ratherthan的用法 rather的用法详解

卡尔顿高习 2024-07-06 09:49 1

rather放在句首倒装吗?rather than 呢?

摘自《英语用法指南》P6rather 不仅是一个表示程度的副词,还能用来进行选择,其结构是:rather than,would rather00


We ought to check up,rather than just accept what he says.(或...accepting what he says.) 我们应该核 实一下,而不是他说什么就是什么.

instead of 而不是~客观结果

ratherthan的用法 rather的用法详解ratherthan的用法 rather的用法详解

instead of后面接名词/动名词(doing).eg. we'll play football instead of basketball/playing basketball.

rather than 后面接和前面动词词形一致的词。he will go to shanghai rather than go to beijing. / he is going to shanghai rather than going to beijing

instead of "替代",重点词在of上.它是个介词,所以该加上名词性结构,如名词(短语) 代词宾格 宾语从句等,但是介宾结构也可以,尤其小心的是动词该用动名词形式,即Ving;

rather than (是...)而不是... 从语法角度上看它是个连词,前后成分在形式上必须保持一致,所以后面的结构应该与前面保持一样,就有可能出现代词主格,动词的各种形式,不一而足,但关键是和与它对比的结构形式要一致!

如: I'll go there instead of him.

I rather than he(与I一致) will go there.

Yesterday he walked here rather than drove(与walked一致) here.


instead of也有代替的意思。是个介词词组,后面通常跟名词、代词或动词的-ing形式等。

Instead of giving him the money,she ge it to me .

I want to be a tour guide rather than an English teacher.

I will play basketball instead of swimming.

rather than 它的意思是而不是。常用于平行结构,用来连接两个词性相同的,并列的成分。

instead of意为“代替”、“而不是”,后面可接多种形式词语。如:

(1)Shall we he fish instead of meat today?我们今天不吃肉而吃鱼如何?“prefer to do…rather than do…”(宁愿做一…而不愿做…)。就是这样一种,该句型可将“rather than do…”提到句首,从而构成特殊倒装句型。例如:

(2)He has been playing all afternoon instead of getting on with his work.

rather than意为“而不是……”、“与其……宁愿……”,其后面一般接动词原形,有时接名词或形容词。要注意句子平衡,即前后必须是相同的名词单位。除了与rather than 有固定搭配关系的一些句子结构以外。大多可用instead of代替。

...rather than...和(would)rather...than...是什么意思?怎么用?

具体看rather than的意义与用法:

rather...than 有“与其说...倒不如说..."的意思。

1。She is charming rather than beautiful.


2。These are political rather than social matters.


3。It is a ex rather than a letter.


more…than…有时也表示“与其说…, 倒不如说…”

如:He is more dit than wise.


would rather ...than是宁愿怎么样而不怎么样,用得比较多的例子是I'd rather die than live without you.用动词原形

would... rather than是我会去做什么而不回去做什么1.跟情态动词would,should,will等连用构成固定搭配,有时rather than可以分开,意为“宁可”、“与其……倒不如”.此时,"rather than+ do sth".。I would go there rather than stay at home.

rather than的用法


rather than在这里应该视作并列连词,所并列的成分必须是平行结构。本句前面是不定式 tostay at home ,因此 ratherthan 并列的也是不定式to gooutside。

另如: We'll he the meeting in the classroom rather than in the auditorium. 我们与其在礼堂里开会, 不如在教室开会。

【rather than 并列的介词短语 in the classroom 和 in the auditorium.】

They thus increased their annual grain produc1 would rather do than do 中,这个句型,than 后面跟动词原形,tion rather than diminished it. 他们这样增加了而不是减少了粮食年产量。

【rather than 并列的是动词短语 increased their annual grain production 和 diminished it】

rather than加to do 还是doing还是do?


I'd rather than go there by air.我宁愿乘飞机去那里.

2.作准并列连词,相等于and not,意义为:是...,而不是...:可以+doing 或 to do.例如:

1)He was engaged in writing "rather than" reading the news.他正忙着写东西,而不是 在读报纸."rather than+ doing"

2)He is to be pitied rather than to be disliked.他应该得到怜悯而不是厌恶."rather than+ to do"

所以意义表“宁愿”+do sth; 表“是...,而不是...:”++doing 或 to请问:rather than 不和would 连用时,比如 rather than 表示,“而不是”这个意思的时候,后面的的 动词 用哪个形式?动词原形?不定式,还是 动名词呢? do.




rather than后面动词

rather than 宁愿~主观感觉

表示举几个例子。“ 而不是” 这个时候的,rather than 是做连词么?如果是连词的话,就是要求

前后结构 并列一致吧?

