
卡尔顿高习 2024-07-03 09:51 1





( ) 1. I, ___your good friend, will try my best to you out.

A. who is B. who am C. that is D. which am

( ) 2. The old man has two sons, ___are lawyers.

A. both of them B. both of who C. both of whom D. both of they

( ) 3. He is a man of great knowledge, ___much can be learned.

A .in whom B. about whom C. from whom D. of whom

( ) 4. I can l you ___he told me last week.

A. all which B. all what C. that all D. all that

( ) 5. Is oxygen the only gas ___s fire burn?

A. that B./ C. which D. what

( ) 6. Air, ___we breathe ry day, is around us all the time.

A. that B./ C. which D. it

( ) 7. This is the museum ____we saw an exhibition the other day.

A. that B. which C. where D. in that

( ) 8. This museum is ___you visited the other day.

A. that B. which C. where D. the one

( ) 9. This is the museum ___yThis is the factory where color TV sets are made.ou saw the other day.

A. that B. where C. in which D. in that

( ) 10. It is the third time ___late this month.

A. that you arrived B. when you arrived

C. that you’ve arrived D. when you’ve arrived

( ) 11. It was in 1969___the American astronaut succeeded in landing

A. that B. which C. in which D. when

( ) 12..We often think of the days ___we spent toger on the island.

A. when B. which C. in which D. during which

( ) 13. He yo been to Shanghai, ____I left ten years ago?

A. where B. which C. that D. when

( ) 14. He has left Beijing, ___a meeting is to be held.

A. when B. where C. as D. which

( ) 15. This is the very place ___I’m wishing to live in.

A. where B. which C. that D. in which

( ) 16.I he bought the same dress ____she is wearing.

A. as B. that C. which D than

( ) 17.Can you solve such problems ___raised by the audience?

A. what were A. that, the place B. it, the place B. as were C. that were D. which were

( ) 18.The reason ___he didn’t come was ____he was injured.

A. that, because B. why, that C. why, because D. that, that

( ) 19.He must be from Africa, ____can be seen from his skin.

A. that B. as C. it D. what

( ) 20.His father died last year, ____made it imsible for him to go abroad.

A. when B. which C. as D. that

1. This is all____ I know about the matter. A. that B. what C. who D. wher 2. Is there anything else_____ yoequire? A. which B. that C. who D. what 3. The last place _____we visited was the Great Wall. A. which B. that C. where D. it 4. He talked happily about the men and books_____ interested him greatly in the school. A. which B. that C. it D. whom 5. There is no dictionary _____ you can find rything. A. that B. which C. where D. in that



若用“主 + 系 + 表”结构来表示,则是:V—ing形式做宾语补足语也表示动作正在进行。

这句句子所要的which,指代的是前面一整个句子:ing others is a habit,而不是habit

可以理解成定语从句,但是 ,后面不能用that,只能用which


on the moon.




1. 定语从句是形容词从句,其句能相当于一个形容词,与前面的名词是修饰与被修饰关系,即限定它前面的名词范围,或补充一些情况;而同位语从句是名词性从句,其作用相当于一个名词,与前面的名词是同位关系,是对前面的名词作进一步解释,即说明它前面名词的内容。如:

The news that he told me just now is true.


The news that I he passed the exam is true.


2. 同位语从句与其所修饰的名词之间是一种同位关系,二者之间存在逻辑上的系表关系,可用“主 + 系 + 表”结构来表示,而定语从句则没有这种关系。如:

The news that he won the first place is true.


The news is that he won the first place.


3. 定语从句的先行词可以是各类名词,而可跟同位语从句的名词通常只是 news,idea,fact,promise,question,doubt,thought,hope,message,suggestion,sibility 等少数几个。因此,两种从句的连接词也不完全一样。可以定语从句的连接词有 that,which,who,whom,whose,when,where,why 等。可以同位从句的连接词有 that,wher,when,where,how 等。如:

The factory which / that we visited yesterday is a chemical one.

I’ve come from Mr Wang with a message that he won’t be able to see you this afternoon.


