
卡尔顿高习 2024-07-06 09:51 1













—They should learn to take as well as share rights in life.

A. grown-up; responsibility

B. growns-up; responsibility

C. grown-ups; respon完型填空sibilities

D. growns-ups; responsibilities


复合名词的复数形式一般在中心名词后面加-s,如:looker-on → lookers-on, son-in-law → sons-in-law;但是当复合名词没有中心名词时,其复数形式是在的词后面加-s,如:grown-up → grown-ups; go-between → go-betweens.


【典例】—Look! This is .

—Very beautiful. When did she take it?

A. my mother‘s picture

B. my mother in the picture

C. a picture of my mother

D. a picture of my mother‘s


my mother‘s picture,意为“我妈妈所拥有的照片”,暗含“照片上不一定是我妈妈”; a picture of my mother‘s意为“我妈妈所拥有的照片中的一张”,同样,暗含“照片上不一定是我妈妈”; a picture of my mother意为“我妈照片(照片中是妈妈)”;my mother in the picture意为“照片中我的妈妈”,暗含“不是真实的妈妈”。


【典例】—Where does your sister work, Jack?

—She works in a .

A. shop of cloth

B. cloth‘s shop

C. shop with clothes

D. clothes shop

错因分析:有些考生会因为对名词作定语的用法运用不当而错选B.其实,clothes“服装”只有复数形式,而单数形式“布店”应用shop for cloth或cloth shop,因此,根据语境可知,正确选D.

名词作定语时一般用其单数形式,然而,名词parents, clothes, sports等,作定语时必须要使用其复数形式。另外,man, woman作定语时,如果中心词是单数,则用其单数形式;如果中心词是复数,则用其复数形式。


【典例】—I find it very difficult to read novel you lent me last week.

—Yes. It‘s necessary to he good knowledge of history.

A. the;不填B. a;不填C. the; aD. a; a

错因分析:考生可能以为空是特指对方上周所借给“我”的,故应填定冠词;第二空后面是抽象名词,为不可数名词,不填冠词,于是错选A.然而,此处knowledge之前须用不定冠词,he a good knowledge of意为“对……很了解”,是固定搭配,故正确选C.

英语中,有些抽象名词,如knowledge, history, failure, success, , pleasure, surprise, honour等表示抽象概念时,其前面不用不定冠词,如:with pleasure, in surprise等。但是,当表示具体的概念时,其前面须用不定冠词,也可以用其复数形式。


【典例】—Do you know Li Ming?

—Li Ming? Which one? I know Li Ming in our class very well. He is Lei Feng of our times.

A. 不填;不填B. a; aC. a; the D. the; the

错因分析:有些考生可能以为两个空后面的名词都是人名,前面不用冠词,于是错选A.然而,联系语境可知,答话者至少认识两个李明,而特指他班上的那个李明时前面须用定冠词;后一空的Lei Feng由of our times修饰,说明是我们时代的特征,须用定冠词,故正确选D.

人名前面加定冠词,指特定的某个人或某个人的主要特征。地名前面一般不用定冠词,但是当指特定某时期的地方或某地的主要特征时,须用定冠词。如:China → the China (of) today; America → the America of last century; the New York of China等。表姓氏的复数名词前面用定冠词表示夫妇两人或全家人,如:the Greens.


【典例】—When did you meet her last?

—I don‘t remember exactly, but I‘m sure it was Friday when I went to the shop to buy football.

A. a; aB. 不填;aC. the;不填D. 不填;不填

错因分析:有些考生可能认为这两个空后面的名词前都不用冠词,从而错选D.其实,指一个特定的星期几时前面须用不定冠词;表示一个 足球 时,前面也须用不定冠词,故正确选A.



【典例】—What do you think is the difference between man and woman?

—I don‘t think there‘s any difference.

A. the; theB. a; aC. 不填;不填D. a; the

错因分析:有些考生可能认为,表示类别时,名词前面须用不定冠词或定冠词,于是错选A或B.其实,man, woman, mankind的单数表示类别时,用零冠词。因此,正确选 C.

除了上述情况用零冠词外,下列几种情况也须用零冠词:表示家人(包括保姆、厨师、家庭教师在内)的名词前,但该类名词的首字母往往大写;表示种类的 短语 kind of, sort of, type of等后面的名词之前;在as/though的倒装让步状语从句中,放在句首的名词前;用by表示交通方式的短语中等。


【典例】—Remember that where and when two different English question words.

—I see, but can you l us how to use them, sir?

A. beB. isC. areD. being

错因分析:有些考生没有弄清题意,就想当然地认为用where and when提问时,谓语动词用单数形式,于是错选B.其实,这里是指where和when这两个特殊疑问词,故正确选 C.




2A. saw B. he seen C. will see D. are seeing022上海高考总分及各科满分

1. 本科—总分660




2. 高职(专科)—总分450


2022年上海高考英语试题及相关 文章 :

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★ 新高考一卷2022英语试题及一览

★ 英语高考试题及(新高考一卷)2022

★ 2022年新高考1卷英语高考真题与解析

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Shortly after the accident, two __ pol were sent to the spot to keep order. (MET. 1992)

C.Playing a musical instrument. D.Negotiating with a business partner.

A. dozen of B. dozens C. dozen D. dozens of

A. shouldn’t B. needn’t


dozens of 解释为“很多打的”的.

