学校通知英语模板 学校通知用英语怎么写

卡尔顿高习 2024-07-03 09:49 1


交通 学校安排汽车接送,本班汽车号码是 粤C—36705 注意事项 体检前空腹


学校通知英语模板 学校通知用英语怎么写学校通知英语模板 学校通知用英语怎么写

Ladies and gentlmen,May I he your attention ,please?I he an announcement to make Our July 18,Am After breakfast,At the hotel door collection,And then proceed.Our lunch will be carried out in the park for dinner.To around 17 o'clock, we in the park in front of the collection, and then set aside to memorate photography.We visited New York, Tokyo, Moscow, London and Paris, waiting for the five spots.Please enjoy everyone waiting.。




常用的称呼语有“rades and friends”、“Boys and girls”、“Teachers and fellow students”、“Ladies and gentlemen”,也有的不用开头语,直接开始。④口头通知的一些常用的开头语和结束语。

开头语 结束语Any questions? Does everyone understand? That's all. Thank you. 精选范文①Please be quiet, everyone. There's something you need to know. As our teacher is ill, we're to he reading class together with the students of Class Three today. Please take your benches with you to their classroom. The oral class will be put off until tomorrow. That's all. Thank you. ②Attention please, rades. There is going to be a talk on American Family in the Lecture Hall this afternoon. It'll be given by an American professor _____ Mr. Smith. Those who want to attend please be there at 2∶30 Any question? If no, that's all. Thank you. ③Listen, please, I he something important to tell you. We're going to hold a get-together with some foreign students at 7∶00 p. m. on Friday in the Foreign Student's Dining Hall. Any one who wants to take part in it, please be there on time. Thank you. ④Ladies and gentlemen, Listen, please. This afternoon we're going to visit the Great Wall, the bus will stop at the foot of the Great Wall. Three hours later, we'll get together here and back to the hotel. When you go to visit the Great Wall, please take your valuable things with you. And remember to e back to the bus at five o'clock. Do be there on time. Does everyone understand? Since everyone understands very well. Thank you. 练习①假如你是班长,利用课余时间告诉你的同班同学,本星期六下午4∶00在本班教室召开班会,主题是:如何保持教室干净、整洁。请同学们准备好发言。

(字数:60~80左右)参考词语将……四处扔to throw…about 对……危害to do harm to 吐痰to spit 保持……干净go keep…clean 准备好to get ready for ②假如你是学生会主席,通知各班团支部今天下午4∶30在会议室开会,讨论本学期Notice打算开展哪些活动等事宜。(字数:60左右)参考词语讨论……活动 to discusse … activities 团支书the secretaries of League Branch 出席to be present ③假如你是班上的体育委员,你班下星期一准备和(6)班进行一场篮球赛。

请非队员的同学到时到学校篮球场观看,为本班球队喝彩助威。(字数:60左右)参考词语参加比赛to take part in the match 应邀to be invited to 喝彩助威to cheer up 篮球场basketball court ④假如你是语文课代表,通知全班同学,因语 文老师生病,请假2天,这两天的语文课改上自习,完成练习册第52页上的练习,另外预习好第16课课文。

同学们按照自己的分工情况带好工具。(字数:60~80左右)参考词语进行大扫除to he a general clean-up 分成to be divided into 扫把broom 抹布mop ⑥假如你是英语课代表,通知你班同学今天上午第三节课到学校语音室上英语口语课,请同学们带好口语课本,另外在语言实验室要遵守规则,不得损坏设备,否则是要被罚款的。

(字数:60左右)参考词语语言实验室language lab 遵守规则to keep the rules of… 损坏设备to damage the equipment 罚款to fine ⑦假如你是班长,请通知学生听一个访美报告,时间是12月20日下午3点,地点为205会议室,主讲人是刚访美归国的李明华。内容:美国中学教育。

每个同学各带一至二名外校学生参加,要求不要迟到,本年级同学会后留下来讨论。(字数:60~80左右)参考词语美国中学教育American high school education 允许to be allowed to do something 期望be expected to 进行讨 fire alarm 被……困住to be trapped by 乘电梯to take the lift 随身携带to take…with 及其危害 参考词语飓风及危害the hurricane and its damage从……学到……to learn…from… 叫《龙卷风》的电影a film called“Twister”出席讲座to attend the lecture 随身带to bring…with… 举办英语晚会 【内容提示】 假定你是天津一中的学生会主席。

