英语高考阅读童年 历年高考英语阅读来源

卡尔顿高习 2024-07-06 09:51 1


英语高考阅读童年 历年高考英语阅读来源英语高考阅读童年 历年高考英语阅读来源

英语高考阅读童年 历年高考英语阅读来源

1、Hank went to school like other boys. His grades were good and he needed only eight years to finish his schooling instead of the usual twelve. After graduating from school, he worked his way through college. He swept floors, waited on table, or worked in one of the college offs. During all this busy life, he had been moving around on his stumps. But one day the doctor told him n the stumps were not going to last much longer. He would soon he to use a wheel chair.高考英语阅读理解题及解析能正确的掌握英语文章信息是我们学习英语的目的之一,也是高考英语重点考察项目之一。

2、为了帮助大家提高自己的阅读理解能力,我整理了一些高考英语阅读理解,以供大家练习,希望能对大家有所帮助!photographAre all your photographs good?Be honest with yourself. Aren’t some of your pictures too dark, and others too light?How many times he you thrown away a photo?We, the Fine Photograph Club, can you. We meet ry Wednesday in our comfortable club room in Bridge Street. At 7:30 p.m. amember of the club or a visitor would give a talk, and then we he coffee. Our members will aise you on all the latest cameras and films. They will you to dlop your films or enlarge your pictures. What does it all cost?Only 5 pounds a year.Photography is now a big business. Do you know, for instance, that there are 15 million cameras in our country?And that 700 million photographs are taken a year, more than one-third of them in color?Think of the amount of photography in evision, the cinema, newss, books, aertisements and so on. In modern life people learn a lot from pictures, so photography is more and more important. It is also more complicated and more expensive than it used to be. You may only want to take good photographs of faces and places. If so, we can you to get better results. You needn’t waste any more money. If you want to learn more about photography and how it is used, join the club please. You won’t be disappointed. Write now to the Secretary, Fine Photograph Club. Bridge Street. 31. The pure of passage is to _____.A. show people how to take fine picturesB. l people photography is now a big businessC. l people the club can do many things for youD. encourage people to join the photograph club为D。




6、 32. If you want to join the club, you _____.A. must be good at photographyB. must know about the latest cameras and filmsC. muD.no less famous than the leading actor of the dayst pay a little money a yearD. must be honest with yourself为C。


8、从短文段的一句话:five pounds a year中得出。

9、33. You are able to be honest so that you can_____.A. say if your photos are good or badB. l how much money you wasteC. the Fine Photograph ClubD. know the latest dlopment in cameras为A。


11、将段内容进行综合分析,可以知道:这是Fine Photograph club所做的宣传广告,让人们知道他们是为了帮助人们提高摄影技术,避免出现浪费现象,而且费用低廉。


13、34. The club can give the following serv except _____.A. coffee B. amusement C. a D. rmation为B。


15、从短文内容上看,文章中出现了:and then we he coffee(选项A的内容),will aise you on all the latest(选项C的内容)和if you want to learnit is used(选项D的内容),这样只有选项B的内容在短文中没有出现了。

16、A. If you are a member of Fine Photograph Club, it will cost you only 5 pounds to buy a camera.B. All the members of Fine Photograph Club can take free photographs of faces and places.C. More than a third of 700 million color photographs are taken a year.D. If you write to the photograph club, you will be very good at photographing.为C。

17、在短文And that 700 million photographs are taken a year,more than one-third Of them in color?中给出了。

18、其中的them就是700 million photographs。

19、businessMost of us know about the Nobel Prize, especially the Nobel Peace Prize, but few of us know anything about the man who set them up. His name was Alfred Nobel. He was a great scientist and inventor himself. Besides, he had a big business. His business may surprise you. He made and sold explosives. His companies n made and sold weapons. Isn’t this soming that surprises you? The man who made money from weapons should set up the Peace Prize?Though Alfred Nobel had a lot of money from weapons, he hated war. He hoped that there would be no war in the world. He was one of the richest in Europe. When he died in 1896, he left behind him a lot of money and his famous will. According to his will, most of his money was placed in a fund. He wanted the interest from the fund to be used as prizes ry year. We know them as the Nobel Prizes. The Nobel Prizes are international. Alfred Nobel wanted the winners to be chosen for their work, not the country they came from.Alfred Nobel had given his whole life to his studies and work and to the benefits of mankind. He made money all by his own efforts, but he left the world share his wealth. His inventions and wealth stay with the world for r.36. Alfred’s business was _____.A. and selling explosives B. not and selling weaponsC. explosives and selling weapons D. weapons and selling explosives为A。

20、将这两句话His business may surprise you. He made and sold explosives.合并在一起理解.就是:他的企业是制造并贩卖的。

21、37. Nobel wanted to set up the Nobel Peace Prize because _____.A. he made enough moneyB. he hated warC. he wanted to get more interest from the fundD. he liked to live in a peaceful world为B。



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