
卡尔顿高习 2024-07-03 09:51 1





1、《英语语法详解 代词(四)》由留学我整理。


3、内 容 提 要代词分人称代词、物主代词、反身代词、不定代词、指示代词、关系代词和连接代词,它们在句子中承担不同的功用。

4、指 示 代 词一、指示代词this,that,these和those用来代替上文已提到或指示眼前的人或物,在句中可充当主语、宾语和定语。

5、做定语的指示代词要与所修饰的词在数上一致1) Today's libraries differ greatly from .[A] the past [B] those of the past [C] that are past [D] those past2) The amount of money spent on coetics, according to some authorities, has exceeded spent on public health.[A] one[B] those[C] it[D] that3) The culture and customs of America are more like of England than of any other country.[A] that[B] what[C] which[D] those例题解析1) B为正确。

6、此题中的differ from意为"不同于",相比较的对象为"现代的图书馆"与"以往的图书馆",故应选B ,用those代替前面提到的libraries(复数)。

7、2) D为正确。

8、"has exceeded""超过,超越",空档后"spent on public health"作定语,而空档处是代词代替"The amount of monay",这是不可数名词,所以"[A] one"和"[B] those"均不符合条件。

9、"[C] it"也不对,it代词代"the amount of money spent on coetics,"那么空档后的"spent on public health"显然与"spent on coetics"相矛盾。


11、3) D为正确。

12、"what"和"which"为连接和关系代词,"that"指代单数,而空档处是代前边的"The clture and customs of America",所以应当用复数代词those。



15、但those可以和who连用,由who一个定语从句,这时those就不是代替前边的某词4) Numerous efforts he been made [A] to improve [B] the laws governing [C] air pollution, but none he been as successful as them [D] devised by the state of Oregon.5) An internationally famous ballerina [A] , Maria Tallchief demonstrated [B] that the quality of ballet in the United States could equal those [C] of the ballet in Europe [D] .6) Since the job was going to be [A] difficult, he asked only [B] them [C] he trusted to assist him [D] .7) Forest animals [A] utilize the sense [B] of ell less [C] than them [D] in the countryside.例题解析4) D错。


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