4. 定语从句的词在从句中充当一定的成分,可作主语、宾语、状语等;而同位语从句中的词在从句中起连接作用,不作任何句子成分。如:

The idea that he ge surprises many people.

他提出的观点令许多人感到吃惊。(定语从句, that 在从句中作 ge 的宾语)

The fact that they didn’t finish the work has to be faced.

(同位语从句, that 在从句中只起连接作用,从句解释 fact 的内容,不作任何句子成分)

5. 定语从句的连接词有时可以省去,而同位语从句的连接词则不可省去。如:

I’ll keep the promise (that / which) I made two years ago.


I make a promise that I will write to you as soon as I get to Beijing.


6. when,where 和 why 在定语从句和同位语从句时,它们的共同点是词在这两种从句中都可以充当状语。但是,定语从句前有相应的先行词,分别为表示时间、地点和原因状语的名词,而同位语从句前没有相应的名词。如:

I still remember the day when (=on which) I first came to Beijing.


I he no idea when she will be back.


河北 贾贵军 《高中英语语法-宾语从句与同位语从句的区别》由出国留学我精心为您学习英语准备.liuxue86


所以"both sides will sit toger and talk"是that的同位语,并不是从句。毫无疑问,同位语是一定要that来代的。




reach a point解释成“达成一致”

像point ,case, situation 这些词作先行词,关系词通常是 where 或in which.


要修饰 a point 用where

恍然大悟 iris__pt 是对的



例句:Our Chinese teacher isn’t in her offlee,so she may /might/must he gone home.




3) 某些在从句中充当时间,地点或原因状语的“介词+关系词”结构可以同关系副词when 和where 互换。

This is the house in which I lived two years ago.

This is the house where I lived two years ago.

Do yoemember the day on which you joined our club?

Do yoemember the day when you joined our club?


1)Whor spits in public will be punished here.

(Whor 可以用 anyone who 代替)

2)The parents will use what they he to send their son to technical school.

(what 可以用all that代替)

as, which 非限定性定语从句

由as, which 的非限定性定语从句,as和which可代整个主句,相当于and this或and that。As一般放在句首,which在句中。

As we know, oking is harmful to one's health.

The sun heats the earth, which is very important to us.


1)Al received an invitation from her boss, ___came as a surprise.

A. it B. that C. whichD. he

C. 此为非限定性从句,不能用 that修饰,而用which.,it 和he 都使后句成为句子,两个的句子不能单以逗号连接。况且选he句意不通。

2)The weather turned out to be very good, ___ was more than we could expect.

A. whatB. whichC. thatD. it

B。which可代替句子,用于非限定性定语从句,而what不可。That 不能用于非限定性定语从句,it不为连词,使由逗号连接的两个句子并在一起在英语语法上行不通。

3)It rained hard yesterday, ____ prnted me from going to the park..

A. thatB. whichC. as D. it


as 和which在非限制性定语从句时,这两个关系代词都指主句所表达的整个意思,且在定语从句中都可以作主语和宾语。但不同之处主要有两点:

(1) as 的定语从句可置于句首,而which不可。

(2) as 代表前面的整个主句并在从句中作主语时,从句中的谓语必须是系动词;若为行为动词,则从句中的关系代词只能用which.。


As 的用法

例1. the same… as;such…as 中的as 是一种固定结构, 和……一样……。

I he got into the same trouble as he (has).

例2. as可非限制性从句,常带有'正如'。

As we know, oking is harmful to one's health.

As is know, oking is harmful to one's health.

关系代词that 的用法


a) 在非限定性定语从句时。

(错)The tree, that is four dred years old, is very famous here.

b) 介词后不能用。

We depend on the land from which we get our food.

We depend on the land that/which we get our food from.

2) 只能用that作为定语从句的关系代词的情况

a)在there be 句型中,只用that,不用which。

b)在不定代词,如:anything, nothing, the one, all, much, few, any, little等作先行词时,只用that,不用which。

c)先行词有the only, the very修饰时,只用that。




All that is needed is a supply of oil.


Finally, the thief handed rything that he had stolen to the pol.




1.当先行词是anything, rything, nothing (soming 除外), few, all, none, little, some等代词时,或者是由ry, any, all, some, no, little, few, much等修饰时

(1) He you taken down rything that Mr. Li has said?

