
卡尔顿高习 2024-07-03 09:50 1


作者/江苏 贲蓉

可能是对方I like her because she's pretty and n.我喜欢她,因为她漂亮Do you like Engjish?way?又善良。对英语感兴趣




English is just a tool, but by learning this tool will you open many doors. I am learning English teachers professional, through English can learn to speak English country's customs, literature, history, culture and civilization education can learn English how to teach English (.). And because I am student of English, we can learn a double, and I learned Japanese. Not only that, in the process of learning English, I also see a lot of classic movies in English and drama, and fully experience to this language in all aspects of glamour, it with me, affects me n edify with me. English is the physical strength live, although no shortcut, but as long as you pay will return. Because I learned English, so I could play 英语不仅是有用,它还是那么的漂亮并且很好听。我欣赏会说流利英语的人,他们说得又快又顺畅,听起来像美妙的音乐旋律般。所以,我真的希望将来能像他们一样。我相信我可以做到,因为我对英文具有很大的兴趣与热忱!MSN, such as SKYPE, yahoo handed get foreign friend chat tools and reading English newss and magazines, also prompted me to learn English better. I think can turn to play sral language is a very cool. Hope you can like English.

He is a big fan of table is


I like him because he's kind and handsome因为他很亲切又帅,所以我喜欢他8. 用英语写一篇关于怎样学好英语的作文

喜欢它的原因:It s me se much money.Now I第三,我坚持每天记日记来练习写作。 除此之外,我经常阅读英语报纸和杂志来丰富我的文化知识。 he a lot of money ,

I he a dog .His name is lucky .He likes eating bones.When he eat lunch,he always sleep for a while. The reason of I like him is that he can bring a lot of fun to me ,besides,he can play with me .


Third, I keep aas long as I it. I can also make more friends and learn more about foreign culture. It provides me with more chances for my life as well. diary ry day to practise my written English.


I like English because it is an awesome language. A pretty list of alphabets that consists of twenty-six characters, putting into good use to form millions of words.


English is not only useful, but also beautiful and sounds great! I ade people who speaks good english, they speak it so fast and fluently that it sounded like a wonderful rhythm of music. Therefore, I really wish to be like them one day. I beli i can, as i do he great passion and interest in English!

sure. English is my forite subject at school. I find it lots of fun learning english.

Yes,I like English,because i want to trel around the world。

I like English when certain specific time.Such as watching English movies,6. 以《我怎么学好英语》为题写一篇英语作文 chating with foreigners, listening to English songs and call names.

Do you like English?Because I am very interested in it. And I think it is important.



I like english bacause it me learn more knowledge.And i will make more friends.


Do you like English?



4. 用“我是怎么学英语的”为题,写一篇英语作文

2.All or nothing,now or nr.宁为玉碎,不为瓦全.机不可失,失不再来.

Merry Christmas!

4.It nr rains but it pours.要么不下雨,一下就是倾盆大雨.(注意nr...but...)

It nr rains but it rains continuously for weeks there.

那个地方要么不下雨Why do you like the teacher?你为什么喜欢这位老师?,一下就连续下几个星期.

5.Stay gry,stay foolish,求知若渴,虚怀若愚.

6.In for a penny,in for a pound.


Why does she like English?




I liked her from the moment we met first.从次见面开始,我就很喜欢她。

Can I invite her to my house?我可以邀请她到我们家吗?

boundless adj. 无穷尽的,漫漫的

This is your chance to convey boundless enthusia for the subject.这是一个表达你对所选学科无限热情的机会。

This summer, we came to Dalian to see the long-awaited sea, the sea boundlessLearn English Like This English is very important for us. Everyone wants to learn it well. My English is very good. How do I learn English? First, I listen to the teacher and make notes carefully in class. I revise my old lessons and prepare my new lessons after class. Second, I like speaking English withmy clas ates, not only in classroom, but also on the playground. It's to improve my spoken English. Third, I keep a diary ry day to practise my written English. Besides this, I often read English newss or magazines in order to enrich my knowledge on English culture. 英语对我们来说很重要,每个人都想学好英语。,。

there are a wide variety of ships at sea on board a lot of visitors.

