2011高考英语作文翻译 2011高考英语作文范文

卡尔顿高习 2024-07-01 09:51 1


★ 高考英语作文范文及翻译

I like reading novels, because in the novels, I can imagine the world that the author creates, I treat myself as part of the novels, it feels like that I witness all the incidents. I especially like to read short novels, because I don’t he so much to read the long novels, I am studying in the high school, I he many subjects to learn. I he little time only on the weekends. Short novels only costs me about one day to finish reading, while the long novels will take me more than a week to finish, if I hang on reading part of it, I will think about it all the time and can’t focus my mind on studying. What’s more, I like to read novels more than tw, so it is easy to do for me to read short novels. I gain so much for read these short novels.

2011高考英语作文翻译 2011高考英语作文范文2011高考英语作文翻译 2011高考英语作文范文

2011高考英语作文翻译 2011高考英语作文范文

众所周知,吸烟有害健康。但还是有很多人沉迷其中而无法自拔。这是一个让很多人都迷惑的问题。对于这一点我有一些建议。首先,你要意识到吸烟的坏处。如果你不意识到这一点,你就不会有心去戒烟。之后你需要的是一颗坚定的心。有句 谚语 说,“世上无难事,只怕有心人。”所以,坚定的信念是很重要的。更重要的是,我有一点温馨提示。如果你真的很想吸烟,你可以用嚼口香糖来代替抽烟。一段时间后,你吸烟的欲望就会逐渐消逝。,给自己一些奖励。当你发现自己取得了一些进步,你可以给自己一些奖励。这样是不错的。希望你能成功。




设你是李华,你的美国朋友Tom上个月来到学习。七月份你将去参加暑期中学生英语演讲比赛(speech contest),你在资料搜集、语言运用等方面遇到了困难。请根据以下要点给Tom写一封电子邮件:


3.告诉Tom你打算Since we were born, it was our parents who brought us into this world and ge us life.赛后去看他。





Dear Tom,

It’s a month since you studied in Beijing. How is rything going with you? I am really happy to spend such an unforgettable experience with you here.

I am going to take part in an English speech contest for middle school students in July this summer. I think the chance is of great importance for me. To he a very good performance, I am preparations for it. Howr, I still he some trouble in collecting useful materials. Meanwhile,I find it hard to use English properly. I would appreciate it if you could offer me a hand. I also hope that the great effort I am will pay off.

You know, I he been missing you since you left, so I hope to see you in Beijing after the English contest. I can’t wait to see you again!

Yours Sincerely,

Li Hua

求: 2011高考湖南卷英语作文【附翻译】

提示词:智能手机 artphone, 二维码 the QR code

A drop of water is only a drop of water, but when a great many drops of water join toger a river will come into being. And when rivers come toger they will form a sea.

As is in the same way, a tree is only a tree, many trees, howr, will become a wood. And when sral woods lie★ 高考英语作文范文带翻译 one by one, they will be called a forest. As is known to ryone, a forest is a home for all kinds of animals and plants.

From the above, we can understand that one person can not do many things. But when many people come toger, they can form a society. In a society, people are related to one another, one another. In this way, we can make a harmonious society in which we can live a happy life.


1. 这种单车的使用方法(如:APP查看车辆、扫码开锁等);

面对浩浩荡荡的高考大军,每一分都显得尤为重要。尤其是 作文 ,它不像听力、阅读有标准的,只要掌握了 方法 和规律,从作文出发实现逆袭反而更容易得分。下面是我为大家收集整理关于高考 英语作文 带翻译精选【5篇】的相关内容,一起来学习一下吧!

It is well-known that oke is bad for our health. But there are still many people addicted to it and find it hard to quit. It is a problem make many people confused. For this, I he some suggestions. Firstly, you he to aware the disaantages of oke. If you don’t aware this, you won’t he the mind to do it. Then what you need is a strong mind. There is a saying,” Nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind on it.” So, a strong mind is important. What’s more, I he warm tips. If yoeally want to oke, you can he a chew gum instead of oke. After a while, your desire to oke will be fade away gradually. Last, give yourself some awards. When you find yourself make some progress, you can give yourself some awards. It is good. Hope you can give up oke successfully.

高考英语作文带翻译精选 篇2

Nowadays, when we watch the movie or the TV series, we may find violence shot rywhere, such as the movie about a cop fighting with a gangster, so many violence is being presented, the process of the cop beats the gangster is so clearly. People watch this scene with great joy, while they don’t realize it has great effect on the kids. Kids are so all that they don’t he the sense of judge, they like to imitate what they think is cool. Under such circumstance, we always read the news about agers showing violence and go against the law. There are many gunshot cases in campus, the killers are agers, and it is so shocking. The spread of the violence in the camera should be limited; it should not be showing too much. A good movie is not famous for its violent presentation, so in order to be good for the agers, violence shot should be limited.