(2) There seems to be nothing that seems imsible for him in the world.

(3) All that can be done has been done.

(4) There is little that I can do for you.


(4) Any man that/.who has a sense of duty won’t do such a thing.

2. 当先行词被序数词修饰

(1) The first place that they visited in London was the Big Ben.

3. 当先行词被形容词修饰时

(1) This is the best film that I he seen.

4. 当形容词被the very, the only 修饰时

(1) This is the very good dictionary that I want to buy,

(2) After the fire in his house, the old car is the only thing that he owned.


(3) Wang Hua is the only person in our school who will attend the meeting/

5. 当先行词前面有who, which等疑问代词时

(1) Who is the man that is standing there?

(2) Which is the T-shirt that fits me most?

6. 当先行词既有人,也有动物或者物体时

(1) Can yoemember the scientist and his theory that we he learned?




(1) He married her, as/which was natural.

(2) He was honest, as/which we can see.

2. as 非限制性定语从句,可放在主句之前,或者主句之后,甚至可以切割一个主句;which的非限制性定语从句只能放在主句之后。另外,as有“正如……,正像……”的意思

(1) As is known to all, China is a dloping country.

(2) He is from the south, as we can see from his accent.

(3) John, as you know, is a famous writer.

(4) He has been to Paris more than sral times, which I don’t beli.


(5) Tom was always late for school, which made his teacher angry.

3. 当先行次受such, the same修饰时,常用as

(1) I he nr heard such a story as he ls.

(2) He is not such a fool as he looks.

(3) This is the same book as I lost last week.

注意:当先行次由the same修饰时,偶尔也用that定语从句,但是和由as所的定语从句意思不同

(4) She wore the same dress that she wore at Mary’s wedding. 她穿着她在MARY婚礼上穿过的一条裙子。

(5) She wore the same dress as her young sister wore. 她穿着和她妹妹所穿的一样的裙子。

(三)以the way为先行词的定语从句通常由in which, that,而且通常可以省略。

(1) The way in which/ that/./ he answered the question was surprising.

(四) but有时也可以做关系词定语从句

(1) There are very few but understand his idea. ( but= who don’t )

(五) 区分定语从句和同位语从句


(1) The plane that has just taken off is for London. 定语从句

(2) The fact that he has been dead is clear. 同位语从句

2.定语从句由关系代词或者关系副词,关系词在句中充当成分,有时可以省略;同位语从句主要由that,在句中一般不做成分;句子也可以由when, where, how, why, wher, what等词,充当成分

(1) The news he told me is true.

(2) The news that he has just died is true.

(3) The problem that we are facing now is how we can collect so much money. 定语

(4) The problem how we can collect so much money is difficult to solve.

3. 同位语从句和先行词一般可以用be动词发展成一个完整的句子,而定语从句不可以

(1) The idea that we could ask the teacher for a is wonderful. 同位语

(2) The idea was that we could ask the teacher for a.

(3) The fact that the earth moves around the earth is known to all.

(4) The fact is that the earth moves around the earth.






1. If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are sible, who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time, who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer.


这句话节选自美国的胜选演说。我们看到,这里的place后面的定语从句是9. The old building, behind _______ was a famous church, was _______ we used to work.由关系副词where来。但是,如果认为只要先行词是表示地点的名词,则一定要用where来定语从句,那就大错特错了。比如,在2006年上海高考英语中有这样一道选择题:

2. In an hour, we can trel to places _____ would he taken our ancestors days to reach.

A. where B. when C. which D. what

我们看到,places在这里表示地点,但如果据此就认为空格处应填入where,那就错了。原因是什么呢?因为空格后接的是谓语would he taken,所以空格处待填入的关系词在从句中充当的应该是主语成分,而关系副词where不能作主语,因此,此处不能填入where。其实,该空格处应该填入which来充当主语,正确选项为C。




3. a. This is the town which I wanted to visit most.


b. This is the town where I was born.


