天津高考英语情景交际 天津英语高考情景交际题

卡尔顿高习 2024-07-03 09:52 1


天津高考英语情景交际 天津英语高考情景交际题天津高考英语情景交际 天津英语高考情景交际题

天津高考英语情景交际 天津英语高考情景交际题

1、A. does doing B. does C. doing D. does to do高考的英文:National Higher Education Entrance ExaminationNational College Entrance Examcollege entranc考点一、完全倒装e examination参考例句:①The failure on the college entrance examination extinguish his faith in future.高考的失败使他对未来的信念破灭。

2、②The students' next goal is to be enrolled in a university. The college entrance examination is like a sword of Damocles.这些学生的下一个目标便是考上大学。


4、③Xiao Li's walking on air these days because he has just passed the entrance examination"这几天小李高兴得要命,因为他刚通过了高考"1、national是什么意思:adj. 的;全国的;国民的;民族的;国有的n. 国民Here is not merely a nation but a teeming nation of nations这里不仅是一个,而是许多丰富的总和。

5、release of nationality国籍解除; 放弃(脱离)国籍a tributary nation进贡国,2. 辅助的,3. 支流的,n.[C]1. 进贡国,附庸国[(+to)]2. 进贡者,3. 支流2、higher是什么意思:adj. [high] 的比较级;更高的The are demanding higher wages.。


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