答:原形(无to不定式),有to 不定式、动名词都可以.

是的,rather than可以是平行结构的“连词”

2 你应该出去逛逛,而不是在房间里上网 ( 这句话,如果用instead of 后面应该是动名词,如果用 rather than 来翻译的话,后面用动词原形,还是 动名词?

You should do A rather than do B.根据平行对应,用do B较好.

印象中 rather than 前面如果谓语动词是 动词的话,后面也应该用动词吧?

She left rather than stayed at home 曾看到过一个例子


查Michael Swan 著的Practical English Usage 中prefer (483):

当prefer 和动词不定式连用时,可以用rather than 来另一个短语.可以有两种结构:不带to的动词不定式或者带-ing的形式:

I would prefer to spead the weekend at home rather than drive/driving all the way to your mother's.我感觉得与其开车跑那么远到那里去度周末,倒不如在家里更好些.

同一本书中,有rather than的用法,我全文摘抄下来:

rather:表示选择 (518)

1.rather than



I'd call her hair chestnut rather than brown.



I'd prefer to go in August rather than in July.我愿八月去,不愿七月去.


It ought to be yoather than me that signs the letter.在信上签署的应该是你而不是我.

We ought to invest in new machinery rather than buildings.我们应该在新机器上而不是在房屋上投资.

I always prefer starting early,rather than leing rything to the last minute.


【e】 动词不定式

I decided to write rather than ephone.我决定写信而不打电话.

当主句有动不定式时,rather than 后面【可跟带to的动词不定式(比较正式)】,或【不带to的动不定式】;【 也可用-ing 形式】.

I beli it is important to invest in new machinery rather than to increase wages.(或:...increasing wages).我相信在新机器上投资比增加工资更重要.

A rather than B是什么意思?使用原则呢?

rather than 宁可 ... 也不愿,;与其 ... 倒不如, 而答:是的.不是

A rather t他整个下午不工作,一直在玩。han B 是A而不是B


rather than other than 用法

rather than后再如: Yesterday he walked here instead of driving here.跟动名词时是个介词短语,表示“而不是,”相当于instead of .

other than 不同于,除了,与…不同;与…不同方式

There’s nobody here other than me.除了我这里没别人.

You can’t get there other than by swimming.你只能靠游泳游到那边去.

rather than 用来表示“是...而不是...”,通常连接两个并列成分

eg:He is an artist rather than a philosopher.


prefer rather than怎么用

d -ing 形式

prefer rather than的用法:

1. prefer + n. / pron. prefer + n. / pron. 意为"更喜欢......",在含义上相当于like...better。注意:由于prefer本身含有比较意义,故不可与比较级better连用。

2. prefer + (not) to do sth. prefer + (not) to do sth. 意为"宁愿(不)做某事"。这时,不定式to do可用动名词doing替换,意义相同。

3. prefer + . + (not) to do sth. prefer + . + (not) to do sth. 意为"宁愿某人(不)做某事",在意义上相当于would like . (not) to do sth. 。

4. prefer + n.(pron.) / V-ing + to + n. (pron.) / V-ing 。prefer + n.(pron.) / V-ing + to + n.(pron.) / V-ing意为"宁愿(喜欢)......而不愿(喜欢)......"。注意:这一结构中的to为介词,后接名词、代词或动名词。

5. prefer + to do sth. + rather than + do sth. prefer + to do sth. + rather than + do sth.意为"宁愿做......而不愿做......"。当这一结构中prefer后接动词不定式时, rather than后面接不带to的不定式结构,rather than的不带to的不定式结构还可以置于句首。


prefer rather than

1、I think I should prefer fish rather than meat.

2、Well, I prefer active rather than passive training.


3、I should prefer port rather than sherry.

Rather than ride on a crowded bus, he always prefers to ride a bicycle.我宁愿喝葡萄酒而不合雪利酒。

4、I prefer r rather than buns.


5、I prefer swimming rather than cycling.


6、Long-term changes are needed to support freelancers to work in the way they prefer, rather than forcing them into direct employment because it is the only way to feel safe.


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