初一下册英语电子课本 初一下册英语电子课本仁爱版

卡尔顿高习 2024-07-01 09:49 1


There is a pain in my back.

1. begin with 以……开始2. make a banana milk shake 做香蕉奶3. turn on /turn off/ turn up/ turn down 开、关、开大、开小4. cut up = cut --- into pieces 切碎、把---切成小片5. a cup of yogurt 一杯酸奶6. two teaspoons of honey 两勺蜂蜜7. add--- to--- 把……加到……里去8. a popcorn popper 爆米花9. three sandwiches 三个三明治10. two slices of bread 两片面包11. a recipe for--- 为……复习12. green onion 洋葱13. hang out 拿出去14. buy a souvenir 买纪念品15. buy some gifts 买礼物16. go to the aquarium 去水族馆17. win the prize for the best performer 惠的价格的质量18. at the end of 在……的尽头 19. in the end= at last= finally 20. sleep late 睡得很晚21. go for a drive 去开车22. class monitor 班长 23. on my last day off 在我上一个休息日 24. on your next day off 在你下一个休息日25. he a yard sale 开一个院子展销会26. get wet 淋湿 27. in future 今后 28. in the future 将来 29. in yesterday’s singing competition 在昨天的歌唱比赛30. be born 出生31. too--- to –太—以致于不能= so--- that 如此……以致于 32. play golf 打高尔夫球33. start golfing 开始打高尔夫34. ice skating 滑冰35. tour the U.S. 在美国旅行36. take part in 在……的部分37. because of 因为……38. major in English and management 39. Tsinghua University 清华大学40. learn to play the accordion 学习弹手风琴41. hum difficult pieces of music 哼唱难度较高的曲子 42. a well-known pianist 一个出名的钢琴演奏家43. table tennis 乒乓球44. grow up 长大45. computer science 电子计算机技术46. computer programmer 电脑程序设计师47. a professional basketball player 职业篮球运动员48. take acting/guitar lessons 上表演/吉他课 49. move to 移动到……\搬到……50. somewhere interesting 某地有趣51. my dream job 我梦想的地方52. find a part-time job 53. se money 54. at the same time 55. hold art exhibitions/ he fashion shows 56. trel all over the world 57. make New Year’s resolutions 58. learn to play an instrument 59. become rich and famous 60. do a survey of 就—做调查 61. keep fit =keep healthy =keep in good health=stay healthy 62. find a job as a foreign language teacher 63. exchange student 64. do chores 65. do the dishes 66. do the laundry 67. sweep the floor 68. take out the trash 69. clean the living room 70. make the /one’s bed 71. fold the clothes 72. go to a meeting 73. get a ride 搭车 74. work on 忙于,从事 75. buy drinks and snacks 76. feed my dog 77. borrow ---from---- 从---借 78. lend --- to ---把—借给--- 79. agree with 80. disagree with 81. take (good) care of =look after—well 82. radio station 83. close to 84. he friendly service 85. comfortable seats 86. good quality clothes 87. movie theater = cinema 88. clothing store 89. talent show 90. get together聚在一起 91. brown bread;黑面包 92. Forbidden City故宫 93. not --- at all 94. the capital of --- 的首都 95. Library of Congress国会图书馆 96. the Great Depression大萧条 97. my elder sister我的姐姐 98. ice hockey冰球 99. on the frozen pond在结冰的池塘上 100. table manners 餐桌规矩 101. stay still 保持不动 102. my own room 103. in fact 104. pay for 为---付款 105. pay钱for sth =spend 钱on sth =sth cost 钱 干----花了某人多少钱 106. go Dutch 个人付个人的帐 107. lee a tip 付小费 108. hot pot 火锅 109. he a try 试一试 110. main course 主食 111. side dish配菜 112. how many/ how much 多少 113. how long/ how often 多长/多久一次 114. how soon / how far 多久后/多远 115. on you last school trip 116. take photos of me 给我照张相 117. what else = what other things 118. he a good /great time 119. watch