为促进学校全体老师和学生的英语学习,你校将举办英语晚会。现请你以学生会的名义写一份约100词的英文书面通知,欢迎全校老师和同学们参加:内容:1.晚会时间:下周五晚 8∶00—10∶002.晚会地点:学校大会议室3.晚会节目:英语故事、歌曲、诗歌及短剧等 届时还请在本校工作的美籍教师Mr.Green及夫人、子女参加,他们将要表演精彩的节目。

【作文】 An English Evening to Be Held Notice It is our great desire to improve our English studies to a 。



时间 活动事项 有关内容星期一 上午:接见 介绍学校情况下午:参观实验室和图书馆星期二 白天:两国学生游览长城 张老师讲有关长城的趣闻晚上:在402室举行联欢会星期三 两校学生举行座谈会星期四 上午:乘CA981航班返回美国【作文】Activities of the American Students in BeijingDear friends,Wele to China. I am very glad to tell you what you are going to do during your stay in Beijing. Our principal is to meet you on Monday morning and he will introduce our school to you. You will be shown around the lab building and the library in the afternoon. On Tuesday morning the students of the two countries are to visit the Great Wall, where Mr Zhang will tell some interesting stories about it. In the evening we are going to he a party in Room 402. The Chinese students and the American students will give nice performances at the party. You will he a talk with the Chinese students on Wednesday morning. You will be free in the afternoon. And you will take Flight CA981 back to the USA on Thursday morning.That's all. Thanks.【写法指要】1)这种介绍活动安排的口头通知比较好写,只要按所预订的活动日程顺序组织文章结构就可以了。但要注意正确使用日期和时间表示法,如 on Monday morning , on Tuesday afternoon , in the morning , in the afternoon 等。

英语作文 通知类的

Dear clas ates, I he a good news to tell you. Next week, we will go to the window of the world visit. Please get a few requirements: The first point is that we're in May 1, 2006 at 8 am on Monday at the gate of the school bus set out. The second point is that everyone should pay thirty yuan tickets. Everyone must wear school uniform. Everyone has to bring water and lunch. The third point is the clas ates after entering the Windows of the world can be free to visit. Students can also take pictures of freedom. The first four o 'clock is we will return to school by bus at 6 o 'clock.Ask the students to get to school on time don't be late。



NoticeAttention please, everyone,Our class will go to he a physical examination in People's Hospital on Saturday, 10th May. We'll meet at the hospital gate at 7:45.. It is not far from our school. It's about fif minutes' walk.You may either walk there or go there by bicycle.The examination will begin at 8:00. We are not allowed to eat or drink anything before the examination. Keep quiet there and listen to the doctors and nurses. After the examination you may go home.。


A student concert will be held at 2:30 this Friday afternoon in Rose Music Hall. Those who want to take part in it please remember that it is not allowed n to he drinks as well as food there. Besides, what we should keep in mind is that we should not take photos or make noises during the performance, which will surely he an bad effect on it. Finally, all the students can go home after enjoying the wonderful performance. Wish you he a good time there!

Attention please:

We're going to he a music concert for students at 2:30pm,Friday.We'll meet you at the Rose Gallery.If you want to attend,the following rules you he to obey:

1.You're not supposed to drink or eat snacks in music gallery

2.You're not allowed to take photos or scream out loud during the performance.

3.When the show finishes,everyone should go home.

Thank you for listening,and I hope that everyone can he a good time this Friday!


NOTPlease bring a notebook with you and make some notes. We will he a discussion about it in the class meeting next Monday. Please come on time. Thats all.ICE(正中)

We're going to Yue Lu for climbing tomorrow morning at 7:00. Please prepare articles, food, drinks, sports shooes and we will meet.at our school gate. The lunch is set to be at 12 o'clock. The activities we plan to take part in are plenty and we are sure to he a great time trelling in Yue Lu. It is a good time to enjoy the beauty of nature and relax at the same time. So everyone should attend this jorneryunless sick lees. Hope that we will enjoy ourselves tomorrow. (正文)

Monitor of Class3,Senior 1(右下角)

July 11,2012(日期:左下角)



Also, we would like to remind you to make sure you can arrive on time. Thank you!

the Students' Union Feb 13th,2006




winter holiday is ing.our winter holiday is from XX to XX.please finish your homework during the holiday and hang on it by the time you e back.During the holiday。Students must be careful when going out or playing.please be sure that the opening school day is on XXX.late for school will not be allowed on the school day.Enjoy your winter holiday and hope you he a good time.