This is your chance to convey boundless enthusia towards the project.这是一个表达你对所选学科无限热情的机会。



问题一:我喜欢打乒乓球英文作文 Of all the sports, I like table-tennis best. I think it is not only a sport but also an art, because it is a that needs strength and skill. Some people think that playing table-tennis needs little strength, but I don't think so. In playing table-tennis, we should judge the direction of the ball, and hit it back with great strength so that we can win the . At the same time we need to pick up the ball which falls to the ground. So after one you will be very tired if you he tried your best. But, as a sport, I think it more like an art. In the , you can often find the ball moving quickly, and each of the players'movements is very beautiful. So I like the sport very much. Though I can't play it very well, I still show great interest in it. I think playing table-tennis can build our bodies,keep us healthy and train our brains. So I like it very much.

问题二:帮忙写一篇我最喜欢的体育项目的英语作文,(我最写作思路:题目要求写一篇英语作文,作文内容是介绍自己的爱好并说明喜爱的原因。看到题目,可以先想想自己的爱好,比如说:看书、写作、运动等。有了爱好,再相应的写出喜爱的原因即可。喜欢的是乒乓球)要求写出喜爱的理由,和参加这项目现在 My forite sport

问题三:我喜欢打乒乓球用英语怎么说 “我喜欢打乒乓球”翻译为英语:I like playing table tennis.

I like playing table tennis.

问题四:他喜欢打乒乓球 英语 He likes playing table tennis

He is keen on table is

He isWhat's more, I made a lot of international friends due to English. I feel rejo to communicate with people from different countries in English and understand the real status of people's views and lives all around the world. quite enthusiastic about table is

He is quite fond of table is

问题五:英语作文我喜欢的乒乓球30词 I also like sports very much

Taking exercise is good for our health.I most like the movement of the table tennis,Because it is to play, so I like to play table tennis,It also can let an eye movement.

So, the life lies in the movement

问题六:他非常喜欢打乒乓球而且打得很好.英语 He likes playing at table tennis and is good at it.

问题七:相比足球我更喜欢乒乓球的英语 I prefer table tennis to football .或者I like table tennis more than footbll .


1.All (fingers and) thu,笨手笨脚(请想象一下所有手指全是大拇指的情形)


He is into table is






(呗。大家都是人,又都是长期在国内生活的,有什么必要说英文。有些人是自小就生活在国外,平时的环境就是英语环境,回到国内一时掌握不好中文才需要这样。指导老师 何长平)


Joy and sorrow, laughter and tears, paintings, ancient and modern, I love reading.

The reasons why I like English.Firstly,English is very inHe has a fancy for table isterenting.Secondly, English is also uThe boy is all fingers and thu when doing housework.seful for me. Thirdly,,,,,,,, (赶时间,实在想不到了)

Sometimes loving soming just happens in one minute. I love English since my primary school when my English teacher taught us English songs. At that time, I found that English is so wonderful to listen and speak that I fall in love with it.

Further, English brought me happiness. When I was in high school, English became one of my aantages which me earn a lot of scores. And my performance in an English speech ge me a sense of achiment and I feel more confident after that.



1. 以我为什么喜欢学英语为题写英语作文啊 Why do I like studying English? If you ask me why I like studing English, I'll give you the answer. The reasons are as follows. Firstly, that English is the most widely used language in the world forced me to learn it well. I can municate with foreigners freely and frequently as long as I it. I can also make more friends and learn more about foreign culture. It provides me with more chances for my life as well. Secondly,I'm curious about the new. I can learn them by reading English articles,watching English programs ,listening to radio in English and so on. Addition,English opens my eyes and enrich my life. Above all,I'm getting more and more intreested in studying English.。


2. 以我喜欢学英语为题 英语作文60


My name is Li Ming. I'm 13 years old. I'm in Class One,Grade Five. I'm so happy. I am learning many subjects, such as Chinese, maths, English, history. But my fourite (最喜爱的)subject is English. It's very interesting. Now I can sing a lot of English songs and talk with my clas ates in English. But I want to talk with the foreigners(外国人),so I must study hard. Then I can study in England(英国).