a dolphin show 120. take a class 121. go camping 122. That sounds interesting 123. That sounds like a busy day off. 124. at the age of 125. start writing music 开始作曲 126. play for his national team 为队踢球 127. the great Brazilian soccer player伟大的巴西足球运动员 128. become a movie star 成为电影明星 129. play sports = take exercise 做运动 130. a kind and loving grandma一位慈爱的祖母 131. become a skating champion 成为滑冰冠军 132. spend all his free time度过他的业余时间 133. the first Chinese pianist in the 70-year history of competition to win this prize 在70年比赛历程中位获得此奖的钢琴家 134. a five-year-old girl 135. play table tennis 136. play chess 137. play the guitar/ piano/ violin/ accordion 138. most interesting /least interesting有趣的/没意思的 139. learn a foreign language 140. make the soccer team 组建足球队 141. get lots of exercise to keep fit 142. interesting places = places of interest名胜 143. talk to/ with 与---- 交谈 144. stay out late 145. take him for a walk 146. play with 147. come over to 148. get back to 149. go on vacation= take a vacation 150. get angry 151. be angry with 152. what do you think of ----=What do you think about ---- = How do you like ----? 153. be famous for 因—而闻名 154. be famous as 作为--- 而闻名 155. play a beautiful piano piece演奏了一首优美的钢琴曲 156. some more 另外一些的 157. on the radio = by radio 158. he free time= be free 159. be interested in = he interest in 160. the same as 161. be different from 162. more than =over 163. in common 164. (not) as + 形容词/副词原型 + as 165. be good at =do well in 166. laugh at 167. the opposite of --- 168. primary school 169. swimming pool 170. the day after tomorrow 171. the day before yesterday 172. What a pity! 173. the whole day 174. not --- until---- 175. worry about ---=be worried about 176. depend on 177. look at 178. take the boat = go to --- by boat 179. take a shower 180. take the subway 181. walk to--- = go to --- on foot 182. ride a bike 183. fly to ---= go to --- by plane/air 184. bus stop/ station 185. train station 186. lee for---动身去某地 187. rent videos 188. go sightseeing 189. go hiking 190. send for 派人去请 191. eat a balanced diet 192. keep a balance of yin and yang 193. he a toothache 194. he a headache 195. he a stomachache 196. he a cold 197. he a fever 198. he a sore throat 199. he a sore back 200. drink lots of hot tea with honey 201. see the dentist 202. take some medicine 203. be stressed out 204. listen to the music 205. give me some advice给我些建议 206. three day ago 207. of course 208. junk food 209. as for 210. go skateboarding 211. surf the Internet 212. the results of /for --- 的结果 213. eating habits 饮食习惯 214. too much 太多 215. much too太----- 216. at the moment 217. a few 218. in the western countries在西方 219. host family 220. go/ be away for too long离开太长时间 221. the first week in June六月的个周 222. something different 223. vacation plans 224. he a relaxing vacation 225. go bike riding 骑自行车旅行 226. get to = arrive at /in = reach 227. he a quick breakfast = he breakfast quickly 228. be ill in hospital生病住院 229. a number of 许多,大量 230. the number of ---- 的数目 231. babysit my sister 232. between --- and --- 233. study for a math test 234. he friends with= make friends with与—交朋友