通知 英语作文



时 间:本周日


8:00 在学校大门口;




要 求:



注 5. Players should arrive at the gymnasium by 8:30am on February 20th.意:




Fellow students, attention, please. I he something to tell you. We are going to pay a visit to the History Museum this Sunday. Be sure to arrive at the school gate before 8:00 a.m. We will set off at 8:10 a.m. by bus altogether. At about 8:40 a.m., we'll he a visit of the History Museum following a guide. At around 11:00 the visit is over, and we plan to return at about 11:10 by bus. The total cost will be 20 Yuan;everyone should hand in the money to me,your monitor, before Friday. Don't forget to wear school uniforms on the very day. And everyone needs to write a composition after the visiting. Hope you will enjoy the visit. That's all. Thank you.

通知怎么写 模板英语翻译

关于通知We hope that this basketball match will bring joy and excitement to our school community, and we look forward to seeing you on the court!的英语模板翻译如下:

通知的格式:通知的格式,包括标题、称呼、正文、落款。标题:写在行正中。可只写“通知”二字,如果事情重要或紧急,也可写“重要通知”或“紧急通知”,以引起注意。有的在“通知”前面写上发通知的单位名称,还有的写上 通知的主要内容。

称呼:写被通知者的姓名或职称或单位名称。在第二行顶格写。(有时,因通知事项简短,内容单一,书写时略去称呼,直起正文。)正文: 另起一行,空两格写正文。正文因内容而异。开会的通知要写清开会的时间、地点、参加会议的对象以及开什么会,还要写清要求。布置工作的通知,要写清所通知的目 的、意义以及具体要求和作法

落款: 分两行写在正文右下方,一行署名,一行写2)活动安排一般讲的都是将要进行的活动,所以多用将来时态的句法结构,如 We are going to . , You will . , He is to . 等。日期。写通知一般采用条款式行文,可以简明扼要,使被通知者能一目了然,便于遵照执行

正文内容写法:正文如何提笔,首先必须明确要写的意图、根据。一般公文通知[Your name]一是要传达上级文件精神;二是根据上级的要求结合本地区和有关部门的实际情况,在贯彻好上级指示的情况下,传达更适宜本地区的活动落实意见和具体要求;三是一些具体活动的实施,特别需要反馈的,要写好相关联系人和关。


Notice: School Basketball Competition


Dear Examinee:



下面是有关英语演讲比赛的消息,请据此用英语写一通知。(100词左右) 活 动 英语演讲比赛 ( English-speaking Contest ) 目 的 提高英语口语 组 织 者 学生会 参加范围 高中(senior) 学生 报名时间 5月25日以前 报名地点 学生会办公室 比赛时间 6月9日下午4:00 比赛地点 教学楼五楼礼堂 ( auditorium ) 评 讲 前五名优胜者获奖

We are going to he an English-speaking contest for senior students so as to improve our oral English. It will be held in auditorium on the 5th floor in the teaching building at 4:00pm. , June 9th. Those who want to take part in the contest are supposed to come to sign up at the office of the students’ Union before May 25th. All the senior students are welcome to join in the contest. The first five winners will be given prizes. Please try your best and get ready in time.

Wish you success!


As you know, due to unfortunate circumstances, ETS was forced to cancel

the scores of the October 1992 TOEFL administration in the Peoples Republic

of China. At that time, you were notified that you would be able to take

should be aware that the TOEFL program has a long standing policy of not

refunding test fees when administrations are cancelled.


We apologize for any inconvenience that this may cause to you.


Russell Webster


Executive Director




对象 全体团员 时间 7:00 地点 学校大门口 出发时间 8:00 其他 自带清洁工具

[作文要求] 只能使用5个句子表达全部的内容。

提供参考的口头通知作文范文: Dear clasates,

I’ve something to tell you. The school League Committee has decided to organize a volunteer activity for the League members this weekend---to do general cleaning at the railway station . All the League members are required to gather at the school gate at 7:30 am on Sunday. We are to start for the station at 8:00 am . Please don’t forget to bring along with you cleaning tools.

