouses and bridges over rivers. It can be used to make tables,chairs, basketsof bamboo are tasty. People like to eat them.Do you like bamboo?竹子几平每个人都见过竹予。





7、你喜欢竹子吗?4. 竹子的用途英文介绍200词Bamboo are a group of perennial rgreen (except for certain temperate species) plants in the true grass family Poaceae,subfamily Bambusoideae,tribe Bambuseae.Giant bamboos are the largest members of the grass family.In bamboo,wheat and other grasses,the internodal regions of the plant stem are hollow,but the vascular bundles,as seen in cross section,are scattered throughout the stem instead of in a cylindrical arrangement.。

8、5. 写一篇关于不同文化的英语作文,孔雀,蝙蝠,竹子在中方文化中和西龙(dragon) 是中西方文化神话传说中的动物。


10、在封建, 龙是帝王的象征, 历代都把自己称为“真龙天子”。

11、人们若想用英语表达汉语中的“龙”这一概念, 将其译成the Chinese dragon。

12、如“四小龙”可译成“Four tigers”, 而不是“Four dragons”, 以免引起误解。

13、6. 一篇英语作文写竹海的带翻译导演张艺某执导的武侠巨片《十面埋伏》在国内的外景地就选在此。

14、"Bamboo" as the name implies, is more like the sea of bamboo. First heard the name, many beauty will arise spontaneously.Before, I enjoyed the beautiful scenery of the Bamboo Sea on evision, but this time I want to see is located in Chongqing City, 2 kilometers north of YongchuanDasan Zhuhai, also known as Ji Shan bamboo. The famous director Zhang YiMou's martial arts epic "house of Flying Daggers" is the only location in China it was chosen in this.望采纳。


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