
卡尔顿高习 2024-07-06 09:52 1



1、see do sth 看见某人做过某事,



I often see him draw a picture.

2、 see doing sth 看见某人正在做某事。

When I pass the window I see him drawing a picture.

3、 be seen to do ,用于被动语态还原to

He is seen to draw a picture.


英 [si] 美 [si]


vt. 看见;理解;领会

vi. 看;看见梼;领会

n. (See)人名;(英)西伊;(柬)塞;牰(德)泽


see soming in someone 看中(或喜欢)某人的某个方面

see things 发生幻觉;见神见

see的 in 带领……进去

see for oneself 亲眼看;自己去看

see a lot of 经常和…在一起;经常见到 , 与…经常交往,常见到(某人或某物)


1、See if you can go with us.


2、Reckon up all your money and see if you he enou魑gh.


3、You he only to look around to see the prosperity of the district.


4、We mus闳t see what can be done.


5、I seem to see someone going into my house.



1) 媸看见,看到.例句:What do y敕ou see?你看见什么?

2)目睹,经历.例句:He has seen a lot in his life.他一生见多识广(阅历丰富).

3)遇见,见到.例句:It` s a long time since I saw you夿 last.好久不见了.

4)会见,约见,看望,访问.例句:I ` ll see Thomas about it.我要见托马斯和他谈谈.

5)观看,参观,游览.例句吜:He has gone to Italy to see Rome.他到意大利去参观游览罗马.

see the sights 游览,观光.

6)注意到,看到.例句:He you seen what there today锕`s ?你看了今天的报了吗?

7)当心,注意,留神,务必使,一定设法,考虑,陪送.例句:See that the door is fastened before you go to bed.临睡前,你务必把门闩好.

see .off为某人送行

see about sth.or .查询,查看,留意于,想,考虑,注意,负责弄到.

see after sth.or .照料,照应,照顾.

see over sth.仔细察看.

see into sth.调查了解(性质)

8)领会,理解,明白,懂得,认为,发现,看出,知道.袤例句:I don` t see why he doesn`t come.我不明白他为什么来.

9)看看,查看.例句:Go and see wher Mr.Green is here.去看看格林先生来了没有?

see for oneself自 媸己看,亲眼看.

10)想,考虑.例句:Now,then,let` s see.那么,让我们see考虑一下.

11)鉴于,由于什么缘故.例句:Seeing he refused to us,there` s no reason why we should now him.由于他曾拒绝我们,现在我们没有理由非要帮助他不可.


1、see do sth 看见某人做过某事,

I often see him draw a pi魉cture.

2、 see doing sth 看见某人正在做某事。坻

When I pass the window I see him drawing a picture.

3、 be seen to do ,用于被动语态还原to

He is seen to draw a picture.


英 [si] 美 [si]


vt. 看见;理解;领会

vi. 看;看见;领会

n. (See)人名;(英)西伊;(柬)塞;(德)泽


see soming in someone 殠看中(或喜欢)某人的某个方面

see鸠 things 发生幻觉;见神见

see in 带领……进去

see for oneself 亲眼看;自己去看

see a lot of 经常和…在一起;经常见到 , 与…经常交往,常见到(某人或某物)


1、See if you can go with us.


2、Reckon up all your money an 雠d see if you he enough.


3、You he only to look around to see the prosperity of the district.


4、We must see what can be done.


5、I seem to see someone going into 瘛my house.



1)看见,看到.例句:腌What do you see?你看见什么?

2)目睹,经历.例句:He has seen a lot in his life.他一生见多识广(阅历丰富).

3)遇见,见到.例句:It` s a long time since I saw you last敕.好久不见了.

4)会见,约见,看望,访问.例句:I ` ll see Thomas about it.我要见托马斯和他谈谈.

5蜯)观看,参观紬,游览.例句:He has gone to Italy to see Rom峯e.他到意大利去参观游览罗马.

see幚 the sights 游览,观光.

6)注意到,看到.例句:He you seen what there today`s ?搭配你看了今天的报了吗?

7)当心,注意,留神,务必使,一定设法,考虑,陪送.例句:See that the door is fastened before you go to bed.临睡鳝前,你务必把门闩好.

see .off为某人送行

see about sth.or 驺.查询,查看,留意于,想,考虑,注意,负责弄到.

see after sth.or .照料,照应,照顾.

see over sth.仔细察看.

see into sth.调查了解(性质)

8)领会,理解,明白,懂得,认为,发现,看出,知道.例句:I don` t see why he doesn`t come.我不明白他为什么来.

9)看看,查看.例句:Go and see wher Mr.Green is here.去看看格林先生来了俦没胄有?

see for oneself自己看,亲眼看.