在a和b两个句子里,尽管先行词都是表示地点的名词town,但定语从句的关系词却不同。在a句中,由于定语从句中谓语部分的动词visit缺少宾语,因此填入的关系词要充当它的宾语,故用关系代词which。在b句中,定语从句“I was born”不缺少主语和宾语,而是缺少地点状语,故用关系副词where,这里where充当地点状语,修饰was born。


a. This is the town and I wanted to visit it most.

b. This is the town and I was born there.

在a句中,town被代词it替代后在visit后边充当宾语,所以改成定语从句时要用关系代词which来替换it,以充当定语从句的宾语;而在b句中,town变成了副词there,充当地点状语,修饰was born,所以改成定语从句时自然要用关系副词where来替换there,以充当地点状语。

4. Literature is the place where the past meets the present to contemplate the future.



5. In fact, there are now so many deer that some are being sent to places which would like to return this kind of deer to the wild.





6. I’ve nr been to Beijing, but it’s the place ____.

A. where I’d like to visit B. in which I’d like to visit

C. I most want to visitD. that I want to visit it most

本题考查定语从句的关系词选择。首先我们先看先行词。先行词是表示地点的名词place,初步确定词在关系副词where和关系代词(which或that)中选择。然后我们再看从句所缺少的成分。这道题的从句“I’d like to visit/I most want to visit”所缺少的成分应该是宾语,因而不能使用关系副词where,需要用关系代词which或that。所以,首先排除A。B选项的in which是“介词+关系代词”的形式,其用法与关系副词一样,因而排除B。而D选项的that与it都是指代place,二者意义重复,因而也不正确。正确选项是C,这里相当于省略了关系词that或which。该句要表达的意思是:我从未到过,但却是我最想去的地方。



1. Remember that the best relationship is one where your love for each other is greater than your need for each other.


点评:这里where的定语从句修饰先行词one,也就是relationship (此处one指代的是relationship)。Relationship不是地点名词,但此处却用了where来,where在这里表示“在这样的感情关系下”。从定语从句的结构来看,定语从句不缺主语和宾语,词where在从句中充当的是状语。



3. Until such time as mankind has the sense to lower its population to the point where the planet can provide a comfortable support for all, people will he to accept more “unnatural food”.






4. English is a “fixed-word-order” language where each phrase has a fixed ition.


点评:首先,我们来判断定语从句“each phrase has a fixed ition”的结构:该从句并不缺少主语和宾语,但是缺少状语。其次,我们来看先行词:先行词是fixed-word-order language, 它既不表示时间,也不表示原因。由此可知,此处用where来指代先行词,表示“在‘词序固定’这样的语言中”。

5. At the Academy, Plato taught the students through the use of debates, where two or more people took different ideas of an argument.


点评:首先,我们来判断定语从句“two or more people took different ideas of an argument”的句子结构:该从句不缺少主语和宾语,但是缺少状语。其次,我们来看先行词:先行词是debates,它既不是时间名词,也不是原因名词。由此可知,此处应用where定语从句,表示“在辩论中”。

6. Howr, being enthusiastic isn’t for ryone and no one likes false enthusia, where a person pretends to be excited n about the most trivial points.


点评:首先,我们判断定语从句“a person pretends to be excited n about the most trivial points”的句子结构:该从句不缺少主语和宾语,但是缺少状语。其次,我们来看先行词:先行词是false enthusia,它既不是时间名词,也不是原因名词。因而,此处用where来定语从句,表示“在‘虚的热情’这种状态下”。



什么是定语从句英语语法 英语语法:高考英语定语从句的主要考

这里的先行词是the birthplace of kites,介词后面的词不用that,用which。 here 和there不能做词,故选 D

英语资源网权威发布英语语法:高考英语定语从句的主要考,更多英语语法相关信息请访问英语资源网。 考点一 考查关系代词whose的定语从句

1. A person ________ e-mail account is full won’t be able to send or receive any e-mails. (天津卷)

A. who B. whom C. whose D. whor

【解析】C。在所给的四个关系代词中,只有whose能用于名词用作定语,故选C。又如:A bookseller is a person whose job is selling books. 书商就是其职业是卖书的人。

