街道办事处英文 街道办事处英文地址

卡尔顿高习 2024-07-03 09:52 1


Qingdao laixi sun by the town

街道办事处英文 街道办事处英文地址街道办事处英文 街道办事处英文地址

街道办事处英文 街道办事处英文地址

Qingdao laixi ShuiJi sub-district offs van Tuan home court road east village water

Qingdao laixi economic dlo1. <中文>街道企业pment zone, south bay

Yuanshang Villa英文STREET,(滚)ge, Yuanshang Town, Laixi City, Qingdao



政办 Communist and state administrative offs

纪工委 Central State Organs Discipline Inspection Working Committee

财务统计科 Financial Statistics Section

拆违办 Removal of illegal construction off

安监办 Safety Ove5. <中文>警察封锁了街道。rsight Off

文化服务中心 Cultural Serv Center

工会 Trade union

建设管理办公室 Construction Mament Off

城管执法中队 City inspectors squadron

综合治理科 Social Comprehensive Mament Section

人大办 People's Representative Off

物业管理科 Property Mament Branch

事务科 Social Affairs Section

建办 Party building off




Shenzhen, China

1、Street:Street是“街道”的最常用和最普遍被接受的英文翻译,通常指的是城市或乡村中路面宽度较小的那种道路。例如:Wall Street(华尔街)。

2、Road:Road则是一个更通用的词汇,它可以用来描述任何尺寸和类型的道路,包括城市道路、乡村小路、高速公路、林间小径等等。例如:Oxford Road (牛津路)。当然,在不同的文化背景和地区,对于“街道”的翻译也可能有所不同。









<英文>Pol sealed off the street.

问题一:社区自治,居委会用英语怎么说啊,请问社区自治 社区自治 munity autonomy;

社区服务中心 Community serv Center

居委会 the neighborhood mittees

问题二:街道办事处和居民委员会如何用英语翻译? In the mainland of the People's Republic of China, a munity (社区), also called residential unit or residential quarter (小区) or neighbourhood (居民区) or residential munity (居住区), is an residential area and its residents administrated by a subdistrict (街道办事处). For example, Beijing is made up of sral districts and counties. Districts are the area, counties are the rural area. Every district of Beijing (e.g. Chaoyang District) has many subdistricts (e.g. Panjiayuan Subdistrict), and ry subdistrict administers (thus is divided into) many munities (e.g. Panjiayuan Subdistrict administers Panjiayuan Community, East Panjiayuan Community, South Panjiayuan Community, East Wusheng Community, South Mofang Community, etc. 12 munities, whose geographical itions are adjacent). Every munity has a munity mittee or neibourhood mittee or residents' mittee (社区居民委员会), and ry mittee administrates the dwellers living in that munity.

宁海路街道办事处 Ninghailu Subdistrict

西康路社区居委会 Xikanglu Community Committee

问题三:居委会主任用英语怎么说 对应的英语:

Neighborhood Committee Director

问题四:英语专业请进!地址中的"委"和"组"怎么翻译? munity


问题五:社区自治,居委会用英语怎么说啊,请问社区自治 社区自治 munity autonomy;

居委会 the neighborhood mittees

问题六:街道办事处和居民委员会如何用英语翻译? In the mainland of the People's Republic of China, a munity (社区), also called residential unit or residential quarter (小区) or neighbourhood (居民区) or residential munity (居住区), is an residential area and its residents administrated by a subdistrict (街道办事处). For example, Beijing is made up of sral districts and counties. Districts are the area, counties are the rural area. Every district of Beijing (e.g. Chaoyang District) has many subdistricts (e.g. Panjiayuan Subdistrict), and ry subdistrict administers (thus is divided into) many munities (e.g. Panjiayuan Subdistrict administers Panjiayuan Community, East Panjiayuan Community, South Panjiayuan Community, East Wusheng Community, South Mofang Community, etc. 12 munities, whose geographical itions are adjacent). Every munity has a munity mittee or neibourhood mittee or residents' mittee (社区居民委员会), and ry mittee administrates the dwellers living in that munity.