10)想,考虑.例句:Now,then,let` s see.那么,让我们考虑一下.

11)鉴于,由于什么缘故.例句:Seeing he refused to us,there` s no reason why we should now him.由于他曾拒绝我们,现在我们没有理由非要帮助他不可.

see的使用方法:1.看到; 收看, 拜见, 看得见, 看, 有眼光;2.领悟, 了解;3.思考,想一砥想

see doing sth表明看的时候正在做的行为;

see do sth表明看的时候喌把另一方的整个行为都看完了。 扩展资料 篪 I looked around, but saw nobody.

我环顾了一下周围, 但是没有看到所有人。

I see, you are on lee.

我懂了, 你是在休。

Can you see my point?


Let me see, what date are theseey lei锕ng?

要我想一想, 他们方案哪些时候出发?


1、see do sth 看见某人做过某事,

I often see him draw a picture.

2、 see doing sth 看见某人正在做某事。

When I pass the 用法window I see him drawing a picture.

3、吜 be seen to do ,用于被动语态还原to

He is seen to draw a picture.


英 [si] 美 [si]


vt. 看见;理解;领会

vi. 看;看见;领会

n. (See)人名;(英)西伊怞;(柬)塞;(德)泽


see soming炿 in someone 看中(或喜欢)某人的某个方面

see things 发生幻觉;见神见

see in 带领……进去

see for oneself 亲眼看鸱;自己去看

see a lot of 经常和…在一起;经常见到 , 与…经常交往,常见到(某人或某物)


1、See if you can go with us.


2、Reckon up all your money and see if you he enough.


3、You he only to look around to see the prosperity of the district.


4、We must see what 篪can be done.


5、I seem to see someone going into my house.



1)看见,看到.例句:What do you see?你看见什么?

2)目睹,经历.例句:He has seen a lot in his life.他一生见多识广(阅历丰富).

3)遇见,见到.例句:It` s a long time since I saw you last.好久不见了.亜

4)会见,约见,看望,访问.例句:I ` ll see Thomas about it.我要见托马斯和他谈谈.

5)观看,参观,游览.例句:He h牰as gone to Italy to see Rome.他到意大利去参观游览罗马.

see the sights 游览,观晷光.

6)注意到,看到.例句:He you seen what there today`s ?你看了今天的报了吗?

7)当心,注意,留神,务必使,一定设法,考虑,陪送.例句:See 侴 tha镬t菗 the door is fastened竑 before you go to bed.临睡前,你务必把门闩好.

see .off为某人送行

see about sth.or .查询,查看,留意于,想,考虑,注意,负责弄到.

see after sth.or .照料,照应,照顾.

see over sth.仔细察看.

see into sth.调查了解(性质)

8)领会,理解,明白,懂得,认为,发现,看出,知道.例句:I don` t see why he doesn`t come.我不明白他为什么来.

9)看看,查看.例句:Go and see wher Mr.Green is here.去看看格林先生来了没有?

see for oneself自己看,亲眼看.

10)想,考虑.例句:Now,then,let` s see.那么,让我们考虑一下.

11)鉴于,由于什么缘故.例句:Seei 峁ng he refused to us,there` s no reason why we sho砾uld now him.由于他曾拒绝我们,现在我们没有理由非要帮助他不可.

see的使用方法:1.看到; 收看, 拜见, 看得见, 看, 有眼光;2.领悟, 了解;3.思考,想一想

see doing sth表明看的时候正在做的行为;

see do sth表明看的时候把另一方的整个行为都看完了。 扩展资料 I looked around, but saw nobody.

我环顾了一下周围, 但是没有看到所有人。

I see, you are on lee.

我懂了, 你是在休。

Can you see my point?


Let me see, what date ar藿e they leing?

要我想一想, 他们方案哪些时候出发?鸠


1. See to 意为“负责、照看、料理”等。

通常用于带有保姆、看护、修理、检查、审查等含义袤的工作任务,强调完成任务的和义务。例如:“Could you see to the mail while I’m away?”(你能在我不在时帮我处理邮件吗?)

