英语五级下册 英语五级下册手抄报

卡尔顿高习 2024-07-03 09:49 1


1、take pictures(照相) watch insects(观察昆虫) pick up lees(采摘树叶) do an experiment(做实验) catch butterfly(捉蝴蝶) honey(蜂蜜) count insects(数昆虫) collect lees(收集树叶) wtite a report(写报告) play chess(下棋) he a picnic(举行野餐)pep五年级下册英语听力Unit 6 Work quietly!第二单元知识点Part A Let’s try (P58)Mike: Wow! There are so manyanimals in the zoo.Chen Jie: Yes. I love them. Look!The birds are flying.Mike: And there is a yellow tiger, too. Chen Jie: Yes. It is running very fast!Part B Let’s try (P61)Tom: Hi, I am new here. Is this thelibrary?John: Yes, it is. Can I help you?Tom: Yes. Where are the Englishbooks?John: Oh. Over here! Teacher: Shh! Talk quietly!Let’s check (P64)1. Robin: Where is Grandpa, Yifan?3.put your knees together把你的膝盖并拢Yifan: He's in his room. He's reading abook. Robin: Oh, OK.2. John: Mike, can I use your pen, please? Mike: OK, John. Here you are! Miss White: Talk quietly!3. Chen Jie: I'm listening to Englishmusic. It's cool.Zhang Peng: I like English music.Mike: I like it, too.Recycle 2P661.(电话响起) Mike: Hi, Mum.Mum: Hi. How is your Summer camp? Mike: Fine. Today, we had an art class. Mum: Good.Mike: On August 1st we'll he a sportsday.2. Mum: What are you doing now? Mike: We're listening to music.We'll he lunch.Mum: I see. What's for lunch? Mike: Potatoes and rice.3. Mum: What else will you do at camp? Mike: On the 6th we'll he a trip to theforest.Mum: That sounds fun.Mike: And on the 11th, we'll he aparty. Mum: Great!4. Mum: OK. Mike. Be a good boy! Keepyour room clean. Mike: I will.Mum: See you at home on August 12th. Mike: OK. Bye-bye. I love you, Mum. Mum: Love you, too。


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