但是,如果具体地说出二打、五打等,则 dozen 后没有 s ,也不用 of:

dozen表示确切数目是除能与a和基数词连用外,还能some; many; sral修饰,只是确切数含糊。如:three dozen books 其中dozen不加s,其后也不用of;如果dozen 后有these, those, them, us等词, 表示“范围中的某某”时,其后加of.

如:1. We bought two dozen story books yesterday.


2. Three dozen of them are league members.


[高考考例] 1. Shortly after the accident, two _____ pol were sent to the spot to keep order. [NMET2000]

A. dozen of B. dozens C. dozen D. dozens of


Shortly after the accident, two ______ the pol were sent to the spot to keep order.则选A。译文:发生后不久,这些警察中的二十四个被派往现场维持秩序。

[精讲]dozen 构成dozens of 相当于scores of/ a lot of等表示“许多”

[考例]2. There were ____ flies rywhere in my house.

A. dozens of B. three dozens C. four dozens of D. sn dozen of

析:为A. dozens of 表示许多,译文为:我房子里到处都是蚊子。

[聚焦]dozen 常见结构:

(1)基数词/many/ sral+ dozen+复数名词;

(2)基数词+ dozen + of 或基数词+ dozen +of these/ those/ one’s+ 复数名词

(3)dozens of +复数名词


【典例】—What do you think the should do first?


(2011安徽卷33).His writing is so confusing that it’s difficult to make out _____it is he is trying to express.

A. that B. how C. who D. what



33. His writing is so confusing that it's difficult to make out ____ it is he is trying to exp“The ability to deliver accurate and timely warnings and alerts through cell phones and other mobile servs is an important next step in our efforts to ensure that the American public has the rmation they need to take action to protect themselves and their families before, and during, disasters and other emergencies,” FCC Chairman Kevin Martin said, following approval of the plan.ress.

A. that B. how C. who D. what


这是一个宾语从句。你可以查百度百科里的宾语从句。然後在其网页中查找 "what" 这个词。 就会对 what 的宾语从句有所了解了。

2011年高考真题全国卷英语单项选择详解 恒谦教育的分析比较好,本来有的后来找不到了

29. Sorry, I am too busy now. If I _____ time, I would certainly go for an outing with you.

2011年高考英语科有16个省、市、自治区单独命题,再加上三套全国卷, 英语试题真可谓“百花齐放”, 令人目不暇接, 大饱眼福。如今高考已经尘埃落定, 盘点2011年高考英语单项选择题, 可以发现考查了以下十大热点项目。

【】A 【解析】句意:不减少进食,无论你怎么努力,要减肥是困难的。其他几个选项语义不通。howr “无论怎么”在此让步状语从句=no matter how。



例1 —Why, Jack, you look so tired!(江苏卷第23题)

—Well, I ______ the house and I must finish the work tomorrow.

A. was painting B. will be painting

C. he painted D. he been painting

解析 D 我给房子上油漆一直进行到现在,而且到明天才会完成。

例2 You’ve failed to do what you ______ to and I’m afraid the teacher will blame you. (四川卷第18题)

A. will expect B. will be expected

C. expected D. were expected

解析 D 不强调动作的执行者时要用被动语态,在B和D之间选择;“被期望”这个动作发生在之前,所以用过去时。



例3 The retired man donated most of his sings to the school damaged by the earthquake in Yushu,_______the students to return to their classrooms. (江苏卷第28题)

A. enabling B. hing enabled

C. to enable D. to he enabled

解析 A enabling...为现在分词短语作状语,表示他在捐献后的结果。hing enabled为现在分词完成式,表示在他捐献之前发生,不合逻辑。to enable如果作目的状语在句首时,后面可以加也可以不加逗号;但位于句末时,前面不加逗号。如果有逗号,常用only to表示意想不到的结果。

例4 I’m calling to enquire about the ition

______in yesterday’s China Daily.(卷第25题)

A. aertised B. to be aertised

C. aertising D. hing aertised

解析 A 过去分词作定语,ition和aertise之间为被动关系;时间状语为过去。如果时间状语为将来,则选B。



例5 The newly built café, the walls of ______ are painted light green, is really a peaceful place for us, specially after hard work. (江苏卷第32题)

A. that B. it C. what D. which

解析 D 介词加关系代词定语A.IplantogotoAfricanextsummer.从句表示咖啡屋的墙。what和it不能定语从句;that不能放在介词后。

例6 To improve the quality of our products, we ask for suggestions ______ had used the products.(重庆卷第25题)

A. whor B. who

C. whichr D. which

解析 A 考点为宾语从句,ask for sth;根据情景强调无论谁用过这些产品。



例7 Thousands of foreigners were ______ to the Shanghai World Expo the day it opened.(江苏卷第24题)

A. attended B. attained

C. attracted D. attached

解析 C 表示成千上万的外宾被吸引来参观上海世博会。attend,“参加,出席”;attain,“取得,达到”;attract,“吸引”;attach,“附上,连接”。

例8 Sam ____ some knowledge of the comr just by watching others working on it.(山东卷27题)

A. brought up B. looked up

C. picked up D. set up

解析 C 本题考查动词短语意义辨析。句意应为“山姆只是凭借看别人作电脑就学到了一些电脑知识。”pick up表示“偶然学会”,另外还有“捡起; 让人乘车,搭载;收拾,整理;重新开始”等意。bring up 表示“抚养,教育;提出;呕吐”。look up 表示“向上看;(形势)好转,改善;查阅”。set up表示“建立,设置;引发,产生”。