2. See off意为“为某人送行”。

通常用于长途旅行、离别的场合。例如:“I saw off my best frien 侴d 籀at the airport。”(我在机场为我的朋友送行。)

3. See thr搭配ough意为“透过、看穿、识破”。

主要用于描述人或事物的真相、底细、欺或阴谋等,强调看穿事物表象背后的本质。例黐如:“I see through you. You 和cannot deceive me.”丒(我看透了你,你无法欺我。)

4. See over意为“巡视、参观、视察”。

主要用于参观建筑物、景点等大型场所或机构。例如酬:“We 炿were㤘 lucky enough to be able to荭 see over the cathedral.”(我们很幸运能够参观大教堂。)

5. See about/see to it意为“负责、谋划、办妥”。

主要用于规划、组织、安排等工作任务。例如:“Can you please see about organizing the company picnic?”(您能负责组织羴公司郊游吗?)“I’ll see to it that the report is finished by tomorrow.”(我会负责确保报告在明天之前完成。)

6. See beyond意为“超越、看到表象背后的道理”。

此用法较为抽象,通常用于哲学或心理方面的讨论。例如:“The goal of life 咮is to see beyond the suce of things and reach a deeper understanding.”(人生的目的在于看到事物表面背后的本质并实现更深层次的理解。)

7. See eye to eye意为“共同看法一致、意见一致”。

主要用于形容两人或多人对问题、看法、观点等具有相似的立场和态度。例如:“We saw eye to eye o懋n most issues.”(我们在竑大多数问题上意见一致。)

see的基本意思是指一般视觉意义上的“看见”,也可指有意识地“观察”,引申可表示由观察而“领会”“理解”。see还有“访问”“考虑”“务 峁必做到”“保证”“发生”“经历”等意思。

扩展资料 see既可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,可螭接名词、代词、带疑问词的动词不定式、that从句或由疑问词的从句作宾语。有时也可接与see不同形的同源宾语。

“see+量词+of”表示看见某人的频率。see more of 是固定习语,意为“较多地见到”, more可换用little, quite a lot, much less, a great deal等表示相应的绉意义。


see接现在分词或动词不定式构成复合宾语时,现在分词表示宾语的一个主动、正在怞执行的动作(多是目前的'峯事情),有时也可表示某动作过程的一部分,还可表示状态; 而动词不定式则侧重一个完整的过程(多是指过去的事情),表示一个。see接以动词的过去分词充当补足语的复合宾语时,表状态,含有被动意义。


see表示“看见”时,为表知觉的动词,通常不用一般现在时态或进行时态,而常常用 can see和 夿could see来表示“(当时)看到”。作“会见”“送”解固定时,可用进行体。


I'll s懤ee you in the new year.


What is it you want to see me about?


You used to see a lot of her, didn't you?



1、see do st坻h 看见某人做过某事,

I often see him draw a picture.

2、 see doing sth 看见某人正在做某事。

When I pass the window I see him drawing a picture.

3、 be seen to do ,用于被动语态还原to

He is seen to腌 draw a picture.


英 [si] 美 [si]


vt. 看见;理解;领会

vi. 看;看见;领会

n. (See)人名;(英)西伊;(柬)塞;(德)泽


see soming in someone 看中(或喜欢)某人的某个方面

see things 发生幻觉;见神见

see in 带领……进去

see for oneself 亲眼看;自己去看

see a lot of 经常和…在一起;经常见到 , 与…经常交往,常见到(某人或某物)


1、See if you can go with us.


2、Reckon up all your money 晷and se砥e if you he enough.


3、You he onl喌y to look around to see the prosperity of the district.


4、踌We must see what 魍can be done.


5、I seem to see someon褫e going into my house.



1、see do sth 紬看见某人做过某事,

I often see镬 him draw a picture.

2、 see doing sth 看见某人正在做某事。

When I pass the win 砺dow I see him drawing a pictu踌re.

3、 be seen to do ,用于被动语态还原to

He is seen to draw a picture.


英 [si] 美 [si]


vt. 看见;理解;领会

vi. 看;看的见;领会

n. (See)人名;(英)西伊;(柬)塞;(德)泽


see s俦oming in someone 看中(或喜欢)某人的某个方面

see thing豁s 发生幻觉;见神见

see in 带领……进去

see for oneself 亲眼看;自己去看

see a lot of 经常和see…在一起;经常见到 , 与畴…经常交往,常见到(某人或某物)


1、See if you can go with us.


2、Reckon up all your money and see if you he enough.


3、You he only to look around to see the prosperity of the district.


4、We must see what can be done.


5、I seem to see someone going into my house.



1)看见,看到.例句:What do you see?你看见什么?

2)目睹,经历.例句:He has seen a lot in his life.他一生啻见多识广(阅历丰富).

3)遇见,见到.例句:It` s a long time since I saw you last.好久不见了.

4)会见,约见,看望,访问.例句:I ` ll see 嚟Thomas about it.搭配我要见托马斯和他谈谈.

5)观看,参观,游览.例句:He has gone to Italy to see Rome.他到意大利去参观游览罗马.

see薨 the sights 游览,观光.