初一下册英语电子课本 初一下册英语电子课本仁爱版初一下册英语电子课本 初一下册英语电子课本仁爱版


How often………………对频率提问

How long………………对时间长短提问

How far………………对距离长短提问

How old………………对年龄提问

How many/much…………对个数多少提问

Be good for ./sth. 对……有好处

Try to do sth. 尽力做某事

Be the same as 和……一样

Want . to do sth. 想让某人做某事

Help . do sth. 帮助某人做某事

In +颜色/型号 穿……颜色/型号的衣服一个做某事的好地方


Always usually often sometimes never


Now=at the moment

Walk towards 向……走

It’s important to do…… 做某事很重要

I he a sore back.


Decide on doing sth.=decide to do sth.


Finish doing sth.


A good place to do sth.

Lee for+到达的地点

Lee+离开的地点 for+到达的地点


正如影片里的夏洛一样如果你的答案是“愿意”,那我们有一份当服务员的工作。请给Al’s Dinner打电话,号码是: 555-3937

是不是 A Weekend to Remember





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教育出版社 (百度搜My back aches.) 里面有小学初中高中所有功课的电子课本。





What does he want to be? He wants to be a bank clerk.

教学内容:I want to be an actor.

Title I want to be an actor.

Topic Occupations

Functions Talk about jobs

Structures What, where questionsPresent tense to want, to workAffirmative and negative statements

Target language What does he do ? He’s a waiter.What do you want to be? I want to be an actor.Where does she work? She works at a bank.

Vocabulary doctor, actor, reporter, police officer, waiter, bank clerk, sales assistant, student, dangerous

Recycling fun, busy, exciting, difficult, boring, interestingfather, mother, cousin, sisterwant ,TV, bank

Learning Strategies PersonalizingInferring vocabulary

Ⅰ.Words and Expressions:

( n. 名词 v. 动词 adj.形容词 adv. 副词 prep. 介词 )

单词/短语 词性 词义 讲解与例句

assistant n. 助手;助教 sales assistant 售货员Her sister is a sales assistant. 她姐姐是个售货员。

doctor n. 医生 Peter’s father is a well-known doctor.彼得的父亲是个很有名的医生。

reporter n. 记者 I want to be a reporter when I grow up.长大后我想当一名记者。

police officer n. 警官 He wants to be a police officer because he thinks it is an interesting job. 他想当一名警官,因为他认为这个工作很有意思。

waiter n. 服务员 He finds a part-time job as a waiter.他找了一份当服务员的工作。

bank clerk n. 银行职员 She is a bank clerk and she counts money every day. 她是个银行职员,每天都数钱。

hospital n. 医院 People are afraid of going to hospitals during SARS. 非典期间人们都不敢去医院。

star n. 主演 He’s the star of this movie. 他是这部电影的主演。

occupation n. 职业:行业 What is his occupation? 他的职业是什么?

nurse n. 护士 Nurses are called ‘Angels in White’. 护士被人们称为白衣天使。

money n. 钱;货币 Can you lend me some money? 你可以借我点钱吗?

count v. 数数 The little boy can count from one to one hundred. 哪个小男孩能从一数到一百。

patient n. 病人 Please be kind to those patients. 请对那些病人好一些。

angel n. 天使 She is just like an angel. 她就像个天使。

dangerous adj. 危险的 The lake is dangerous for swimmers.在这个湖里游泳危险。

thief v. 贼;小偷 Beware of thieves. 谨防小偷。

afraid adj. 害怕;畏惧 She is afraid of dogs. 她害怕狗。

TV station v. 电视台 His father works at a TV station. 他父亲在电视台工作。

pop star n. 流行歌手 Who is your forite pop star? 你喜欢的流行歌手是谁?

late adv. 迟;晚 He always gets up late. 他总是很晚起床。

go out 外出 Don’t go out. It’s too cold outside. 别出去了,外面太冷了。

want ad n. 广告 I know it from the want ad. 我是从广告上知道的。

magazine n. 杂志 I usually read magazines on Sundays. 我通常周末看杂志。

school play n. 校剧 Our school play is famous in Haidian District. 我们的校剧在海淀区很有名气。

as soon as possible 尽早;越快越好 Please come here as soon as possible.请尽早来。

evening newspaper n. 晚报 Tony’s father reads evening newspaper every day. 托尼的父亲每天都看晚报。

bright n. 明亮的;乐观的 Every one wants to he a bright future. 每个人都想有个好的前程。

future n. 将来 What are you going to do in the future?你将来想干什么?

run v. 经营;开办 It’s not easy to run a school. 经营一所学校并不容易。

cook n. 厨师 My mother is a good cook. 我妈饭做的很好。

requirement n. 要求 There are several requirements for this job.这份工作有几个要求。

Experience n. 经验;经历 Please tell us your experiences in America.请告诉我们你在美洲的经历。

Ⅱ.Sentences and Phrases: 句型与词组。

Grammar Focus:

What do you do? I’m a reporter.

What does he do? He’s a student.

What does she do? She’s a doctor.

What do you want to be? I want to be an actor.

What does she want to be? She wants to be a sales assistant.

