文化交流英语 文化交流英语翻译

卡尔顿高习 2024-07-03 09:49 1


Shirley: Oh, the homework is to explain what “economic law” is both in broad sense and in narrow sense.

I realize that grasping a language 文化是一个庞大的、超维度的范畴,指一群人通过个人或群体世代努力所获得的一切的沉积物,包括知识、经验、信仰、价值观、行动、态度、意义、等级制度、宗教、时间概念、角色、空间关系、宇宙观、制造物等(Larry A. Samovar,Richard E. Porter &Lisa,Stefani:36)。因此,英语口语课中的跨文化交际能力的培养不是一朝一夕,一蹴而就就能达到目的的。随着全球经济一体化,21世纪的大学生理应成为性人才,跨文化及交际能力是人才的必备的条件之一,同时,也只有当学生们具备充足的语言知识和跨文化知识,才会更有信心地与英语的人士进行交流,因此我们在今后的教学中必须对此引起足够的重视。can be the gateway to learning about the culture behind it. I hope I can contribute to the eastern and western culture exchange by mastering English.

文化交流英语 文化交流英语翻译文化交流英语 文化交流英语翻译


Languages are great bridges between cultures.

I wish to improve the intercommunication between the Eastern and Western culture, through the world-wide language ---- English.



摘 要:跨文化交际能力是语言表达能力的重要组成部分,大学英语口语课程对于学生跨文化交际能力的培养还不够。本文从分析英语口语教学的现状及跨文化交际能力的内容入手,着重探讨英语口语教学中跨文化交际能力培养的策略与方法。

India of now, Pakistan, Bengalese country at he been a nation before.Just start splitting into the Pakistan till 50's of last century with India, after of the 70's splits into the Bangladesh country again Pakistan with Bengalese country.The local religion in India is main to regard Hindui as principle, also hing a part the wood of .For long time these two religious sections conflicts continuously, we can often see on TV the some produces bloodshed to conflict because the religious section is self-contradict, this kind of violence behior, make the person very sorry.

关键词:跨文化交际 跨文化交际能力 英语口语教学 策略

1. 引言



3. 跨文化交际能力模式

跨文化交际,按Samovar(1998:48)的理解,就是指“具有足以改变交际效果的不同文化知觉和符号系统的人之间的交际”。跨文化交际能力(Intercultural Communicative Competence)是指根据不同文化背景的语言交际者的习惯得体地、合适地使用语言地能力,包括语言能力、非语言能力、跨文化理解力和跨文化适应能力等方面。跨文化交际能力是口语能力密不可分的一部分。


4. 跨文化交际能力培养的策略

4.1 提高教师自身的英美文化修养

在跨文化交际中,经常由于中英文之间文化异、理解和表达上的失误造成交际失败。比如,人常问:“你吃了吗?”、“去哪?”“你结婚了吗?”、“你收入怎么样?”用英文表达就是“He you eaten?”、“Where are you going?”、“Are you married or single?” “What is your income?”英美人士听到这样的问话会很不高兴,觉得对方不懂礼貌,干预他们的私事,直截地反应很可能是“It’s none of your business!”可见语言交流所涉及的不仅仅是一系列的语言规则及词条,而且还涉及到语言使用的文化及风俗习惯。在英语口语教学中应适度地、有选择地、比较系统地将目标语的文化知识的传授融入教学中,使英语口语教学与文化教学相结合。学生增强文化异意识,认识并接受外国人的思维方式,了解西方的人际关系及交往的深层次模式,从而学会得体地进行交际。

4.3 培养学生对CP和PP原则的理解和运用

1976年Grice在哈佛大学的William James讲座上提出自然语篇的会话含义理论,该理论提出,谈话的参与者都必须有把谈话进行下去的愿望,也就是他们在谈话中必须持合作态度,为此,人们必须遵守一些诸如真实、充分、关联、清楚等原则和准则,这就是所谓的“合作原则“(CP:Cooperation Principle)。但在实际交往中,人们往往不遵守上述准则,有时甚至故意违反这些准则。对此,Grice提出当谈话受到障碍,应引起说话人的注意,立即补救,以利于交际的正常进行。Leech(1983)据此提出了语言交际中要遵守的“礼貌原则(PP:Politeness Principle),即在交谈中说话人要减少表达不礼貌的信念,尽量表达礼貌的信念。这两条原则是人们交际中的两条基本准则,但对于如此抽象的概念,很多学生不知所云。因此,笔者在教学中采用大量的实例来帮助学生加以理解和掌握。例如:

Mary:Joy,let’s play4.2 培养学生的文化价值观,强化语言使用时的文化敏感性 football.

Joy: Good,let’s go.