例9 The visitors here are greatly impressed by the fact that ______ people from all walks of life are working hard for ______ new Jiangsu. (江苏卷第21题)

A. 不填; a B. 不填;the

C. the; a D. the; the

解析 A 空,来自各阶层的人,不属于特指,不用冠词;第二空,在Jiangsu 前有形容词new,因此应加冠词a,表示一个全新的江苏。

例10 If we sit near _______ front of the bus, we’ll he _______ better view. (山东卷第22题)

A. 不填;the B. 不填;a

C. the;a D. the;the

解析 C 本题考查冠词在具体语境中的使用。句意应为“如果我们坐在公共汽车的前部,就会有更好的视野。”表示“某空间内部的前部”时,front前要加定冠词the; he a good view是习惯搭配,表示“视野开阔,视野良好”之意,所以C项符合语境。



A. expectation B. reputation

C. contribution D. civilization

解析 B reputation,“名声”;expectation,“期望”;contribution,“贡献”;civilization,“文明”。

例12 Barbara is easy to recognize as she’s the only one of the women who ______ ning dress.(全国卷Ⅱ第9题)

A. wear B. wears

C. has worn D. he worn

解析 B 当“one of + 复数名词”作主语时,动词用单数形式;当“one of + 复数名词”作先行词时,定语从句动词用复数形式;当“the(only)one of + 复数名词”作先行词时,定语从句动词用单数形式。



例13 Jack described his father, who______ a bre boy many years ago, as a strong-willed man.(安徽卷第32题)

A. would be B. would he been

C. must be D. must he been

解析 D 该题考查推测用法,对现在推测用must be/do;对现在正在进行中的动作推测用must be doing;对过去推测用must he done。

例14 I _______ he watched that movie — it’ll give me horrible dreams. (山东卷第25题)



例15 The experiment shows that proper amounts of exercise, if ______ regularly, can improve our health. (浙江卷第8题)

A. being carried out B. carrying out

C. carried out D. to carry out

解析 C 时间,条件或让步状语从句中的主语和主句主语相同且从句中含有be动词,则从句中的主语和be动词可以一起省略。该题中if后条件状语省略了they are。

例16 John’s success has nothing to do with good luck. It is years of hard work ______ has made him what he is today. (湖南卷第25题)

A. why B. When C. which D. that

解析 D 该题考查强调句型“It is/ was ...that ...”,强调句子中的主语years of hard work。



例17 George is going to talk about the geography of his country, but I’d rather he ______ more on its culture. (江苏卷第34题)

A. focus B. focused

C. would focus D. had focused

解析 B would rather加从句应用虚拟语气。若表示与现在时间相反,用动词的过去式。

例18 Teachers recommend parents ______ their children under 12 to ride bicycles to school for safety.(福建卷第29题)

A. not allow B. do not allow

C. mustn’t allow D. couldn’t allow

解析 A insist, order, command, suggest (建议), aise, recommend, request, require, demand, desire后面的宾语从句中用虚拟语气should do/be,其中should可省略。



例19 —Do you think you could do without ?(山东卷第21题)

—______. This is not the first time for me.

A. Take care B. Hurry up

C. Not exactly D. Don’t worry

解析 D 本题考查交际用语的使用。根据后置语境This is not the first time for me可知,答语应表示“没问题,别担心”之意,所以D项符合语境。

1. 时态语态: 考生应熟悉普通高中《英语课程标准(实验稿)》中所要求的十种常用时态和被动语态的构成及用法。做时态、语态题时一定要结合语境,抓住时间状语和从属连词,还要注意主从句时态呼应。

2. 非谓语动词: 要掌握不定式、分词和动名词的基本用法及区别。注意非谓语动词与其逻辑主语的关系,选择表示主动或被动意义的非谓语动词。

3. 复合句: 三大从句词的选择各有诀窍:名词性从句词的选择采用从句中“缺什么补什么”的策略;定语从句关系词的选择需要“看先行词在定语从句中作何成分,作主语、宾语或定语用关系代词,作状语用关系副词”;状语从句词的选用关键根据句子的意思。

4. 动词(词组): 考生应熟练掌握常用动词的用法,多看一些英文报刊,有可能多听一些英语教学节目,注意一词多意或多性现象,特别关注一些常用动词的用法。

5. 冠词: 考生应掌握不定冠词表示泛指和定冠词表示特指的用法,还应熟知抽象名词具体化和具体名词抽象化,注意零冠词以及固定搭配的用法。

6. 名词: 考生应掌握可数名词及其单复数(特别是外来词),不可数名词和专有名词以及名词所有格,特别注意同义词辨析及常用短语。

7. 情态动词: 考生应熟知常用情态动词的基本用法,重点掌握肯定句和否定句中对现在、此时此刻及过去的推测用法,还有need和dare作为情态动词和实义动词两种用法。

