feelm翻译 feel翻译英文

卡尔顿高习 2024-07-03 09:52 1


1、我的耳朵是燃烧的表示有人在谈论你,left for spite,right for love.not so sure about it i guess,but..according to what i undertood about it,it may means that my ears are sorta sore...or maybe that it is just quite noisy there?My ears are burning我感到耳根发热/辣的I feel my ears burning你好!Myearsareburning我感到耳根发热/辣的Ifeelmyearurning我的回答你还满意吗~~中文:我的耳朵热辣辣的。

2、My ears are burning after being out in the cold wind.但不时提问者说的再用汉语翻译他是什么意思?面红耳赤I am tired of hearing that.我都听腻了.。


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