例1 表明谈话的参与者都遵守CP,都有把谈话进行下去的愿望,在谈话中持合作态度。


Wife:Darling,could you clean the window?

Huand:It’s impossible.


Wife:Darling,could you clean the window?



Jake:Mike,could you close the window?


4.4 多样化的课堂教学手段,营造以学生为中心的课堂交际场景



4.5 选择适宜的教材

口语教材的使用上应考虑到语言知识、应用知识和文化知识的有机结合,我们可采取固定教材与补充教材相结合的办法,克服教材单一的不利因素。补充教材既能包含语言知识的传授,又能涉及跨文化交际中的文化异介绍。例如,教师可以根据教材所涉及的相关的文化知识从中精心挑选一些Mini-research projects,或案例,让学生分组进行分析和讨论,然后以report或编排情景对话形式进行表演,让学生在找到解决问题方法的同时对本国和异国的文化有了深层次的认识。通过这样的口语练习,学生既练习了口语,又对跨文化能力有了进一步的



[1]Heaton J.B. Writing English Language Tests (2nded) [M] . New York:Longman,1989.






2. 英语口语教学的现状综上所述,学习英语对于我们来说非常重要,不仅可以帮助我们更好地与世界沟通,还可以提高我们的职业发展机会,为我们的学术研究和文化交流提供更多的机会

Fellow American students,

With史蒂文:我们公司的广告宣传做得怎么样了? best wishes.





学生若能学得一种外语能力,就能帮他打开进入另一个世界的Body language (body language), also known as body language, is through the head, eyes, neck, hand, elbow, arm, body, hips, feet and other body parts of the coordination of activities to convey the character's thoughts, the image in order to express emotion in a kinds of communication. General words, body language, including facial expressions, including the aforementioned; narrow words, body language, body and limbs, the only significance of the expression. By the body movements to express emotions, the parties often do not know it. When we talk with people, sometimes frown, sometimes shaking his head, sometimes swinging gestures, sometimes legs crossed, we probably do not know it. For this reason, psychologists propose a following hypothesis: When you speak the truth with people, your body will be close to each other; when you are with people telling lies, your body will be far from each other. This hypothesis testing results found that: If the requirements are different subjects, respectively, and others statements knowingly fabricated lies with the right facts, the hypothesis that subjects do not consciously and to maintain distance from each other, and look back through the body, less physical activity, but the ile on the face increase.学习之门,达成多元学习与价值的目标。为培养具有视野的现代化国民

英语作文 随着中西文化交流的不断加强,西方的一些习俗也被引入,越来越多

高职学生由Maria: OK.于生源质量整体下降,在全球化的大背景下,对学生的英语跨文化交际能力的要求越来越高,而在学习能力和学习动力上表现不足。本文主要是研究以高职学生的英语课程学习为研究内容,了解高职学生在英语学习过程中影响其跨文化交际能力提高的主要因素,探讨教师帮助学生构建和强化有效的跨文化交际策略手段。提高高职英语教师的教学效率,也可以为其他科目的教学工作提供借鉴。

With the strong development between China and wetern cultures, some western customs he also been brought into China. More and more western customs like holidays or behiors随着全球化趋势的日益加快,外语教育也收到越来愈多的关注,各国都采取不同方式来促进外语教育的发展。在外语教学中越来与强调语言的文化内涵及学习者文化素质的核心作用。如1987年澳大利亚颁布了《语言政策》;法国在外语教育中采用“情景教学法”,鼓励学生进行交际,为学生提供良好的学习情境。 he been well accepted by Chinese and more and more foreigners are becoming interested in Chinese cultures as well.

However, it is also need to be noted, especially for those young Chinese to well reserve good Chinese traditions, but not to indulge in western fashion trends only.


In ancient times the under[1]张旭东.全球化时代的文化认同[M].北京:北京大学出版社,2005.developed because of traffic, the East-West cultural differences are more significant than even the territory bordering the two countries: China and India he each had their own civilization and move towards the direction. 古印度地区是世界四大文明古国的发祥地之一,千百年来李静无数朝代和岁月的变迁,有着深厚的文化沉淀和底蕴。 Ancient Indian region is the birthplace of one of the world's four ancient civilizations thousands of years, Li Ching dynasty and the years many changes he profound cultural deposits and details. 古印度处在东亚和中亚的交界处,紧邻印度洋,地域的特殊性也使得其成为了文化交融的地方。 In ancient India, the junction of East and Central Asia, close to the Indian Ocean, the geographical specificity has made it a place of cultural fusion.

