购物英语怎么说 购物清单英语怎么说

卡尔顿高习 2024-07-01 09:49 1


购物英语怎么说 购物清单英语怎么说购物英语怎么说 购物清单英语怎么说




4、1. May I help you? 您买东西吗?2. Can I help you?/ What can I do for you?您想买什么?3. Is there anything I can do for you?4. May(Can)I do something for you?一般不说:What do you want?因为这样问显得无礼.店主或店员想了解顾客想要什么,喜欢什么或向顾客物品时的用语:Which shirt(pen…)do you like?What size(colour,kind…)do yu want?你想买哪种型号(颜色,种类…)?Do you like this size(colour,kind…)?你喜欢这种型号(颜色,种类…)吗?Is this(Are these)all right?这个(这些)可以吗?What about these(those)?这些(那些)怎么样?What else would you like?你想要点什么?顾客告诉售货员想买什么如果顾客需要购物可以说:1. I am looking for a red coat. 我想买一件红衣服.2. I want to get a pair of sunglasses. 我想买一副太阳镜.3. I'd like to he a pair of black trousers. 我想买条黑裤子.5. Could I he a look at that blouse?我可以看看那件女式衫衣吗?如果你只想逛商店可以说:No,thanks. I'm just looking around. /Just he a look. 不,谢谢了.我只是随便看看而已.顾客要告诉店主或店员想买什么时的用语:Can you show me…? 你能给我看看…吗?I would like(want)some… 我想买…I’m looking for… 我想买…顾客向店主或店员询问价钱或讨价还价时,可以说:How much is it(are they)?多少钱?What does it come to?一共多少钱?Can it(they)be cheaper?能便宜点吗?That’s too much dear.太贵了.Can you sell it for two yuan?两元钱你卖吗?Can you come down a little?能便宜一点吗?How much do you want?你想要多少钱?顾客选购物品时,店主和顾客之间交谈的常用语:May I he a look at it(them)? 我可以看看吗?Can I try it(them)on? 我可以试一试吗?…is(are)over there. …在那儿.询问顾客想买的商品的特征时可以说:1. What colour do you want?/What colour, please?你要什么颜色的?2. What size do you want?/What size, please?你要什么尺码的?3. What kind do you want?/What kind, please?你要哪一种?售货员向顾客商品1. What about the green one?那件绿色的怎么样?2. The coat is nice and warm. 这件衣服很暖和.3. The trousers are the fashion now. 这种裤子现在正流行.4. How do you like this pattern?你觉得这种款式怎么样?5. How about the colour? 这颜色怎么样?2. How much are these things?这些东西多少钱?3. How much does it come to? 一共多少钱?4. What's the price of it? 这个多少钱?5. How much,please? 请问要多少钱?买卖达成顾客中意某一件东西后想买下某物时说:I'll he/take it. (我要买这个.)而较少说:I'll buy it.付钱Here's the money. 来,付钱.当顾客购物付款后,售货员或收款员通常要向顾客致谢说:Thank you.go shoppingshopping购物英文日常用语。


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