宁海路街道办事处 Ninghailu Subdistrict

西康路社区居委会 Xikanglu Community Committee

问题七:居委会主任用英语怎么说 对应的英语:

Neighborhood Committee Director

问题八:海南省三亚市友谊路社区居委会解放路用英文怎么翻译 海南省三亚市友谊路社区居委会解放路

Sanya youyi road munity residents' mittees jiefang road


Ninghai County of Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province Yuelong streets Tianshou Road No. three, Fujian Province, Putian City Licheng District Zhenhai Street Garden Road No. 120 public houses by 3 building 106 room122




3.Room 106, Gongfang Building 3, No. 120, Meiyuandong Road, Zhenhai Street, Licheng District, Putian City, Fujian Province

2. Room 501, 35 the 2nd Gongkou Lane, Hanxi Sub-district, Hanjiang District, Putian City, Fujian Province, P. R. China

3. Room 106, Gongfang Building No. 3, 120 East Meiyuan Road, Zhenghai Sub-district, Licheng District, Putian City, Fujian Province, P. R. China


1. No. 54,Qingtai Road, Rongcheng Town, Fuqing City, Fujian Province

2. Room 501, No.35, Gongkou II Lane, Hanxi Street, Hanjiang District, Putian City, Pujian Province

1. No. 54, Qingtai Road, Rongcheng Town, Fuqing City, Fujian Province

2. Room 501, No.35, the Second Gongkou Lane, Hanxi Street (Hanxi Residential District), Hanjiang District, Putian City, Fujian Province

3 Room 106, Building No.3, the east Meiyuan Road, Zhenhai Street(Zhenhai Residential District), Licheng District, Putian City, Fujian Province


1. No. 54 Qingtai Road, Rongcheng Town, Fuqing City, Fujian Province, China

2. Room 501, No. 35 the 2nd Gongkou Lane, Hanxi Street, Hanjiang District, Putian City,

Fujian Province, China

3. Room 106, GongFang Building 3, No. 120 East Maiyuan Road, Zhenhai Street,Licheng District, Putian City, Fujian Province, China

For r保障服务所 Social Security Servseference


One, Fujian province Fuqing City Financial Town Qing Tai Road No. 54 of

two, Fujian province Putian District West streets palace mouth two lane 35, 501 rooms


街道管理就是管理街道,一般指的是街道办事处,社区居委会,属于最基层的城Qingdao lacy economic dlopment zone nanjing south road市管理服务单位。

1、社区对应的英文是 community,音标是 k#601#712mjun#601ti,重音在第二个音节,可参照音标谐音为 “克谬内特艾”。

2、1community,英k#601#712mjun#601t#618美k#601#712mjun#601t#618,英语单词,名词,意思是“社区群落共同体团体”2双语例句1We do what the community wants。

3、communityk#601#39mjuniti n社区,团体 群落生名词复数communities 例句与用法 1He worked in community welfare department他在部工作2Everyone should invest some time in community serv每个。

4、community的音标是英 k#601#712mjun#601t#618或美 k#601#712mjun#601t#618 ,句中作为名词使用一词汇分析 community n 社区生态 群落共同体团体 二短语 1。

5、community n1 社区, 公社, 团体, 2 上的共同体大家庭 3 集体, 乡镇, 村落 居民区, 公众, 一群人 4 生态群落 5 共有, 共用, 共同组织 联营机构 6 共性, 一致性, 类似性 A。

6、基层社区 = Grassroots community 有些 把基层叫 Grassroots 不是 grassroot, 那是草根的意思。

8、Pingan community因为是中文的平安,所以不能按平安的英文单词来说,而应该直接用拼音。

9、2当他同那个社区中心里的居民交谈的时候他谈到两个概念As he talked to the residents in that community center, he talked about two concepts3拉比乔伊·莱维特是曼哈顿地区一个犹太社区中心的执行,他说“我。

10、=== Common Commonalty Community === “社区”Community源自“共同”Common和“公共”Commonalty参考资料。

11、Learning Community学习社区 例句Join a learning community on the web, where members share their knowledge and experience现在你可以加入一个网络学习社区,和大家一起分享知识与经验参考资料帮助人我很快乐。

