
卡尔顿高习 2024-07-03 09:49 1



1、wag都是常用的~~呵呵付出fork out ;fork over ;fork up ;payment例如;他入不付出。

2、His expenses do not correspond to his income.付出极高的价格买它pay a tarnal high price for it必须付出500美元的修车费had to shell out $500 in car repairs.在城市居住要付出更多东西It costs more to live in the city.为取得胜利付出很大的代价pay a hey price for the victory这件事需要付出辛勤劳动。

3、The matter asks hard work.所得的快乐超过付出的辛劳。

4、The joy overpays the toil.付出巨大的代价而得到的眼前小利a mess of pottage她为自己不受欢迎的观点付出了代价She paid the price for hMaximal consecutive profit (count) 连续盈利(计数)er unpopular opinions.付出许多时间和精力以求得良好的教育invested much time and energy in getting a good education.回报redoundredound uponrespondreturn例如:回报以赞许return a compliment.索求回报claim a reward.不给予回报;doesn't reciprocate fors;讽刺性的回报a sarcastic(al) reply得到冷淡回报的关心;consideration requited with callous disregard;她回报了他的夸奖She returned his praise.荣誉是给勇者的回报Glory redounds upon the bre.回报另一人的爱参见requite another's love.See Synonyms at reciprocate那是对美德的回报。

5、It's a reward for virtue.因长年无回报的劳动而痛苦was embittered by years of unrewarded labor.付出:payment回报:repayment付出:(这个我就不懂了)回报:Requitegivegetobey meekly 逆来顺受地服从。


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