高考英语作文带翻译精选 篇 3

With the improvement of living standards comes the problem of obesity, which has bothered people for many years. The number of obese people keeps rising as time goes. And the diseases accompanied with obesity he already stood out, such as diabetes, heart diseases and so on.


Fortunay, more and more people begin to realize the consequences of obesity and hence take various mods to combat it. Some people lose weight by controlling their normal diet or n staying gry for most of the days. Some adopt operations to get rid of the redundant body fat. Others turn to intensive physical exercises for .


As far as I am concerned, the best way to combat obesity is to form a healthy living habit and to preserve. That is to say, obese people should do exercises regularly on the premise that their basic diet is assured. Besides, they should not do a half-hearted job during the period of losing weight. In summary, only through a good habit and persrance can obese people prnt themselves from continually getting fat.


高考英语作文带翻译精选 篇 4


2. 这种单车的优势;

3. 你对这种单车的看法。

注意:1. 词数不少于80;

2. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

I'm writing to l you more about the new form ofsharing bike mobike mentioned in your latest letter.

It's very convenient to use if you he a artphone. What you do is to find a nearest mobike through the APP, scan the QR code on the bike, and enjoy your trip.

Compared to other forms of sharing bike, the greatest aantage of mobike is that you can easily find one and nr worry about where to park it. It is becoming a new trend as a means of transportation, which relis the traffic pressure and does good to the environment as well.


Li Hua

高考英语作文带翻译精选篇 5

It is quite usual that one meets failures, for one's life can nr be plain sailing. Howr, different people hold different attitudes towards failure. Some people think it a hey blow to fail in achieving soming and they can not endure failure. When they meet failure, they will be seriously dejected and can nr pluck up their courage to try again.


Howr, others think it natural to meet failures in one's career. Therefore, they are psychologically prepared. When they meet failures, they will not be frustrated. Instead, they will continue to meet new challenges. As to me, I'm in for of the latter view. Failure is really a terrible thing but it is also the mother of success. If one draws lessons from failures, in most cases he will get success in the future. Furthermore, one's life can nr be ooth sailing; it must be full of difficulies and setbacks. If one is daunted by difficulies and frustrations, he will always be a failure. Howr, if one holds a itive attitude toward failure, he will overcome difficulties and frustrations to win victory.


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自从我们呱呱落地Hope to ride a mobike with you in China.,是父母把我们带到这个世界上,是父母赋予我们生命。

Everyone can't grow up without the careful care of their parents. Parents are our friends and our teachers.


There are many good ways to get along with your parents. You can l your parents what you think and share your worries with them.


If parents he the same experience and can communicate with you, you will reach a consensus with your parents, so that your feelings will grow day by day!

In fact, what we need most to get along with our parents is mutual understanding and understanding. We will find that as long as you care more and understand more, then those problems will be solved easily.

和父母的相处,其实最需要的就是我们彼此的互相理解和互相体谅,我们会发现只要Rabbit is an cute kind of amimals.It has two long ears.They can make rabbits hear carefully.It also has a short tail.They make rabbits so lovely.Rabbits likes carrots.If you are lonely.You can keep a rabbit.It can be your friends.你多关心多理解一分,那么那些问题也就迎刃而解了。

2011兔年英语作文 要有翻译150字左右(不多就行了不要太多)


2.The little Rabbit has a coat of white hair. The two ears are long and prick up on its head. It is furry,soft and white with two red eyes glaring above the chin.Its eyes are like a pair of all red hulbs. Exed to sunlight, they become little pieces of red thread. Its ears are straight and long and they can turn and move slightly.How cute it is!




Dear Jim,

孩子们的负担多年.The little Rabbit has a coat of white hair. The two ears are long and prick up on its head. It is furry,soft and white with two red eyes glaring above the chin.Its eyes are like a pair of all red hulbs. Exed to sunlight, they become little pieces of red thread. Its ears are straight and long and they can turn and move slightly.How cute it is!来已成热门话题,但家长的负担却很少受到关注,尤其是来自他们孩子的关注。这幅向我们展示了一个感人的时刻。一个小女孩去拥抱她正在工作的妈妈。在意识到妈妈工作了一天一定很累时,小女孩帮妈妈卸下了肩上的包。妈妈回应着弯下身子向女儿表示她的喜悦和感激之情。这一切使我想起了我的妈妈。她做了她力所能及的一切来满足我。但是我由于完全沉浸在学习中,很少在意妈需要和感受,并且总是认为好好学习是报答妈途径。现在我知道了我也能做一点力所能及的事情,如洗衣、打扫房间、或者至少自己准备早餐来帮妈妈分担日常负担。这幅图使我相信做一个好女儿比做一个好学生更重要。

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