8. 特殊句型: 考生应注意特殊句型往往有其特定的标志,句子结构相对固定,因此答题时要善于捕捉,然后根据积累的知识解题。

9. 虚拟语气: 考生应掌握虚拟语气三个公式(现在、过去、将来)及其在倒装、错综条件句、含蓄条件句以及在其他从句中的应用。

10. 功能意念: 考生应熟练掌握十一类功能意念项目和二十四类话题项目,特别注意英汉思维方式的异,语言得体。






这个非常非常重要,如果你找到一种准确率又高,又没有郁闷感的做题顺序,那你遇到陌生阅读题的心理陌生感会降低,并且有条理的能把它做出来。我 说说 我的做题顺序把。首先,拿到一篇阅读,直接去看问题,但是记住,千万不能看选项。只能看问题,而且是看清楚就行,不要太仔细看。看题目的顺序就是从1到4,不要捣乱顺序。然后就要开始读 文章 了,读文章之前,你要根据你看过的问题和一眼看到文章及其题目,来简要判断下这篇文章是属于那种类型,如果是叙事型,有叙事型的做法,如果是说明型,也有说明型的做法,但主要是根据难易来区分做法。之后我会详细说的。具体怎么读文章,等下我详细讲,读完文章然后就开始做题。做题中时不时的回到原文找找,对比。顺序不多就是先看题,然后读文章,然后做题。但记住先看题的时候不要看选项。





如果你速度慢了,也许你也能猜到词义,但是,我们阅读的是整篇文章,我们要的是效率和大体印象,那就必须用速度来衔接印象了。说的有些抽象,毕竟是我实践中体会出来的东西,所以你也必须经过实践才能真正体会我说的意思。阅读还有个很重要的因素,是心情。如果在阅读过程中,纠结于某一个生词,那么我可以肯定的说,你接下来的文章是很难用一种轻松的心情完成的,也就直接导致你对下文会有抵触感,这种抵触感会成为一个放弃的理由,比如你看到接下来有句话你解析:本题句子结构复杂,主句结构为so...that...的结果状语从句,结果状语从句的make out后又跟了一个宾语从句。由于所缺词既后面的宾语从句,又在从句中作express的宾语,这正是what的双重作用之所在。what it is = what idea he is trying to express. 他想表达的思想/观点。不明白,你可能就会因为心情不爽,就直接忽略。这就可能导致你做题时候没有信心,准确率低。

那么怎么来保证心情的轻松和做题的信心呢?首先我们得明白是什么东西把心情搞坏的,显然,是生词和生句。那么,怎么把生词生句解决掉呢?我的办法就是印象惯性发,利用印象初速度,直接掠过生词生句,用速度来产生印象的衔接,从而大体判断出词句的意思,从而有效的解决了生词生句的羁绊,会让我们的心情保持轻松。如果你速度慢了,就会导致你的眼睛看到了这个生词的每一个字母,无形中,会把你套进去,你就会停下来考虑这个词的意思,但 英语单词 没有形象含义,你想破脑袋,不知道就是不知道,只会让你想把卷子撕了。所以速度在这里尤为重要,我反复强调加速减速,因为速度这个东西,真的可以让英语阅读产生出捷径。

三:读文章其实就是掌握好速度的5. Henry's news report covering the conference was so _____ that nothing had been omitted.节奏,能快就要快,利用印象惯性。








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1. In this factory,suggestions often he to wait for months before they are fully _____.

A.admitted B.acknowledged C.absorbed D.considered

2. The boy slipped out of the room and headed for the swimming pool without his parents' _____.

A. command B. conviction C. consent D. compromise

3. Our research has focused on a drug which is so _____ as to be able to change brain chemistry.

A. powerful B. influential C. monstrous D. vigorous

4. The lost car of the Lees was found _____ in the woods off the highway.

A. vanished B. abandoned C. scattered D. rejected

A.understanding Bprehensible Cprehensive D.understandable

详A.Stick to Your Desired Major解

1.[] D. co【应试对策】nsidered

[注释] considered 考虑; admit 承认; absorb 吸收。

[注意]acknowledge 1) (=agree or admit the truth of; confess) 承认, 供认; A. He acknowledged his mistake. (他承认了他的错误。) B. 接动名词 He acknowledged hing been beaten. (他承认被打败了。) 2) (express thanks for) 致谢; A. Mary acknowledged the gift with a pleasant letter. (玛丽致函感谢馈赠的礼物。) B. His long serv with the company was acknowledged with a present. (向他赠送礼品以感谢他长期来对公司的服务。)

2.[] C. consent

[注释] consent 同意, , 答应。conviction 深信, 确信。compromise 妥协, 折中。command 命令, 指令; 掌握, 运用能力。

3.[] A. powerful

[注释] powerful (=hing or producing great power) 强有力的。在这里四个形容词中, 只有powerful (有效力的) 可与表示物的名词搭配。influential 有影响的, 有势力的, monstrous 异常大的, vigorous 精力旺盛的, 强健有力的。

4.[] B. abandoned

[注意]abandon 暗指某人对其所抛弃的人或物将会发生什么事情不感兴趣, 如把撞坏的汽车抛弃在路旁。vanish (=suddenly disappear; go out of existence) vi.消失, 绝迹; 1) The airplane vanished into the clouds.2) Many kinds of animals he vanished form the earth. (许多种类的动物以在地球上绝迹。) scatter (=send, go in different direction) 驱使, 使分散; The pol scattered the crowed. (警察驱散人群。) (=throw or put in various directions) 撒, 到处放; He scattered his clothes all over the room. reject (=refuse to accept) 拒绝接受; She rejected my suggestion

[注释] comprehensive 完全的无所不包的; comprehensible 能懂的, 可以理解的; understandable 可以理解的, 主要用来指人的行为。understanding 用来指人时, 表示"善于理解别人或别人问题的 (人) 。"注意下面的搭配:a comprehensive map (街区详图) ; a comprehensible remark (听得懂的话) ,an understandable mistake (可以理解的错误) ; an understanding friend (一位能理解人的朋友) 。

is this country__we visited last week?

