思考的英文短语 再三思考的英文短语

卡尔顿高习 2024-07-03 09:49 1


437. It’s time for …到…的时间了 438. in a couple of days / years 两三天/ 年内

what are you thinking?

思考的英文短语 再三思考的英文短语思考的英文短语 再三思考的英文短语

i want to chat with you


2.what do you think?



I wanna talk to you.

I'd like a chat with you.

what are you thinking(about)?

你认为呢? 你觉得呢?Call to Mind的基本用法:

i want to talk to you.

1. What's on your mind?

2.389. he a wash 洗(手,脸) 390. he been to 曾经去了(现已回来了) 都对

3.I want to chat with you.

1.What are you think about?

2.what do you think 你的想法

3 I wanna talk with you.

What do you think?

I want to talk with you.


403. . with sth. 在……帮助某人 404. oneself (to) 随便吃….


Deep thinking

thi525. lead . through …. (a place ) 带领某人穿过某地 526. lead . to … (a place) 带某人去某地nk hard

think thoroughly

give soming a comprehensive consideration

consider sth carefully.

think hard


Wha你的想法.t's in your mind?

深入思考give rise to somebody's thingking for soming

Deep thinking3



英文短语:想着。 是短语,不是单词哦,我答的是“think about”,错了。

409.540. look forward to (doing sth. )期盼着,盼望着 541. look for 寻找 high jump 跳高 long jump 跳远 410. hold a (sports) meeting 举行(运动)会

不要想着去告诉你的老板。Don't think of ling your boss.

= =弱弱的说一句 可能是think of....虽然我觉得think about是考虑的意思多一点


think of 想到

think about 考虑

think of 好一些吧

be thinki505. just a minute / moment 等一会儿 506. just now / right now刚才,现在,立即,马上ng


459. in pairs 两个两个地 460. in the front of 在……前部

consider all the result/sibilities/rything

Think of看具体内容

Thinking about思考:Thinking | think | think about rything

Pondering upon rything

Think rything deeply

think over rything

thinking all rything

Think over rything

consider rything

Thinking of all


499. jump into 跳进 500. jump off 跳下来

想到的英文短语有:think of , call to mind , think out。

think of的基本用法:

1、think of的基本意思是用脑细想和斟酌,也可表示为找到结论而想方设法,还可以表示限定在确定的观点上,即“认为”。引申可表示“关心”“顾及”“体谅”等。

2、think of作“考虑”解时,可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词可接名词、代词、动名词、带疑问词的动词不定式或wh-从句作宾语。接动名词作宾语时,可用于进行时态。

3、think of作“认为”解时,是正式语体,可接that从句作宾语,也可接复合宾语。其宾语补足语由名词、形容词、介词短语、动词不定式、现在分词、过去分词等充当。

Call to Mind是一个相对来说比较少见的表达方式,用于表达某个事物或情况使人联想到另一个事物或情况。常见的用法为“使人想起”,在正式场合或商务场合会比较常用。

1、Call to Mind的基本用法是指将某个情况或事物与另一个情况或事物进行比较,强调后者与前者之间的联系和可能存在的一些相似之处。例如:

This painting calls to mind the works of Monet


2、Call to Mind的巷换用法

t489. invite . to… (邀)请某人…… 490. in space 在宇宙空间,占面积hink out 基本用法:


表达[想到]、[想出 ]某种方案或时,用think out,例如:

It's a very well thought out plan.

这是一个经过深思熟虑的431. I’d like to. …我想要,我愿意 432. I’m afraid (that)我恐怕。

深入思考 英文怎么翻译

598. nr mind 不要紧,没关系 599. next month 下个月


467. instead of 代替,而不是 468. in the end ,终于,结局,终究

应该think of是认为,think about是思考,think about是对的是对的。


in deep thoughts


在一些特定的语境中,Call to Mind也可以被用作替换或代替其他的表达方式。

问题一:思考的英语怎么说 思考

570. make oneself at home 安适,不拘束 571. make one’s way to…往….(坚难)走去


439. in a day or two 一两天内 440. in a few days /weeks几天/ 周后

ponder over

reflect on

think deeply

问题二:思考,用英语怎么说? think

问题三:未来的老婆过生日送什么好呢? 你们离见面还有一段日子呢吧?那你是不是要经常和她通电话呢,你可以把你们近每次通话的精彩片段剪辑出来,后面呢再加一段录的自己想要对她说的话,刻张CD送给她喽



问题四:一直在思考用英语怎么说 thinking about all the time

问题五:深入思考的英文怎么说 深入思考

be deep in thought

问题六:"引起...对...的思考."用英语怎么说 引起...对...的思考

arouse somebody's reflection on soming

问题七:多方面思考问题英语怎么说 1)To yze the problem as careful as you can.

2) To consider problems pley.

3) Understanding question in details.

问题八:深深地思考 英文怎么说 谢谢 Deeply thinking

有不明白的地方再问哟,祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (^__^)

问题九:努力思考一个问题英语怎么翻译 Think hard about a problem


think of(想起,考虑)think over(仔细556. make a good start 有了良好的开/端 557. make a chart 制图表考虑)第供参一个的意思只是“普通的考虑“,第二个暗含“仔细“的意思。

考虑的英语词组有:1、think about 2、think over 3、take ideliberatento account 4、take into consideration

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