核桃live 核桃live怎么了

卡尔顿高习 2024-07-03 09:50 1


1、THE FISHERMAN Once upon a time, there was an old fisherman called Joe who lived with his miserable贫穷 in a shabby hut by the sea. Every day he went out fishing.One day he caught a large fish. The fish was actually an enchanted 被施魔咒的prince. The fish begged Joe to let him go.AND HIS WIFE“Please let me go. If you let me go, I’ll give you whatr you wish for”, promised承诺 the fish.Joe put the fish back into the sea. Then he went home without anything. When he got home, he told his wife Liz about the fish—the enchanted prince. Liz asked if he wished for anything. Joe said, “no, I didn’t ”.His wife was angry and she yelled at Joe, “I he a fool for a huand丈夫. How stupid愚蠢 you are. 首先,选择材料比较容易一点:Go ask the fish for a cottage木屋. I don’t want this shabby hut anymore.”Joe had to go back to the sea to ask for a cottage. The fish granted his wish. After that, Liz’s greed grew and grew增长的过去时. The poor fisherman had to go the fish again and again to grant Liz’s wishes. She asked for the money of a king and the jewels珠宝 of a queen. The fish granted all her wishes. But she had a lust for power that would nr be satisfied. She n wanted to become God. God got annoyed. Poof! The fish was no longer在也不 an enchanted prince. Liz lost rything she had gained得到 through通过 magic魔法. She became miserable again.。


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