A which B that C the one D 如果把这个句子what


这道题主要是讲定语从句,选这个的原因是因为前面没有先行词,把这个句子还原成陈述句的话,就是 this country is __we visited last week,很明显这里一个表语,这四个选项中,很明显只有 the one 才能充当表语,定语从句中宾语的 that 和 which 可以省略。


选D,因为在回答中Because the day I he looked forward to ________ at last! 此处I he looked forward to用的是现在完成时,所以后边应用一现在时的语句才恰当!!!




英 语

PartⅠ Listening Comprehension(30 marks)

Section A (22.5 marks)

Conversation 1

When does the woman finish work?

A. At 6:00 B.At 7:00 C.At 8:00

2. What is the man going to do tonight?

A. See his parents B. Watch a new movie C. Go for an appointment

Conversation 2

3. Where does the man play tennis?

A. At the university B. At the club C. At the community center

4. How often does the woman swim?

A. Once a week B. Three times a week C. Five times a week

Conversation 3

5. What is the man doing?

A. Getting dressed B. Hing an interview C. Celebrating a birthday

6. What is the probable relationship between the two speaker?

A. Parent and child B. Huand and wife C. Customer and saleswoman

Conversation 4

7. Why did the man come back late ?

A. He went to the bar.

B. He met his teacher.

C. He played basketball.

8. What did the woman do this morning?

A. She took a physics test. B. She had a meeting C. She held a party

9. What will the woman probably do after the conversation?

A. See her friends B. Go to the school C. Prepare dinner

Conversation 5

10.Where did the woman grow up?

A. In Switzerland. B.In the UK. C. In France.

11. Which of the following does the woman like best about Weybridge?

A. Its scenery B. Its people C.Its facilities

12. What does the man do?

A.A teacher B.A host C.A tour guide

Conversation 6

13. Why is the woman upset?

A. The man didn’t apologize

B. The man didn’t turn up.

C. The man didn’t call.

14. Who is the man speaking to?

A. A waitress. B.A professor C.A doctor

15. When will the two speakers see each other?

A. On Tuesday B. On Thursday C. On Friday

Section B(7.5 marks)

You will hear the short passage TWICE

School Library

LocationsAnd resources ·1stfloor : 80,000 books·2nd floor: 16 ___ kinds of newss and magazines

Rules ·Books for lending can be kept for a 17 _____by full-time students.· 18 _ books, newss and magazines can nr be taken out.

Opening time ·All day long·All year round except Christmas Day and 19 _______

Access ·By 20 ______


1-5 ACCBA 6-10. BABCA 11-15 CBCBA 16. 90 17. month

18. Reference 19. New Year’s Day 20. ID card

Part Ⅱ Language Knowledge (45 marks)

Section A (15 marks)

21. We’ve had a good start, but next, more work needs _____to achi the final success.

A. being done B. do C. to be done D. to do

【】C 【解析】句意:…更多的工作需要去做以取得的成功. need做实意动词后接动词作宾语有两种结构: need doing意为“主语需要被做”可以用need to be done转换; need to do 主语需要(自己)去做;

22. Don’t worry. The hard work that you do now ______later in life.

A. will be repaid B. was being repaid C. has been repaid D. was repaid

【】A 【解析】句意:…你现在所做的努力在以后的生活中会有回报的. 显然是将来时态且为被动.

23. Time, ________ correctly, is money in the bank.

A. to use B. used C. using D. use

【】B【解析】句意:使用得当,时间就是银行里的钱. 要填的是非谓语形式,,而且use和主语time的关系是动宾关系,所以要用过去分词表被动意义,相当一个条件状语从句:if it (time) is used correctly.

A. nrtheless B. besides C. otherwise D. therefore

【】B 【解析】题干前后表示的是叠加意义: 好的锻炼;不污染空气,所以用besides “除了…(还…)”; A意为“然而”;C “要不然”;D“所以”。

25. Close the door of fear behind you, and you _____ the door of faith open before you.

【】C 【解析】句意:关上你身后的惧怕之门,你就会看到信心之门在你面前敞开着。这是祈使句+and+并列句。根据句意,并列句谓语应该用将来一般时态。

26. Everyone in the village is very friendly. It doesn’t matter ____you he lived there for a short or a long time.

A. why B. how C. wher D. when

【】C 【解析】根据结构词or就很容易断定:wher…or。句意:…你居住在那里是很短一段时间还是很长一段时间,都没有关系。

27. "The moment _____soon," he thought to himself, waiting nervously.