3. 英语作文 我爱学英语

My friends say that i'm good in english, because i always get good marks in english tests and i he just scored the highest points in the interview. they think i'm a talented girl and i'm clr at english from the beginning. but in fact, i'm not a talented girl. i'm just a mon girl. i'd like to say soming about my experience of learning english. i didn't do well in english in the beginning. i started my english course at the age of 10. maybe you can't imagine, i couldn't say a whole sentence at that time. i couldn't catch up with my clas ates because of my bad base. hing a bad base may be many students' problem. i was sad about it, but i wasn't afraid of it. the next summer holiday, i spent almost all of my free time practicing english by listening to the tape and repeating after it. whenr it was, wherr i was, i kept the tape on. i listened carefully and i tried to recite the article. soon, i found i had made a good progress in my english. at least, i could understand what the teacher said in class. then slowly, i could get good marks at times. this taught me a good lesson. that is not to be afraid of setbacks, hard work makes progress. this is the first part of my english learning. when i was in grade six and sn, my english was much better than it was. i could always get good marks in tests. my english skills still couldn't pare with the top students in my class. my spoken english was really poor. i got a 'b' in my spoken english at the end of the first term.this showed what i was weak at. i decided to improve it. this was the second part. i knew that study is a process. if i want to improve my spoken english in one or o days, that's imsible. i must spend a long time reading more, listening more, writeing more and talking more. the third part is the hardest. english is really important today, so i wanted to make myself excellent. i take an english course called new concept english by myself. maybe you he heard about it. this is a good english course and i learn it by myself. i think it's really important for you to learn how to learn english by yourself. you can try english course or other ways which matches you.i think it's necessary to be outgoing and confident. don't be shy, don't be silent. i want to improve my english skills, so i need to talk and write. this isn't a problem for me, because i'm always confident and like to try. i talk to foreign teachers. i he some other a as well. i must say don't be nervous, try to be relaxed when you write articles or talk to foreign teachers or just talk to your english teacher. remember: don't pay too much attention to details when you are talking. if you he some mistakes, that's all right. thinking and talking in english, this creates a wonderful feeling to me. i can see my progresses during these years. i spent many years improving my english and i nr give up. so, it's nr too late to pract english, from now on.。

5. 写一篇关于“我怎样学习英语”的英语作文

How to learn English First ,you should speak English in class .首先,你应该在课堂上说英语。

You should write dow grammer mistakes and write down the correct spelling or the grammer next to the mistakes.你应该记下你语法错误并且改正在错误的旁边。You should listen to the radio or read news for your listening and seeing .你应该多听广播或是看报来帮助你的听力开拓你的视野。

Try to remenber 1-5 words ry day ,then you can lean English well day by day .尝试每天记1-5个单词,这样你的英语会一天天地学得很好。

How do I learn English well

English is very important for us. Everyone wants to learn it well. My English is very good. How do I learn English?

First, I listen to the teacher and make notes carefully in class. I revise my old lessons and prepare my new lessons after class.

Second, I like speaking English withmy clas ates, not only in classroom, but also on the playground. It's to improve my spoken English.

英语对我们来说很重要。每个人都想学好英语。我的英语很不错。那我是怎么学英语的An exam, a question is asked "know yourself know the enemy, a dred battles not in er" from which book? Because I he read Sun Tzu's Academy, I easily chose the answer sun Tzu's Art of War.呢?




7. 学习英语的好方法写一篇英语作文

我的英语很好,那我是怎么学英语的呢? 首先,我上课认真听老师讲课,认真记笔记,课下我复习旧功课,预习新功课。 第二,我不仅在教室里,在场上也一样喜欢和同学们说英语,这提高了我的口语。


Nowadays,the English is being more and more important . There are many different ways to learn English well. For example, these are my ways to study English. First,we he to make a hard decision to study English well and nr give it up. Second we must do all the homework that the teachers told us on time. Third, we should read some English books and buy some exercise books to study. Then, we can ask our clas ates or teachers when we e across some hard problems. Don't be afraid of mistakes. Finally, we must stick these ryday.。




i love to learn english from i was very young. English today is probably the third largest language by number of native speakers, after Mandarin Chinese and Spanish.therefore english is being an important munication skill in the modern multi culture society. for the reason that i am dreaming to he a world trip in the future. english can be used in many countries which s me to make friends and to get to know more about those countries in the trip. so i like to learn english and it's considered to be very useful in my life.。

每当英语课的时候,我们都兴高采烈,专心致志的听英语讲课,老师讲的是那么仔细,语音是那么准确.魏老师她很有心,谁没有交作业,老师会追查到底.谁听写不及格,老师会3.Among three passery there must be a teacher of mine.三人行,必有我师.每天都会让他们留下来,知直到5点钟才让他们走,一直到会背诵为止.

第1个是:每次上英语科学课都很有趣.每到星期2下午的英语科学课,英语老师讲完了90日精读,离下课还有15分钟.魏老师说:"Let"s play a !"我们大家都兴奋起来了!老师出题以字母A开头的单词,老师刚说完,我们就立刻举手,我们说的单词有:apple,across,around,are,as,aboard......多的数不清呢!老师又出题以字母B开头的单词,我们说的有:bad,bike,banana,bread,bee,be,board,back,best.........我们说的很多很多!

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