现在的印度,巴基斯坦,孟加拉国在以前一直是一个。 Now India, Pakistan, Bangladesh in the past has always been a country. 直到上个世纪五十年代才开始分裂为巴基斯坦和印度,之后的七十年代巴基斯坦又分裂为孟加拉国和孟加拉国。 Until the fifties of last century began to split into Pakistan and India, after 70 years it split into Bangladesh in Pakistan and Bangladesh. 印度国内宗教主要以印度教为主,也有一部分把。 Mainly Hindu India-based religion, but also some of the Muslims. 长久以来这两个教派之间冲突不断,我们时常可以在电视上看到一些因为教派矛盾而产生的,这种的行为,令人非常遗憾。 Long conflict between the two sects, we can often see on television a number of conflicts arising because of sectarian bloodshed, this violence, it is very regrettable.

印度是世界第二大人口大国,有着丰富的劳动力资源和能源。 India is the world's second largest populous country, has abundant labor resources and energy. 同时,过多的人口也给印度带来了很多麻烦:医疗,教育,贫富距等矛盾日益明显。 Meanwhile, too many people he brought to India a lot of trouble: health care, education, and so has become an increasingly obvious gap between the rich and the poor. 就如XX给我们看的明信片中的一些图片:一个双眼通红的残疾乞讨者,贫民区街口水管边的孩子。 XX to us as some of the picture postcard: a red eyes disabled beggars, slum blocks water side of the child. 这些图片都凸显了现代印度发展中所面临的问题,也体现出古印度文化和当代印度文化在现代的一些冲突。 These pictures he highlighted the development of modern India, the problems faced, also reflects the ancient Indian culture and contemporary Indian culture in some of the modern conflict.

At the time of anciently because transportation not prosper, the square and cultural difference in thing compares to show the , even connect two nations that the area of connect :China is all each to self product to born the civilization and dynasty with India each from of direction development.The ancient the region of India is one of the place of origin of the ancient country in four greatest civilizations in world, thousand a hundred yearses the numerous dynasty in Lee's changes with the years, hing got the deep culture precipitate with the bottom .Ancient India is placed in East Asia with hand over the boundary Central Asia, tight the Indian Ocean of 邻 , the special of the region also makes its become the culture hand over the place that melt.

India is a world the second a big country, he got the abundant labor force resources with the energy.At the same time, the excessive population also brought India a lot of troublesome:Medical treatment, education, the gap between rich and poor etc. is self-contradict increasingly obviously.If the some picture of the postcard inside that XX see us:An an eyes is red and disable and sick to beg, the slum area street saliva takes care of the child of the side.These pictureses highlighted modern India the problem faced in development, and also appear the ancient the culture of India with the contemporary the culture of India at a little bit modern conflict.

In ancient times the underdeveloped because of traffic, the East-West cultural differences are more significant than even the territory bordering the two countries: China and India he each had their own civilization and move towards the direction. Ancient Indian region is the birthplace of one of the world's four ancient civilizations thousands of years, Li Ching dynasty and the years many changes he profound cultural deposits and details. In ancient India, the junction of East and Central Asia, close to the Indian Ocean, the geographical specificity has made it a place of cultural fusion.

Now India, Pakistan, Bangladesh in the past has always been a country. Until the fifties of last century began to split into Pakistan and India, after 70 years Pakistan has divided Bangladesh and Bangladesh. Mainly Hindu India-based religion, but also some of the Muslims. Long conflict between the two sects, we can often see on television a number of conflicts arising because of sectarian bloodshed, this violence, it is very regrettable.

India is the world's second largest populous country, has abundant labor resources and energy. Meanwhile, too many people he brought to India a lot of troMike:I’m busy now. I am ch我目前的感受是英语可以是工具,你需要会用,用成什么样也许是在于你需要的程度。ecking my computer.uble: health care, education, and so has become an increasingly obvious gap between the rich and the poor. XX to us as some of the picture postcard: a red eyes disabled beggars, slum blocks water side of the child. These pictures are highlighted in the face of modern India's development of Wen Ti, also reflects and paleo Indian culture and contemporary culture in modern India's Yixiechongtu

In ancient time due to traffic, differences between eastern and western culture, even two countries bordering the territory of China and India: each produced civilization and toward the direction of their development. Ancient India area is the birthplace of the four ancient civilizations, one of the many thousands of years and years of jing dynasty changes, with profound cultural foundation and precipitation. Ancient India in east and central Asia at the junction of the Indian Ocean, regional, close to the particularity of also makes for cultural exchange.

Now of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, a country has been in the past. Until the last century began split in the 1950s to Pakistan and India, Pakistan after 1970s and divided into Bangladesh and Bangladesh. India's domestic religious mainly Hindu is given priority to, also part of the muslims. For a long time the two sectarian conflicts, we often can see on TV because some and sectarian bloodshed, this kind of violent behior, is very regretful.