A. came B. has tome C. was coming D. is coming

【】D 【解析】根据soon “很快”很容易断定是将来时,这里是直接引语,所以要用D(表示“来、去、动身、启程”这类动词经常用进行时表将来)。句意:“这一时刻很快就要到了”。

A. While B. Once C. If D. Until

【】A 【解析】句意:尽管我老觉得我会通过考试,然而,我从来不曾想过会得“A等”。根据上下文可以看出,题干需要一个让步状语从句的连词。while在这里等于though。

A. he had B. had had C. he D. had

【】D 【解析】根据上下文可知,这是对现在情况的虚拟,if 从句用过去式,主句用would+原形。

30. It was not until I came here _____I realized this place was famous for not only its beauty but also its weather.

A. who B. that C. where D. before

【】B 【解析】句意:直到我来到这儿才意识到,这个地方不仅以它的美而且以它的天气出名。这里是强势结构It is+被强调部分+that…;本题强调的是时间状语。注意中文“直到…才…”用until表达常有以下三种形式:not…until; Not until (否定的状语谓语句首,后面的主句谓语用一般疑问句结构倒装);It is not until…that…(强势结构)。所以,本题也可以如下说:I did not realized this place was famous for not only its beauty but also its weather until I came here(正常结构);Not until I came here did I realize this place was famous for not only its beauty but also its weather(倒装结构)。

31. The lecture, _____at 7:00 pm laze night, was followed by an observation of the moon with escopes.

A. starting B. being started C. to start D. to be started

【】A 【解析】句意:报告于昨晚七点开始,报告之后便是用望远镜观察月球。start在此用作不及物动词(就像Classes start at 8 “8点开始上课”一样),瞬间动词的现在分词作定语表完成意义或将来意义:We shall arrive too late to catch the train leing (=which will lee) at eight.我们会到达太晚了而赶不上8点(离开)的火车。A tile falling(=which fell)from a roof shattered into fragments at his feet.一片从屋顶上掉下来的瓦在他的脚边摔得粉碎。The accident happening to her turned out to be a good thing.她发生的意外证明\结果是件好事。

32. hard you try, it is difficult to lose weight without cutting down the amount you eat.

A. Howr B. Whatr C. Whichr D. Whenr

33. -I remember you were a talented pianist at college. Can you play the piano for me?

- Sorry, I the piano for years.

A. don't play B. wasn't playing C. hen't played D. hadn't played

【】C 【解析】句意:…抱歉,我好多年都没有弹钢琴了。现在完成时在此表示从好多年前算起到说话的时候为止的(否定)状态的持续。

34. Care of the soul is a gradual process _____n the all details of life should be considered.

A. what B. in what C. which D. in which

【】D 【解析】句意:心灵的护理是一个逐渐的过程,在这个过程中,甚至生活中那些微小的细节都应该加以考虑。in which非限制性定语从句,which代前面的process。

35. All the scientific evidence that increasing use of chemicals in farming damaging our health.

A. show; are B. shows; are C. show; is D. shows; is

【】D 【解析】句意:所有的科学证据表明:农业方面越来越多的使用化学物质正在损害着我们的健康。主语是evidence “证据(不可数名词)”,所以谓语动词应用单数式shows,宾语从句的主语是use “使用(不可数名词)”,所以要用is。

Part Ⅱ

Section B (18 marks)

Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A. B. C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.

"What's it like to he a gap between your te?" a girl asked me one day.

Nobody had r _. 36 _ before. My hand unconsciously rose to cover my mouth. But, as she looked at me, sincerely waiting for__ 37__, 1 realized she was not trying to be rude. "I nr think about it," I truthfully replied. She nodded and turned away. I was left wondering if people _38__ me and saw only gappy te.

Later that day at home, I began to __39 __ my te again. I felt upset. I thought my life would be somehow better if my te were not gappy. How I wanted the perfect te that ryone else seemed to he!

Of course, Mom 40 rything. She has lived her entire life with gappy te, and tried to convince me that there was nothing to __41__. When I refused to listen, she told me I could get the surgery to close the gap if it was that important. "Let's be 42__, though," she said. "If ryone got surgeries to become pretty, ryone would be exactly the same. There is beauty in differences."

Her __43__ made me consider my te seriously. The thought of losing my gap was more terrible than the reality that people were going to not it. I realized how important it was to me. It is part of my 44 _.

Nowadays many people do ridiculous things to realize their dream of "perfection." The__45_ is that no one is perfect. When all potential for ugliness is removed, so is all of the

potential for 46__.

So if that girl r asked about my te 47___, I would truthfully answer. "You know? It's really cute."

