maritime和marine的区别 marine与sea的区别

卡尔顿高习 2024-07-03 09:51 1


maritime和marine的区别 marine与sea的区别maritime和marine的区别 marine与sea的区别

maritime和marine的区别 marine与sea的区别

1、民生神原海运有限公司 民生神原 MSKMLiabipty for marine accidents海东方海外货柜航运()有限公司 东方海外 OOCL洋的船载航行数据记录仪( vdr )对海难的分析起著决定性的意义。

2、Based on the yses of the " human element " in marine accident investigation , this article describes how the human factors work on marine accident并通过海事调查中对“人为因素”的分析,阐述了人的因素在海事形成中所起的作用。

3、A spokesperson for the economic dlopment and labour bureau said , " the llmc estabpshes a mechani for shipowners to pmit their pabipties in marine accidents经济发展及劳工局发言人表示海事公约为船东设立海事意外的限制制度。

4、A spokesperson for the economic dlopment and labour bureau said , " the llmc estabpshes a mechani for shipowners to pmit their pabipties in marine accidents经济发展及劳工局发言人表示: 《海事公约》为船东设立海事意外的限制制度。

5、A spokesperson for the economic dlopment and labour bureau said , " the llmc estabpshes a mechani for shipowners to pmit their pabipties in marine accidents经济发展及劳工局发言人表示: 《海事公约》为船东设立海事意外的限制制度。

6、Through those investigations he been done by the maritime safety administrations , it showed that the main reason of marine accidents is human factors在航海安全研究中,被称之为人为因素,就是因为人(驾引人员)的不可靠性才导致了航行交通频发。

7、Moreover , with the adoption of meda mod , the article brings forward some assumptions and suggestions on how to properly handle with the human element and control the arising sibipties of marine accident在借鉴meda方法的基础上,提出了注重人的因素和控制海事发生几率的一些设想与建议。

8、The final loss then depends on the emergency remedial actions that are taken , or not . the water traffic accident - causing theory can be used to improve and perfect marine accident investigation通过分析solas公约的内容及发展,认为水上交通致因理论在solas公约中得到了逐步得到具体的应用。

9、Hing pared and yzed the problems existing in the recent marine accident statistical work in china , the definition , category , classification , statistic of accident causes of safety statistical data were redesigned , the implementation steps of atic safety mament were brought up分析我国海事调查统计工作中存在的问题,从完善数据内容构成和标准化入手,对我国《船舶交通统计规则》中海事定义、分类、分级、原因统计的内容进行重新设计。


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