2. Many children, ________ parents are away working in big cities, are taken good care of in the village. (安徽卷)

A. their B. whose C. of them D. with whom


A. which B. of which C. that D. whose


考点二 考查关系代词which的定语从句

1. They’ve won their last three matches, ________ I find a bit surprising. (辽宁卷)

A. that B. when C. what D. which


2. My friend showed me round the town, ________ was very kind of him. (全国Ⅱ)

A. which B. that C. where D. it

3. Whenr I met her, ________ was fairly often, she greeted me with a sweet ile. (山东卷)

A. who B. which C. when D. that

【解析】B。that不能用于非限制性定语从句,故可排除;when是关系副词,不用作主语,故也可排除;who用于指人,但这里的定语从句不是修饰her,而是修饰whenr I met her,故不能用who,此处应用which。又如:He said that he had nr seen her before, which was not true. 他说他从没见到过她,这是不真实的。


1. 选 A

这里是非限定性定语从句,先行词是a lawyer,是人,可以用who或者that,但这里是非限制性的,不能用tha高中语法主要有主谓一致、冠词、代词、连词、介词、动词短语、情态动词、时态语态、虚拟语气、非谓语动词、形容词、副词、名词、动词、从句等。t,所以用who

2. 选 A

这里的先行词是the manner,不是时间,排除1.what的名词性从句B, 词和people没有从属关系,不用whose, 这里不是指地点,不用where,故选A

3. 选 D






3. I was born in New Orleans, Louisiana, a city ________ name will create a picture of beautiful trees and green grass in our mind. (湖南卷)

用作定语的从句叫做定语从句(attributive clause)

(4)条件状语从句,相当于as/so long as,意为“只要”。




常用的关系代词:指人who(主语) whom(宾语);指物which(主语,宾语);即可指人,也可指物,既可作主语也可作宾语 that; 表示所有格whose(定语)既可指“人的”,也可指“物的”。

注意:指人时可以用who,也可以用that.但作主语时,多用主格who. 先行词在定语从句中作主语,宾语,定语,词要选择关系代词。

例句:This is the teacher who came from sk middle school.

The book which /that yoead belongs to me.

The desk whose leg is broken is very old.

常用的关系副词:表时间when;表地点where;表原因why表方式that(可以省略)。它们分别在从句中作状语。先行词在定语从句中作状语时,词要用关系副词。如果表示时间,地点,原因的先行词在定语从句中作主语、宾语,应用that 或which.

例句: This is the day when he went to college.

I don’t beli the reason why he was late for school.

I don’t like the way that he spoke to his mother.(其中that 相当于in which ,可以省。)

He works in the factory which makes color TV sets.


When ---适当的介词+which


Why ----for which

That(方式)----in which

介词+关系代词的结构中,可以选择的关系代词有whom(指人);which(指物);whose(指“人的”或“物的”) 此处,介词的选择可以根据从句中的谓语动词来定。

例句: This is the day when/on which he went to college.

This is the factory where/in which color TV sets are made.

I don’t beli the reason why/for which he was late for school.

This is the girl from whomI learned the news.

This is the book for which I paid 5dollars.

He works in a factory in whose front there is a river.



特点如下:1。主从之间不用逗号。2。可以用that 。3。词作为宾语时可以省略。4。限制性定语从句一般只修饰先行词。


特点如下:1。主从之间用逗号。2。不可以用that 。3。词作宾语不可以省略,介词后的词也不能省略。4。非限制性定语从句可以修饰先行词,也可以修饰其前面的整个句子或句子的一部分。


1只能用that 的地方

先行词为不定代词all ,nothing, anything,等





2关系代词as 的用法

限制性定语从句,常和the same, such, so ,as 连用



常用于be known (excepted, announced, reported, shown)结构中





同位语从句多用that,不充当成分,但不可以省略;定语从句中that 可以做主语或宾语。



首先,在语法填空题当中,一般会有一3.with.without.but for的含蓄虚拟条件从句with,without,but for可取代if含蓄虚拟条件从句。个题直接涉及到定语从句关系词的选择。


再次,在书面表达中如果能够正确使用定语从句,会被认为是good sentences,对于写作提分也有很大帮助。



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