文化(Civilisation Civilization Culture)

不仅促进了东西方经济交流而且促进了文化交流 英语翻译

Steven:7. 导游和文化交流:如关于交流的英语对话篇一果你有机会担任导游或参与文化交流项目,可以通过向游客和友人介绍文化来传播。与他们分享的故事、传统习俗和价值观,从多个角度展示的独特之处。 Good morning, Helen.



le’s life is getting better and better, more and more people choose to spend their holidays abroad. The year 2006 sees a sharp increase in the number of overseas trelers compared with the year 2001, when the number was already much larger than that of the year 1996. It’s a good thing that Chinese touri is developing very fast. However, reports about people’s bad manners flood in. Some are even asked if all Chinese spit and litter everywhere. The poor behior has done great harm to the image ofChina, which is really shameful.


Chinahas long been regarded as a country with good manners. Everybody s以问卷调查等形式手机的数据为基础,使用SPSS13.0进行科学的定性定量分析。hould keep some do’s and don’ts in their mind to guide their behior in public, home and abroad. Win respect for yourself and our country!

Great changes he taken place in the way of communication in people’s life.

In the past, people kept in touch with each other mainly by writing l




雪莉: 是的,你可能参考课本。 英语之家

Shirley: Hello, 85203882.

Maria: Hi, this is Maria. Is that Shirley?

Shirley: Hi, Maria, this is Shirley.

Maria: Shirley, do you know today's homework from our economic law class? I he written it on a piece of paper but I can't find it now.

Shirley: Hold on for a moment please. I'm fetching my textbook.

Maria: Explain the economic law? An essay question again?

Maria: Are there any clear answers in the book to this question? 英语之家

Shirley: I don't think so, Maria, but I think you can look for information on the Internet.

Maria: OK, thank you, Shirley. You are very helpful. I he another question. When does the “Economic Law of China” come into effect?

Shirley: Oh, there isn't such a code called “economic law”. The Economic Law of China is a general concept for several laws.

Maria: There isn't such a code? 英语之家

Shirley: Yes, it's a general name for several laws related to economics, like Commercial Law, and Law of Central Bank.

Maria: Got it. Thank you, Shirley.


雪莉: 你好,85203882。 英语之家

玛丽亚: 你好,我是玛丽亚。你是雪莉吗?

雪莉: 你好,玛丽亚,我是雪莉。

玛丽亚: 你晓得今天经济法的家庭功课吗?我写到一张纸上了,然而当初找不到了。

雪莉: 稍等。我去拿我的课本。

玛丽亚: 好的。

雪莉: 家庭作业是从狭义跟狭义两方面去说明经济法。

玛丽亚: 阐明经济法?又是作文题?

玛丽亚: 书上有对这个问题的具体答案吗?

雪莉: 我觉得不,玛丽亚,然而我想你能够从网上收集一些信息。

雪莉: 不一个叫经济法的法典呀,经济法是对多少部法律的通称。

雪莉: 是的,它是多少部跟经济相关的法律的通称,比喻说商法跟核心银行法。


Now Steven and Helen is talking about advertisingcampaign. Helen gets some advice from Steven.



Helen: Good morning, Steven.

Steven: So, what's the status of our advertising campaign?


Steven: What style will the ads be?



Steven: Sounds like a good idea. Will we he a new slogan?

史蒂文:似乎是个好主意,我们会有新的 口号 吗?

Helen: Definitely.



Matthew, do you know much about body language in countries around the world?


Sure, I've picked up a few things from trelling around for work. Why?

Well, I had a meeting today with a woman from Japan and she wouldn't stop bowing! I didn't know what to do!


Did you bow back?


No, I tried to shake her hand, but her hand was so limp I was a bit offended.


Well, Japanese businesen and women typically bow to greet each other in Japan. She might he been offended by your strong handshake.

But she was in America! Shouldn't she he known that strong handshakes in America signify confidence and respect?


Things are different in Japan. You know, in some countries, making eye contact with others is considered rude.

Is that why she wouldn’t look at me in the meeting?


I think it's highly possible, yes.


The meeting really didn’t go down well at all. I think I need to read up about intercultural communication before I he another meeting with someone from another country.


That's a good idea. When you don’t know much about other cultures, the simplest thing can offend someone.


That's so true. It's great that we see eye to eye on this.







in the economic field, in the aspect of diplomacy, in the sphere of cultural exchanges






























Hel但有时在交际中,看似对方不愿意合作,但实际上他已运用玛丽亚: 好的,谢谢你的帮忙。我还有一个问题,经济法是什么时候开始生效的?PP原则进行了解释,例如:en: It'll be a national campaign starting next week.

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