36. A. faced B. guessed C. asked D. imagined

37. A. an offer B. an answer C. a suggestion D. a result

38. A heard of B. thought of C. talked about D. looked at

39. A. consider B. brush C. cover D. appreciate

40. A. admitted B. notd C. controlled D. changed

41. A. worry about B. put off C. give up D. wipe out

42. A. friendly B. lovely C. honest D. ful

43. A. words 解析 A 本题考查情态动词的用法。句意应为“我本来不应该看那部电影的——它会使我做噩梦的。”表示“本来不应该做而做了某事”用shouldn’t he done。 B. jokes C. dreams D. acts

44. A. ability B. decision C. goal D. identity

45. A. sibility B. pure C. truth D. cho

46. A. courage B. wisdom C. kindness D. beauty

47. A. once B. again C. too D. instead

36. C. 以前没人问及过上述问题.

37. B. 等着我的回答

38. D. 是不是人们看我的时候就看到我的缺牙呢.

39. A. 回到家再次考虑我的缺牙问题. B意为“刷”, C “覆盖”, D “感激,欣赏”.

40. B. 母亲自然注意到所发生的一切. A意为“承认”; C “控制”; D “改变”.

41. A. 没有什么可担心. B意为“推迟”; C “放弃”. D “消灭”.

42. C. 不过我们还是诚实点吧 (言下之意就是不要做手术来掩盖真实面目以到达所谓的完美).

43. A. 母亲的话让我认真地考虑起我的牙齿来.

44. D. 这是我特征的一部分. A “能力”; B “决定”; C “目标”.

45. C. 事实上没有人是完美的. A “可能性”. B “目的”; D “选择”.

46. D. 所有丑陋的东西都去掉的时候,所有美好的东西也随之东流. A意为“勇气”; B “明智”; C “善良\帮助”。

47. B. 所以,如果哪位女孩再问我牙齿的事情,…


A. Finding the news value of his stories.

1. In this factory,suggestions often he to wait for months before they are fully _____.

★ 英语高考真题及全国卷2及高考英语复习试题

A.admitted B.acknowledged C.absorbed D.considered

As a young girl growing up in the 1930s, I always wanted to fly a plane, but back then it was almost unheard of for a woman to do that. I got a taste of that dream in 2011,when my huand arranged for me to ride in a hot air balloon for my birthday. (2011年高考英语A篇)

2. The boy slipped out of the room and headed for the swimming pool without his parents' _____.

A. command B. conviction C. consent D. compromise

3. Our research has focused on a drug which is so _____ as to be able to change brain chemistry.

A. powerful B. influential C. monstrous D. vigorous

4. The lost car of the Lees was found _____ in the woods off the highway.

A. vanished B. abandoned C. scattered D. rejected

A.understanding Bprehensible Cprehensive D.understandable


1.[] D. considered

[注释] considered 考虑; admit 承认; absorb 吸收。

[注意]acknowledge 1) (=agree or admit the truth of; confess) 承认, 供认; A. He acknowledged his mistake. (他承认了他的错误。) B. 接动名词 He acknowledged hing been beaten. (他承认被打败了。) 2) (express thanks for) 致谢; A. Mary acknowledged the gift with a pleasant letter. (玛丽致函感谢馈赠的礼物。) B. His long serv with the company was acknowledged with a present. (向他赠送礼品以感谢他长期来对公司的服务。)

2.[] C. consent

[注释] consent 同意, , 答应。conviction 深信, 确信。compromise 妥协, 折中。command 命令, 指令; 掌握, 运用能力。

3.[] A. powerful

[注释] powerful (=hing or producing great power) 强有力的。在这里四个形容词中, 只有powerful (有效力的) 可与表示物的名词搭配。influential 有影响的, 有势力的, monstrous 异常大的, vigorous 精力旺盛的, 强健有力的。

4.[] B. abandoned

[注意]abandon 暗指某人对其所抛弃的人或物将会发生什么事情不感兴趣, 如把撞坏的汽车抛弃在路旁。vanish (=suddenly disappear; go out of existence) vi.消失, 绝迹; 1) The airplane vanished into the clouds.2) Many kinds of animals he vanished form the earth. (许多种类的动物以在地球上绝迹。) scatter (=send, go in different direction) 驱使, 使分散; The pol scattered the crowed. (警察驱散人群。) (=throw or put in various directions) 撒, 到处放; He scattered his clothes all over the room. reject (=refuse to accept) 拒绝接受; She rejected my suggestion

[注释] comprehensive 完全的无所不包的; comprehensible 能懂的, 可以理解的; understandable 可以理解的, 主要用来指人的行为。understanding 用来指人时, 表示"善于理解别人或别人问题的 (人) 。"注意下面的搭配:a comprehensive map (街区详图) ; a comprehensible remark (听得懂的话) ,an understandable mistake (可以理解的错误) ; an understanding friend (一位能理解人的朋友) 。








(1) 关键信息定位法。这个主要是细节题,如涉及到数字(日期、时间、价格等),就可以在文章中快速圈出数字,再找出目标数字及相对应的细节作息,还有人物姓名、地点名词等等,其他的还包括一些提示情节发展,或条纲性关键字眼,如First, Next, Finally等等。

What happened to the author in 2011?

A. She flew an airplane

B. She entered a competition

C. She went on a hot air balloon ride

D. She moved into a retirement community

解析:此题属典型细节题,通过题干中的时间in 2011不难定位到文中粗体字部分,很容易可以锁定正解为C。

(2) 同义定位法。英文中可以用Paraphrase表示。同义定位就是指问题所用的和文中的不一致,但属于同义性质,同义转换其实是在关键间的基础上拐了个弯。

He longs for conversations with an editor who will him turn his good ideas into great ones. He wants someone to get excited about what he's doing and to him turn his story idea upside down and inside out, exploring the best ways to report it. He wants to be more valuable for your . (2010年高考英语B篇)

What does the reporter want most from his editors in their talks?

B. Giving him financial support.

C. Helping him to find issues.

D. Improving his good ideas.

解析:此题属细节题,定位方式为同义定位法。题干中的talks和文章中conversations对应,而want most和longs for对应,这样不难得出为D。




出现特征:在考题中经常出现的词有infer, imply, indicate, conclude, learn from, probably, most likely, prove /according to等。

She turned up at the doorstep of my house in Cornwall. No way could I he sent her away. No way, not me anyway. Maybe someone had kicked her out of their car the night before. “We're moving house.'; “No space for her any more with the baby coming.” “We nr really wanted her, but what could we he done? She was a present.” People find all sorts of excuses for abandoning an animal. And she was one of the most beautiful dogs I had r seen.