12、街道办事处的英文翻译为Street offs 居民委员会的英文翻译为Residents#39 committee 通过上面两个,则宁海路街道办事处的可以用英语翻译为Ninghai Road Subdistrict Off 而西康路社区居委会的可以用英语翻译为Xikang。


司法所 Judicial off

1、如果是居住的小区可以用residential quarter这个单词,泛指居住小区。

2、”小区“英文翻译Communityresidential block, residential district ,compound或者是 residential area”回龙观小区”翻译为HuiLongGuan Community。

3、小区,是指在城市一定区域内具有相对居住环境的大片居民住宅,同时是配有成套的生活服务设施,如商业网点学校等那么,你知道小区的英语怎么写吗?小区的英文释义subdistrict parcel plot areola 小区的英文例。

4、subdistrict 小区,分区某区域内的小区zonule 小区,小区域小带,小腰带 living quarter 居住小区 housing estate 居民点居住小区 residential quar15、district #39distriktn小区,地区,行政区 v 区,区域,地区。ter 居住小区 住宅区。

5、小区 subdistrict 相关解释parcel, plot, areola 例句“Micro”这个词的意思是“小”,Microclimate”是指小区域里的气候条件Micro means all, and microclimate refers to the climate conditions over a all area。

6、7 Community一般是指社区,但如果小区比较大,可以用Community,比如 的方庄, 可以称为 Fangzhuang Community8 个人的一个说法是 Court 或 Garden 我在英国的时候住的小区就叫 XXX Court,旁边一个城市的。

7、表较常用的是block 美四面围有街道的街区 The store is three blocks away那家商店距此三条街区“社区” 一般用community “小区”= residential district block “幢”= block building 可以用**。

8、n 社区, 共同 , 公众 共同体 共有 neighborhood Amer #39neigh·bor·hood #39ne#618b#601rh#650dn 邻近地区 邻近, 接近 近邻, 整个街坊 邻里情谊 不知你要哪个。

9、Residential Zone 住宅小区 District 区,指城市中的区 Subdistrict 指城市中的区所管辖的街道,街道办事处。

10、and a subdistrict is divided into sral communities or neighbourhoods 居民区,居住区,小区,社区参考资料。

11、小区是community,或district也是社区的意思,即住宅小区Housing district~~~。

12、的小区英文Chineseneighborhoods小区residentialquartersChina,双语使用场景Theytappedthewatermaintosupplythenewworkers#39residentialquarters他们接通了总水管,为新建工人住宅区供水英语使用场景 Theytappedthewatermaintosupply。

13、小区 residential district 新村 new village 音标你还是查词典吧,不是不想打,实在是有的根本打不出来参考资料现汉汉英词典。

14、大城市,metropolis,当然big city更口语,老外也很喜欢用小区怎么突然问小区了?小区最贴切的应该是neighberhood或者是estate,但我觉得很少说,他们一般会说住在哪条街几号,一般就都知道了over。

16、小区 Residential quarters village a housing estate 在大一点的小区里,我感到很不安全In the larger neighbourhood, I felt very unsafe。





<英文>neighborhood enterprise

3. <中文>街道上挂满灯笼。2. <中文>文明街道

<英文>model community

<英文>The street was dressed out with lanterns.

4. <中文>街道上有很多噪音1. 54 Qingtai Road, Rongcheng Town, Fuqing City, Fujian Province, P.R. China.

<英文>There is much noise in the street.

No.122, Tianshou Road, Yuelong Subdistrict, Ninghai County, Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province,China


Unit A, Liu Yun Ge

Block 8, Gui Fang Garden,

Bu Ji Street,

LongNinghai county of Ningbo of Zhejiang Province jumps dragon's road No. 122 to the longevity on day of residential district Gang District,

Kwai Fong Garden, Buji, Longgang District, eight cl7、这么简单的问题学习社区 learning community ,还要注意经常用到的 在线学习社区网络学习社区 翻译成 online learning community networked learning community。ouds Court Unit A

Kwai Fong Garden, Buji, Longgang District, eight clouds Court Unit A

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