Sentences from the Passage (重点句讲解)

◆ I help doctors and patients. Some people call us “angels in white”


help 用法举例:

help . with sth. 帮助某人某事

help . (to) do sth. 帮助某人做某事


Can you help me with my English? 你能帮我学英语吗?

Mary often helps her mother do housework at weekends.


◆ My work is interesting but kind of dangerous. Thieves are afraid of me.


dangerous 用法举例: e.g.

It is dangerous to walk on thin ice in a lake.


It is a dangerous zone. 那是个危险地带。

afraid 用法举例:

be afraid of sth. 害怕某事

e.g. Her little sister is afraid of snakes. 她的妹妹害怕蛇。

be afraid to do sth. 害怕做某事

e.g. We are never afraid to lay down our lives for the right cause.


I’m afraid that … 恐怕;我想 (表示抱歉)

e.g. I’m afraid you are wrong about that. 这件事恐怕是你错了。

I’m afraid I can’t agree with you. 我恐怕不能同意你的观点。

◆ I like talking to people and writing stories. I meet pop stars and VIPs.


talk to 和。。。交谈(主要是一方说,而另一方在听)

talk with 和。。。交谈(双方都在说)

talk about 谈论


He keeps talking to me for the whole class. 一节课他给我说个没完。

What are you talking about? 你们在谈论什么呢?

They are talking with each other in the classroom.


◆ If your answer is “yes”, then we he a job for you as a waiter. Call Al’s Diner at 555-3937.

call . at … 给某人打电话。

job, work 都有工作的意思,但是job 是可数名词,而work是不可数名词。

e.g. If you need my help, please call me at 8888-6666.


He finds a job as a part-time teacher. 他找了份当老师的工作。

◆ I want to be an actor because it’s an interesting job.


本句还可以改成:I want to be an actor because it’s interesting.

interesting (sth. is interesting )

interested (. is interested in sth.)

be interested in sth.


This book is very interesting. Can I keep it for another week?


My uncle is interested in collecting stamps. 我叔叔对集邮很感兴趣。



( ) 1. ___ does your father do? He is a police officer.

A. Which B. How C. Where D. What

( ) 2. He’d like ___ coffee.

A. drinking B. drink C. to drink D. drinks

( ) 3. We he a job for you ___ a part-time writer.

A. to B. for C. at D. as

( ) 4. If you want the job, please call Jack ___ 8888-4567.

A. up B. to C. for D. at

( ) 5. Mary went to the beach and ___ her homework over the summer vacation.

A. do B. to do C. did D. does

( ) 6. Gina enjoys ___ in the pool in summer.

A. skating B. washing C. swimming D. swiming

( ) 7. There ___ all sorts of programs on TV every day.

A. he B. has C. is D. are

( ) 8. My grandmother is a good ___. She can cook meat in many ways.

A. cooker B. cook C. waiter D. doctor

( ) 9. The ___ are looking for the lost child.

A. police B. polices C. policeman D. policemans

( ) 10. There are six ___ and four ___ in the hall.

A. American, Japanese B. Americans, Japanese

C. Americans, Japaneses D. American, Japaneses


Jack 1 (come) from New Zealand. He is a good student. He often 2 (help) us with our English. He 3 (help) Li Ming last Tuesday. Of course, we often 4 (help) him with his Chinese. Now, He 5 (help) me. My mother is cooking for us. He 6 (like) Chinese food.

1._______ 2. ________ 3. ________

4. ________ 5. ________ 6. ________


( A )

Modern life is impossible without treling. The fastest way of treling is by air. With a modern airliner you can trel in one day to places which it took a month or more to get to a hundred years ago.

Treling by train is slower than by air, but it has its advantages. You can see the country you are treling through. Modern trains he comfortable seats and dining-cars. They make even the longest journey enjoyable.

Some people prefer to trel by sea when possible. There are large liners and river boats. You can visit many other countries and different parts of your country on them. Ships are not so fast as trains or planes, but treling by sea is a very pleasant way to spend a holiday.