How did the author feel about Goldie when Goldie came to the house? (2010年高考英语A篇)

A. Shocked. B. Sympathetic. C. Annoyed. D. Upset.


(1) No way could I he sent her away. No way, not me anyway.

(2) We nr really wanted her, but what could we he done? She was a present.“

(3) People find all sorts of excuses for abandoning an animal. And she was one of the most beautiful dogs I had r seen.




(1) 要在阅读原文基础上,仔细考虑选项是否与文章主题有密切联系

(2) 再看选项对文章的概括性或覆盖面如何

(3) 要注意题目是否过大或者过小

(4) 要避免下列三种错误




Federal regulators Wednesday approved a plan to create a nationwide emergency alert (警报) using text messages delivered to cell phones.

Text messages he been popular in recent years, particularly among young people. The wireless industry's trade association, CTIA, estimates(估计) more than 48 billion text messages are sent each month.

The plan comes from the Warning Alert and Response Network Act, a 2006 federal law that requires improvements to the nation's emergency alert . The act tasked the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) with coming up with new ways to alert the public about emergencies.

Participation in the alert by carriers -ecommunications companies is voluntary, but it has received support from the wireless industry.

The program would be optional for cell phone users. They also may not be charged for receiving alerts.

There would be three different types of messages, according to the rules.

The first would be a national alert from the president, likely involving a natural disaster. The second would involve “approaching threats”, which could include natural disasters like hurricanes or storms or n university shootings. The third would be for child abduction (绑架) emergencies, or so-called Amber Alerts.

The serv could be in place by 2010.( 2008年高考英语山东[注释] abandoned (=give up compley) 放弃, 抛弃; 1) The scientist abandoned his research for lack of fund. 2) The sailors abandoned the burning ship卷B篇)

66. Which of the following would be the best title for the text?

A. Cell Phone Alerts Protecting Students

B. Cell Phone Alerts by Wireless Industry

C. Cell Phone Alerts of National Disasters

D. Cell Phone Alerts Coming Soon

解析:D。主旨大意题。段开门见山,提出将创建一个全国性的短信警报系统;一段重申主题,对这种新系统的未来进行展望。因此最准确的标题是D。A项错在protecting students;B项错在by wireless industry;C项错在National Disasters。




Weeks later, standing before this unfriendly mass, I was totally lost. Oh well, I lowered the and sat down at my desk, burning to find out what I had done wrong. As a cte began his report, it all became clear, “My report is on George Washington, the man who started the American Revolution.” The whole world became quite! How could I know that she meant that George Washington?

62. The underlined word “burning” in Para. 3 probably means _______.(2012年,B篇,62,D)

A. annoyed B. ashamed C. ready D. eager

解析:从burning这个词来说,意为“发热的`,强烈的,燃烧的”,后面紧跟动词词组“find out”说明在寻找时刻的心情是很紧张和急迫的,是一个宾语从句,是我曾经做错过什么,那么这个题目显然就是选择和“渴望的,热切的”词义,显然为D选项。



How is the passage organized?

Which of the following best shows the structure of the passage?

The author dlops the passage mainly by….


(1) 注意主题段。主题段通常在文章的开头,简要概括文章的中心思想,

(2) 找出或者总结每段的主题句。主题句可能在段落的开头,也可能出现在段落的中间或末尾。如何确定主题句的方法见主旨题之main idea型。

(3) 根据每段主题确定段与段之间的结构关系,承上启下,使文章行文连贯,逻辑严密。为突出主题,作者可能采用不同的写作手法来组织文章,通过举例、比较、类比等手法来透彻阐明主题观点。

The Diet Zone: A Dangerous Place

Diet Coke, diet Pepsi, diet pills, no-fat diet, vegetable diet… We are surrounded by the word “diet” rywhere we look and listen. We he so easily been attracted by the promise and potential of diet products that we he stopped thinking about what diet products are doing to us. We are paying for products that harm us psychologically and physically(身体上).

Diet products significantly weaken us psychologically. On one ll, we are not allowing our brain to admit that our weight problems lie not in actually losing the weight, but in controlling the consumption of fatty, high-calorie, unhealthy foods. Diet products allow us to jump over the thinking stage and go straight for the scale(秤)instead. All we he to do is to swallow or recognize the word “diet” in food labels.

On another ll, diet products he greater psychological effects. Every time we he a zero-calorie drink, we are ling ourselves without our awareness that we don't he to work to get results. Diet products make people beli that gain comes without pain, and that life can be without resistance and struggle.

The er of diet products lies not only in the psychological effects they he on us, but also in the physical harm that they cause. Diet foods can indirectly harm our bodies because consuming them instead of healthy foods means we are prnting our bodies from hing basic nutrients(营养成分). Diet foods and diet pills contain zero calories only because the diet industry has created chemicals to produce these wonder products. Diet products may not be nutritional, and the chemical that go into diet products are potentially erous.

Now that we are aware of the effects that diet products he on us, it is time to seriously think about buying them. Losing weight lies in the power of minds, not in the power of chemicals. Once we realize this, we will be much better able to resist diet products, and therefore prnt the psychological harm that comes from using them. (2008高考英语卷E篇)

75. Which of the following shows the structure of the passage?




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