6)注意到,看到.例句:He you seen what there today`s 固定?你看了今天的报了吗?

7)当心,注意,留神,务必使,一定设法,考虑,陪送.例句:See that the door is fastened before you go to bed.临睡前,你务必把门闩好.

s用法ee .off为某人送行

see about sth.or .查询,查看,留意于,想,考虑,注意,负责弄到.

see after sth.or .照料,照应,照顾.

see over sth.仔细察看.

see into sth.调查了解(性质)

8)领会,理解,明白,懂得,认为,发现,看出,知道.例句:砾I don` t see why he doesn`t come.我不明白他为什么来.

9)看看,查看.例句:Go and see wher Mr.Green is here.去看看格林先生来了没有?

see for oneself自己看,亲眼看.

10)想,考虑.例句:Now,then,let` 瞓 s俦 see.那么,让我们考虑一固定下.

11)黐鉴于,由于什么缘故.例句:Seeing he refused to us,there` s no reason why we should now him.由于他和曾拒绝我们,现在我们没有理由非要帮助他不可.

see的使用方偢法:1.看到; 收看, 拜见, 看得见, 看, 有眼光;2.领悟, 了解;3.思考,想一想

see doing sth表明看的时候正在做的行为;

see do sth表明看的时候把另一方的整个行为都看完了。 扩展资料 I looked around, but saw nobody.

我环顾了一下周围, 但是雠没有看到所有人。

I see, you are on lee.

我懂了, 你是在休。

Can you绉 see my point?


Let me see, what date are they leing?

要我想一想, 他们方案哪些时候出发?


1. See to幚 意为“负责、照看、料理”等。

通常用于带有保姆、看护、修理、检查、审查等含义的魍工作任务,强调完成任务的和义务。例如:“Could 瘛you see to the mail while I’m away?”(你能在我不在时帮我处理邮件吗?)

2. See off意为“为某人送行”。

通常用于长途旅行、离别的场合。例如:“I saw off my best friend at the airport。”(我在机场为我的朋友送行。)

3敕. See through意为“ 骤透过、看穿、识搒破”。

主要用于描述人或事物的真相、底细、欺或阴谋等,强调看穿事物表象背后的本质。例如:“I see through you. You cannot deceive me.”(我看透了你,你无法欺我。)

4. See over意为“巡视、参观、视察”。

主要用于参观建筑物、景点等大型场所或机构。例豁如:“We were lucky enough to be able to see over the cathedral.”(我们很幸运能够参观大教堂。)

5. See about/see to it意为“负责、谋划、办妥”。

主要用于规划、组织、安排等锕工作任务。例如:“Can you please see abo丒ut organizing the company picnic?”(您能负责组织公司郊游吗?)“I’歯ll see to it that the report is finished by tomorrow.”(我会负责确保报告在明天羴之前完成。)

6. See beyond意为“超越、看到表象背后的道疝理”。

此用法较为抽象,通常用于哲学或心理方面的讨论。例如:“The goal of life is咮 to see beyond the suce of things and reach a deeper understanding.”(人生的目的在于看到事物表面背后的本质并实现更深层次的理解。)

7. See eye to eye意为“共同看法一致、意见一致”。

主要用于形容两人或多人对问题、看法、观点等具有相似的立场和态度。例如:“We 鳝saw eye to eye on most issues.”(我们在大多数问题上意见一致。)


1、see do sth 看见某人做过某事,

I often see him draw a picture.

2、 see嚟 doing st篪h 看见某人正在做某事。

When I pass the window I see him drawing a picture.

3、 be seen to do ,用于被动语态还原to

He is s敕een to draw a picture.


英 [si] 美 [si]


vt. 看见;理解;领会

vi. 看;看见;领会

n. (See)人名;(英)西伊;see(柬)塞;(德)泽


see somi呪ng in someone 看中(或喜欢)某人的某个方面

see things 发生幻觉;见神见

see in 带领……进去

see for oneself 亲眼看;自己去看

see a lot of 经常和…在一起;经常见到 , 与…经常交往,常见到(某人或某物)


1、See if you can go with us.


2、Reckon up all your money and see if you 酬he enough.


3、You he only to look around to s嗤ee the prosperity of the district.


4、We must see what can be d魑one.


5、I seem to see someone going into my house.



1)看见,看到.例句:What do you see?你看见什么?

2)目睹,经历.例句:He has seen懤 a lot in his life.他一生见多识广(阅历丰富).

3)遇见,见到.例句:It` 鸱s a long time since I saw you last.好久不见了.

4)会见,约见,看望,访问.例句:I ` ll see Thomas about it.我要见托马斯和他谈谈.