Many people like to trel by car. You can make your own timetable. You can trel three or four hundred miles or only fifty or one hundred miles a day, just as you like. You can stop wherever you wish—where there is something interesting to see, at good restaurant where you can enjoy a good meal, or at a hotel to spend the night. That is why treling by car is popular for pleasure trips, while people usually take a train or plane when they are treling on business.

( ) 1. From the passage, we know the fastest way of treling is ___.

A. by plane B. by ship C. by train D. by car

( ) 2. If we trel by car, we can ___.

A.make the longest journey enjoyable

B.trel to a very far place in several minutes

C.make our own timetable

D.trel only fifty or one hundred miles a day

( ) 3. The underlined word “they” in the passage refers to (指) ___.

A.modern trains in the seats and dining-cars

C.the trelers on the modern trains

D.the slower ways of treling

( ) 4. When people trel on business, they usually take ___.

A.a plane or a car B. a car or a boat

C. a boat or a train D. a train or a plane

( ) 5. How many ways of treling are mentioned in the passage?

A. Two B. Three C. Four D. six

( B )

Dear Weihan and Lilan,

Hi from Canada! We are hing a wonderful holiday. We hen’t seen a bear yet, but there are bears and deer in the forest around the lake where we are playing. The bears often go to the rubbish dump to look for food scraps. Perhaps we’ll go sightseeing at the dump! We will need to be careful because bears are quite dangerous. They will attack if you surprise them, so people carry bells when they are out walking or biking to warn the bears away.

On our first night we saw an amazing fireworks show. It doesn’t get dark here until 10 o’clock, so it was a really late night for us.

Last night we rode in a gondola 2000 meters to the top of Whistler Mountain. It was like floating in a glass bubble, so peaceful and still. The city lights were beautiful.

Today we canoed around the lake, and had a very short swim. It was freezing. The weather has been sunny, but not like the weather at home.

Bye for now. We will be home next week.


( ) 1. The letter says that the most likely place to see a bear will be ___.

A. in the forest B. at the dump

C. by the lake D. on the mountain

( ) 2. According to the letter, bears are the most dangerous when they ___.

A.hear bells ringing

B.are surprised by people

C.are frightened by deer

D.are searing for food scraps

( ) 3. Which of the following can be seen from the top of the Whistler Mountain?

A.City lights. B. A bear . C. A glass house. D. A lake.

( ) 4. Lingnan went to bed very late on the first night because he had ___.

A.been riding in a gondola

B.just arrived in Canada

C.spend all day canoeing

D.been watching a fireworks show

( ) 5. Lingnan only swam for a short time because ___.

A.the water was very cold

B.the weather wasn’t sunny

C.he was thinking of home

D.it was night time


Mary was quite busy yesterday. She got up 1 7:00 in the morning. She washed her face 2 and had some milk and bread 3 breakfast. It was a fine day. She went to school early. She had four 4 in the morning. She had a little 5 after lunch, 6 she worked very hard in class all day. She played basketball after school and then went home. On her way 7 she bought a pen.

When she 8 home, she had a short rest. After that she helped her parents. She quickly cooked 9 and cleaned the house. She watched TV for half an hour after supper. The she finished her homework at half past nine.

She 10 at ten.

( ) 1. A. on B. before C. for D. about

( ) 2. A. sadly B. happily C. slowly D. quickly

( ) 4. A. matches B. games C. classes D. books

( ) 5. A. time B. rest C. homework D. housework

( ) 6. A. and B. or C. but D. for

( ) 7. A. home B. to school C. to house D. to hospital

( ) 8. A. took B. was C. left D. arrived

( ) 9. A. supper B. breakfast C. lunch D. meals

( ) 10. A. went to school B. went to bed

C. got to school D. got up




6-10 CDBAB


1. comes 2. helps 3. helped

4. help 5. is helping 6. likes





1-5 BDACB 6-10 AADAB


My back hurts.

在我的街区有一个动物园。我喜欢在那儿度过周末时光。我喜欢观看猴子们到处爬( ) 3. A. for B. about C. on D. of。猴子们有时打架,他们看起来像我和我的朋友打架的时候!要到达那儿,我通常步行出去,在桥路向右转。然后我沿着桥路走,动物园在右边。







I he a pain in my back.

















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