A student concert will be held at 2:30 this Friday afternoon in Rose Music Hall. Those who want to take part in it please remember that it is not allowed to he drinks as well as food there. Besides, what we should keep in mind is that we should not take photos or make noises during the performance, which will surely he a bad effect on it. Finally, all the students can go home after enjoying the wonderful performance. Wish you he a good time there!


假如你是班长,学校决定对全体学生进行一次体检,请你用英语写一份书面通知。其时间安排和内容如下: 体检地点 市第二医院 体检时间 2007年10月19日上午 地点和时间 校门口,上午7:30

[作文要求] 只能使用5个句子表达全部的内容。


[作文评分标准] 句子结构的准确性,信息内容的完整性和连贯性。



Fellow students,

May we he your attention please? We he something important to tell you.We are going to organize all students in our school to visit the museum in our city this Saturday.You're required to meet at the school gate at 7:00 in the morning.We'll go by bus and start out at 7:30.Pay attention that you must gather on time and follow the regulations of the museum while visiting.And we'll he our lunch at a restaurant near the museum.

That's all,thank you.





All ( of ) the students of ( in ) Grade Two , We'llgo to work on the farm tomorrow . Please meet at8 : 00o'clock outside the school gate Don't forget to( You'd better ) put on your old clothes .

June 25 , 1998


The sports meeting which was to take place this Saturday has to be put off because of the hey rairi these days. All students are required to come to school on Saturday morning as usual, but there will be no class that afternoon. Weather permitting, the sports meeting will be held next Saturday morning. Members of the school ping-pong team must come to the Ping-pong Ha]] at 4:30 this Saturday afternoon. Ping-pong stars from Wuhan will come and give special training and coaching then.

10th April, 2005





As you know, due to unfortunate circumstances, ETS was forced to cancel the scores of the Octo通知类英语作文范文篇2rber 2006 TOEFL administration in the People's Republic of China. At that time, you were notified that you would be able to take another TOEFL without charge up through the October 2007administration. You should be aware that the TOEFL program has a long standing policy of not refunding test fees when administrations are cancelled.

We apologize for any inconvenience that this may cause to you.

Russell Webster

Executive DirTo ensure the success of the competition, we need your cooperation in following the guidelines below:ector







To all students,







Educational Testing Service正文:

It is our great desire to improve our English studies to a new stage。 So an English evening is going to be提供参考的通知作文范文: Notice held in our school meeting-hall from 8:00 to 10:00 pm。 next Friday。 You will enjoy English stories, songs, poems and short plays at the evening。

Mr and Mrs Green from the USA working in our school, together with their children, will be invited to our evening。 They will give us wonderful performances。


All the teachers and students are welcome to attend our English evening。 We hope all of you will like the performances.


Student's Union


Nov.16, 2021



Office of Physical Education

以学生会的名义写通知英语的方法是:如果是什么组织比如学校的话在左上角写上通讯电话和传真,右上角写地址.然后空几行,在左边写日期,跟着下面写 Dear。

(根据你要通知的人),跟着下面就可以写通知的内容,然后加上Yours sincerely Teleohone:12345679 88 xxx Road,xxxx(city)。

8888(post code) 12345678 Fax :12345678 1 June 2008 Dear xxx(parents,patients,students whatever) dfsdaanother TOEFL without charge up through the October 1993 administration. Youfsdfjkasdlfjsf(通知内容) Yours sincerely (signature) 这是澳洲学校通知格式,仅共参考。


We're going to hold a summer vacation in Beijing together with a secondary school from England. The time is from 10th July to 17th July. The main activities include going to the Great wall, visiting the Palace and holding a campfire party。

Each class will be hing 5 participants. Teachers are also welcome to join the party. Those who are interested, come to the office of the student union to sign up. The deadline is 1st of July。

The student union。

9th June, 2008。








1、通告正文上方的正中位置写3. Our school has decided to hold an activity to climb Xiangshan Hill this Sunday.上NOTICE(每个字母都大写)。











All students of grade3:


There is going to be a tree planting in our school.


Place:Teaching school in front of the building and around the playground.

Time: today after class 2 in the afternoon.

Tools:each class must bring 10 shovels, buckets and a number of only six basins.

XX Student Union

学校的一则通知英语dear students


dear studentMarch 12, 2002s



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