5)观看,参观,游览.例句:He has gone to Italy to see Rome.他到意大利去参观游览罗马.

see the sights 游览,观光.

6)注意到,看到.例句:He you seen what there tod固定ay`s ?你看了今天的报了吗?

7)当心,注意,留神,务必使,一定设法,考虑,陪送.例句:See that the歯 door is fastened before you go to bed.临睡前,你务必把门闩好.

see .off为某人送行

see about sth.or .查询,查看,啻留意于,想,考虑,注意,负责弄到.

see after sth.or .照料伬,照应,照顾.

see over sth.仔细察看.

see into sth.调查了解(性质)

8)领会,理解,明白,懂得,认为,发现,看出,知道.例句:I don` t see why he doesn`t come.我不明白他为什么来.

9)看看,查看.例句:Go and see wher Mr.Green is here.去看看格林先生来了没有?

see for oneself自己看,亲眼看.

10)想,考虑.例句:Now,then,let` s see.那么,让我们考虑一墀下.

11)鉴于,由于什么缘故.例句用法:Seeing he refused to us,there` s no reason why we should now him.由于他曾拒绝我们,现在我们没有理由非要帮助他不可.

see的使用方法:1.看到; 收看, 拜见, 藿看得见, 看, 螭有眼光;2.领悟, 了解;3.思考,想一想

see doing 篪sth表镑明看的时候正在做的行为;

see do sth表明看的时候把另一方的整个行为都看完了。 扩展资料 胄 I l驺ooked a饬r俦ound, but saw nob蜯ody.

我环顾了一下周围, 但是没有看到所有人。

I see,伬 you are on lee.

我懂了, 你是在休。

Can you see my point?


Let me see, what date a饬re they leing?

要我想一想, 他们方案哪些时候出发?


1. See菗 to 意为“负责、照看、料理”等。

通常用于带有保姆、看护、修理、检查、审查等含义的工作任务,强调完成任务的和义务。例如:“C篪ould you see to the mail wh疝ile I’m away?”(你能在我不在时帮我处理邮件吗?)

2. See off意为“为某人送行”。

通常用于长途旅行、离别的场合。例如:“I saw off my 和best friend at the airport。”(我在机场为我的朋友送行。)

3 砺. See through意为“透过、看穿、识破”。

主要用于描述人或事物的真相、底细、欺或阴谋等,强调看穿事物表象背后的本质。例如:“I see th雠rough you. You cannot deceive me.”(我看透了你,你无法欺我。)

4. See over意为“巡视、参观、视察”。

主要用于参观建筑物、景点等大型场所或机构。例如:“We were lucky enough to be able to see over the cathedral.”(我们很幸运能够参观大教堂。)

5. See about/see to 搒it意为“负责、谋划、办妥”。

主要用于规划、组织、安排等工作任务。例如:“Can you please see about organizing the company picnic?”(您能负责的组织公楱司郊游吗?)“I’ll see to it that the report is finished by tomorrow. 瞓”(我会负责确保报告在明天之前完成。)

6. See beyond意为“超越、看到表象背后的锕道理”。

此用法较为抽象,通常用于哲学或心理方面的讨论。例如:“The goal of life is to see beyond the s 骤uce of things and reach篪 a deeper understanding.”(人生的目的在于看到事物表面背后的本质并实现更深层次的理解。)

7. See eye to eye意为“共同看法一致、意见一致”。

主要用于形容两人或多人对问题、看镑法、观点等具有相似的立场和态度。例如:“We saw eye to懋 薨ey偢e on most issues.”(我们在大多数问题上意见一致。)


扩展资料 see既可用作不及物动词,也可用作及嗤物动词。用楱作及物动词时,可接名词、代词、带疑问词的动词不定式、that从句或由疑问词的从句作宾语。有时也可接与see不同形的同源宾语。

“see+量词+of”表示看见某人的频率。闳see more of 是固定习语,意为“较多地见到”, more可换用little, quite a lot, much less, a great deal等表示相应的意义。


see接现在分词或动词不定式构成复合宾语时,现在分词表示宾语的一个主动、正在执行的动作(多是目前的'事情),有时也可表示褫呪某动作 雠过程的一部分,还可表示状态; 而动词不定式则侧重一个完整的过程(多是指过殠去的事情),表示一个。see接以动词的过去分词充当补足语的复合宾语时,表状态,含有被动意义。


see表示“看亜见”时,为表知觉的动词,通常不用一般现在时态或进行时态,而常常用 can see和 could see来表示“(当时)看到”。作“会见”“送”解时,可用进行体。


I'll see you in the new year.


What is it you want to 和see me about?


You used to see a lot of her,墀 didn't you?


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